35.Happy Birthday Nashy!

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-Brenda's point of view

I was sleeping very peacefully until something landed on me.

I groaned and tried to push that object way, but it was way too heavy for a sleepy person.

I tried to go back to sleep, but the object kept poking my sides. That's when I realized that it was a person.

I opened my eyes to see Hayes on top of me. I pushed him out of bed, and he landed with a 'thud.'

"Well good morning to you too." Was the first thing he said as I was laughing my ass off.

"It's not my fault you woke me up by throwing yourself at me." I pointed out.

"True. Anyways, I'm bored." He said.

"How about we wake up the boys?" I suggested.

"What's the fun in that?" He asked.

"We mess with them. Like smack cam and all that." I answered.

"I like how you're thinking there, sweet stuff." He said.

"Yeah, wait, did you just call me 'sweet stuff'?" I asked.

"Yeah, what if I did?" He challenged.

"Oh nothing, baby blue eyes." I replied.

"Don't call me that." He said.

"Don't call me sweet stuff." I mocked.

"Whatever. Let's go before they wake up!" He said going towards the door.

We walked to Aaron and Carter's room. We grabbed some shaving cream and decided to vine this.

"You get Aaron while I get Carter. One the count of three, we smack them. Got it?" I whispered as he nodded.

Smack cam!" I whispered shouted and we smacked their faces.

They both bolted up scared, but realized it was us.

Hayes and I ran out of the room and went into our next victim's room: Shawn and Taylor.

"Same thing, but I get Shawn." Hayes agreed.

We did the same thing as Aaron and Carter, and left before they could do anything. Next was Crystal and Matthew.

I didn't want to smack Crystal; however, I did want mess with her. Both Hayes and I had brought a pair of headphones. We connect them to their phones and blasted music all the way up before leaving out running.

After them, was Mahogany and Jacob. I didn't want to do anything to them. They were both really peacefully sleeping, so we skipped them. That means that Nash and Cam were next.

I grabbed hotel soap, and we smacked them in the face before leaving. Last but not least, were the Jacks. Hayes was going to stuff a muffin in Gilinsky's face, but I had something else planned for Johnson.

-Jackie's point of view

I was dreaming peacefully about a concert Jack and I were having. We had just finished performing and ran of stage.

"Hey bro, can you pass me that water?" I asked Gilinsky.

"Yeah." He said before dumping water over me?

I suddenly woke up. There was a empty bucket at the foot of my bed, and the door had just been shut. I looked over to Gilinsky as he was rushing to the restroom because he had something all over his face.

"What the hell happened?" I asked myself.

-Brenda's point of view

Hayes and I ran back to our room after waking up almost everybody.

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