51.Oh my gosh!

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-Crystal's point of view

I walked up to my room where Mahogany was waiting.

"Take a quick shower so we can get ready." She ordered as she was doing her makeup.

I did as told, and took a 10 minute shower. When I got out, I got dressed into some shorts and T-shirt.

"Okay, blow dry your hair while I finish getting ready." Mahogany told me.

I blow dried my hair, making sure it wasn't wet anymore.

"Are you ready for tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah, even though I don't know what's going to happen." I chuckled.

"I promise you'll love it." She assured as she straightened my hair.

We talked and laughed as she helped me get ready. If only Brenda was here.

-Brenda's point of view

"I'm glad you could make it!" I hugged the person.

"I'm glad I could make it too. It's been a while since I saw Crystal." The person replied.

"This is Jacki- Jack Johnson." I recovered.

"Nice to meet you." Jackie shook hands with the person.

"Nice to meet you, too." The person replied.

We drove back to the hotel, and hid the person in my room. The party started in 30 minutes, so I had to start getting ready.

I showered, straightened my hair, changed, and applied a bit of makeup in 30 minutes. I then met up with the others in the lobby.

-Crystal's point of view

Everyone met up in the lobby dressed nicely.

"You ladies look nice." Shawn complemented.

"Thank you

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"Thank you." I thanked.

"Okay! Let's get going!" Brenda shouted making us all cheer.

We joked and played around during the ride, making the ride seem short. My eyes were covered with one of Taylor's bandanas. Matthew held me by the waist, leading me in.

"One, two, three!" I heard someone shout as they were taking off my bandana.

People popped out of places saying 'Happy Birthday!' The room was neatly decorated with balloons and posters.

"Let's get this party started!" Mahogany said into the mic, starting the music.

I walked around greeting people as they danced around. It was nice.

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