27.I have, but i'd do it again

54 3 0

-Brenda's point of view

"This isn't a party without dancing. Let's get to it!" I said into the mic, making everyone cheer once again.

Mahogany had brought her DJ set, and controlled the music. The boys got in line to dance with me as Mahogany put on a slow dance.

"You look beautiful today." Nash complemented me as we danced together.

"You look handsome." I replied.
Next came Taylor.

"We don't talk much, but I hope we get closer. You look pretty damn fine today." He told me, making me laugh.
Next was Aaron.

"I hope we can sneak out to get some snacks." He told me as we were dancing.

"Best believe we are." I laughed along.
After him, was Carter.

"Let's catch a dance round after this, yeah?" He asked.

"Yes please! Slow dances aren't my thing." I answered.

Then came Hayes.

"I still can't get over the fact that a 13 year old boy is taller than me, and I'm pretty tall." I pouted

"Well you're only 5'6, and I'm 5'8." He teased.

"Right, and by the way, I caught you looking at my sister. Ask her out to dance!" I winked, and sent him off.
I then saw Jacob coming over.

"Take care of Mahogany, yeah?" I asked as we were dancing.

"I promise." He answered.
I saw Matthew walking over.

"Well hello, Matthew." I smiled.

"Hello Brenda." He chuckled.

"Don't hurt Crystal, please?" I asked him.

"I wouldn't." He promised again.
I saw Gilinsky up next.

"Best bitches?" He asked.

"Best bitches. Nobody's getting between us whether it's a significant other, or friend." I pointed out.

"I promise." He replied.
"Cambear!"I yelled as Cam walked over to me.

"Nice nickname, B-Bear! By the way, the drake tickets are VIP, so we're meeting him!" He said playing along.

"I love you so much!" I yelled hugging him.
"Well hello there, Justin." I smirked as I saw Jc walking over.

"Don't call me that, Evelyn!" He whined using my middle name.

We laughed while teasing each other.
"Greetings Mr.Future Superstar." I teased Shawn.

"Shut up Mrs. Future President, slash Model, slash actress, slash singer." He played along.

"Invite me to the concerts and award shows, yeah?" I asked a bit more serious.

"Invite me to the inauguration, photo shoots, premiers, and award shows, yeah?" He teased once again laughing.
"Umm hi." I greeted Johnson.

"Hey, you look gorg- no, scratch that! You look wow today Brandon." Jackie complimented me, sounding speechless.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Jackie." I winked playfully.

I rested my head on his shoulder as we danced. He was the last one in line, so might as well finish the song.

When the party was over, it was around 11, since the party started started at about 5. Everybody had left except the gang.

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