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-Crystal'a point of view

"Oh my gosh, really?" I asked Matt.

He was telling me a story about his dog, Bernie, back at home.

"Yeah, and then he started humping on my friend." He continued, making me laugh even harder.

"So, we haven't had a date where it's only us two since we became official." He started.

"What are you implying, Mr.Espinosa?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm taking you on a date, Mrs.Espinosa." He replied, making me blush.

"Gladly." I replied kissing him.

Suddenly, we heard a loud bang from outside. It sounded as if someone slammed the door. But who? I then heard a frustrated groan which I recognized.

"I think I know who it is. I'll be right back." I told Matt, standing up.

I left the room, and knocked on Brenda's room. Hayes opened it looking a bit scared. I guess he knew why I was here because as soon as he saw me, he moved out of the way.

I entered a pretty disorganized room. Half of the room was still in place, while the other half was destroyed almost. Guess whose half was destroyed. Brenda's.

I then spotted Brenda sitting in a corner beyond pissed. I sat in front of her not talking, but looking at her.

"Boys are stupid." She mumbled, breaking the silence.

"I figured." I chuckled humorlessly.

"Why can't I be happy in a damn relationship?" She asked, looking stressed which shocked me.

"I don't know. Maybe because God has someone better on his way to fix up your sadness." I replied.

"I guess." She mumbled getting up.

I hadn't notice that her clothes were wet along with her hair.

"Why are you wet?" I asked her.

She sighed before sitting back down.

"I was out in the pool trying to relax. Suddenly, Nash comes down and joins me. We talked about our break and all. He then asked me about Logan. He asked if we did anything while he was over. I tried to explain, but he didn't fully trust me which pissed me off." She explained.

I didn't say anything, just stayed quiet.

"It's just..... so frustrating knowing that your boyfriend doesn't trust you. I know what being cheated on feels like, so I wouldn't be able to cheat on someone." She continued as she paced back and forth.

"Nah, fuck this. I don't stress over boys. I'm a bad bitch. I came here to be myself, not to be sad about boys. I'm gonna go blow off steam." She said grabbing her shoes and a basketball that she brought.

I was left there speechless. It was a weird experience that I've been through, just never got use to.

"Wow." Was all I heard Hayes say.

"Indeed." I replied.

-Brenda's point of view

I went down to the hotel's basketball court. I was mad, yet again, I don't know why I'm making such a big deal.

Once I got there, I noticed there was already someone.

"Hey Brandon." I heard a voice, which I immediately recognized.

"Sup Jackie." I replied.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"Blowing off steam." I replied, keeping my answers short and simple.

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