6.Land of fun

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-Nash's point of view

I'm glad Brenda and I are in the same group. Disney World is the perfect place for a 'date.' From the time I've known her, she really likes amusement parks, and going on many roller coasters. Specially the fast ones. She's down to do anything, even if she's sacred inside. That's one of the things I really like about her.

"So where do y'all want to go first?" Brenda asked us.

"How about we go to the castles? I really want to meet Sleeping Beauty!" Gilinsky said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, yes! Sleeping Beauty is my favorite princess! Let's go!" Brenda said with excitement in her voice.

Her eyes lit up. This has actually been the first time she smiled without it being fake. After the break up, she was pretty down. She put on a fake smile to everyone, and hid her pain in a way that no one could imagine.

We left to the castle and met Sleeping Beauty. We then went into different rides until 12:45. From the last ride we walked to a little dinning room where we agreed to meet up. We were the second group there, so we just needed group 3. Once they got here, we ordered and ate all together.

"How about we switch groups for the rest of the day."Shawn suggested.

Everyone agreed except me. I wanted to be with Brenda.

"Okay. I choose Shawn, Nash, and Cameron." Brenda picked.

I was really happy she still chose me. From there, everyone else picked their group.




"So now what?" I asked.

"How about we go to the Haunted Mansion?" Brenda suggested

"Hell yes!" Shawn exclaimed.

Brenda got Shawn's hand and mine, while I grabbed hers and Cam's. When she touched my hand, I felt electricity run through my body.

We all ran to The Haunted Mansion like little kids.

I expected Brenda to get scared and tell me to protect her, but it didn't happen because it was the other way around. She was actually laughing at the scary part. Weird. But I liked that.

"So what now?" Brenda asked as we got out of the Hunted Mansion.

"How about we go on more rides?" Shawn suggested.

We all agreed and lined up for a random ride. While waiting, some fans noticed us. They talked to us, but completely ignored Brenda.

"You know, Brenda is just like us. Why don't you talk to her?" I asked a girl.

"Nah, she's not good enough!" The girl said.

I was pissed and moved up the line. Suddenly, two boys came and talked to Brenda, ignoring me.

"Can we take pictures with you?" One guy asked.

"Sure thing, prince." She replied with a smile.

"Hey Nash! Can you take us the picture?" She asked me.

"Umm, yeah I guess." I said even though I didn't want to.

She got in between the boys, and they kissed her cheek for the picture. Each guy on each side.

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