33.What'd you do?

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-Jackie's point of view

"Wow." Was all I managed to say.

"Deep, huh?" She asked looking at the dark sky.

"Very. It's a very deep point of view from what you're seeing." I pointed out.

"Yeah." She whispered.

For the rest of the night, we talked and just enjoyed each other's company.

"Why do you have such a deep view of life?" I asked looking at the stars, but didn't get a response.

I looked to my right, and found Brandon asleep. She looked really peaceful. As if all her worries had been vanished with just sleeping.

I carried her fragile body, and tucked her into bed.

"I love you." I told her kissing her head.

I walked to my room, and got ready for bed. I hadn't noticed that it was already 3am in the morning.

Wow. Time sure had passed by quickly.

I fell asleep with Brandon on my mind.

-Nash's point of view

"Whatever! I came down here to relax, not to fight! I'm out." Brenda shouted as she left.

Dammit! I fucked up. I don't know what came over me. I just didn't like the fact that her ex was in the same house as her. Who knows what they could've done? Yet again, she's not like that.

I got out of the pool, and headed upstairs to my room. I quickly took a shower, and changed into some sweats.

"Hey, I'm going to Aaron's room with the guys, you coming?" Cam asked.

"Yeah, hold on." I agreed, grabbing my phone and charger.

We walked down the hall to Aaron's room, and knocked. Crystal opened the door. As soon as she saw me, her expression went blank.

"What do you want?" She asked me, letting only Cam in.

"Um, to go into the room." I replied.

"For what? So you can make the boys mad by not trusting them?" She spat.

"Look, I didn't mean to! I swear, I was just jealous." I answered.

She allowed me to come in after rolling her eyes. I sat next to Carter in a bed, and started to talk to him.

"Bro, what'd you do to Brenda?" Hayes asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Don't act dumb! You know what you did. She came back from the pool really pissed off. She literally destroyed her half of the room!" He said, raising his voice at me.

"We had an argument, that's all." I answered, trying to shrug it off.

"Well you better fix that damn argument because she was pretty pissed." He told me before walking away angrily.

"Why are you taking her side?" I asked a bit hurt.

"Because," he said, but didn't really answer my question.

"What do you mean, 'because?' You weren't there, so you don't know what happened!" I raised my voice.

"I know enough to tell you this! She told both Crystal and I what the problem was. Do you really think she would cheat on you?" Hayes shot.

"Wait, what do you mean? What did Nash do to make Brenda mad?" Gilinsky jumped in.

"That's none of your business." I told him.

"That is so my business because she's my best friend! Besides, I wasn't asking you, I was asking Hayes." Gilinsky said, getting everyone's attention.

"Nash and Brenda were down in the pool talking about the break. Suddenly, Nash questioned Brenda about Logan being in her house as you all saw from the video call. Well, this idiot right here, (points at me) thought that Brenda would cheat on him. Brenda got hurt because he did not trust her, and tried to take it out in her room, but didn't succeed." Crystal explained.

"What the hell? Really? She would never do that!" Mahogany said backing her up.

"How would you know?! For all I could know she might be with someone else right now!" I shouted.

"I would know because she knows what being cheated on feels like! Because she hasn't had any successful relationships, and you aren't helping! That's why I would know!" Crystal shouted angrily.

Guilt rushed over my body.

"Do you know where she's at?" I asked.

"For what? So you can get her angrier and break her heart? No thanks." Mahogany said.

"No! To apologize." I replied.

"She's probably in the court." Gilinsky answered.

"Which court?" I asked confused.

"The court where she's trying to sue you." Crystal replied sarcastically. "She's in the basketball court, you idiot! Where else could she be?"

"Damn, okay." I left the room with all eyes on me.

I walked down to the court, but she wasn't there. She's probably already in her room. I went back to her room, and knocked.

No one answered. I let myself in, and looked around, but didn't find her in the bathroom, nor her bed.

Where else could she be? I walked to the balcony, and found her sitting out looking at the stars.

The thing was that she wasn't alone. She was with Jackie. She seemed really happy for her to have been pissed a while ago.

From what I could see through the door, they were talking and laughing. Just having a good time.

I was about to knock, but I didn't. They were staring into each other's eyes. I waited for them to lean in and kiss, but Brenda looked away.

For some reason that made me, happy? I decided not to bother since she was in a good mood and I would probably fuck it up.

I left, and went back to Aaron's room.

"So, how'd it go?" Crystal asked.

"Um, I looked for her, but didn't find her. I then went to her room, and she was asleep so I didn't want to bother her. I'll apologize tomorrow." I lied.

They all seemed to believe me.

I needed for her to forgive me, but how? It had to be big. Probably take her out on a date? A fancy one to make it better, but I would need some help.

"Hey, Crystal and Mahogany, can I talk to y'all?" I asked.

They looked confused, but agreed.

"What's up?" Mahogany asked.

"Well, I really want to apologize, so I want to ask her out on a date. I want to take her for a fancy date, so I need both of your help. Take her to the mall and buy her some clothes, do her make up, hair, etc. All those girlie things." I told them, giving them money for the expenses.

"Okay, by when do you want her ready?" Mahogany asked as Crystal counted the money.

"By around 6, I guess." I answered, not really sure.

"Um okay. She'll be ready by then. Now, how are you asking her?" Crystal asked.

"Well, I'll apologize to her and give her roses." I said.

"Um, okay I guess? But pour your feelings out. Brenda won't forgive you until you explain everything right." Crystal said making Mahogany agree.

"Okay, got ya. Thanks." I said before they walked off.

I really hope she forgives me.

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