42.She's gone, but I'd make her happier!

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-Crystal's point of view

"Why did you fucking kiss Nash?!" I asked Claire angrily.

"I like him. Why wouldn't I?" She answered shamelessly.

"Because he has a girlfriend, and his girlfriend happens to be my best friend!" I shouted.

"I can give Nash so much more than she can." She said rolling her eyes before pushing past me.

I'm surprised Brenda hasn't beaten her up, yet again, she wouldn't fight over a stupid boy.

"Hey, have you seen Brandon?" Johnson asked me.

"No, she still hasn't came back from the store yet." I answered.

"Okay, thank you." He said turning around.

"Wait!" I said, making him face me.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Do you like Brenda?" I asked him.

"Why would yo-" he started but I cut him off.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Um, I don't know. I feel something about her, I just don't know what it is. Does she like me?" He asked.

"I don't know. She doesn't like showing her feelings, plus she is in a relationship. It's not the healthiest, but it's something." I answered truthfully.

"Hey babe, we're all just watching movies. Wanna join?" Matt asked interrupting our conversation.

"Sure." I said leaving Johnson alone.

A few minutes later, he joined us. We sprawled across the living room.

Two movies later, Brenda and Taylor still weren't came back.

"Has anyone heard of Brenda or Taylor?" Gilinsky asked.

"No, thankfully!" Claire said.

"Too bad you weren't the one missing!" I spat at her, making the boys chuckle.

"No, but seriously." Gilinsky said.

"No, but I've seen vine of those two running around Walmart, though." Shawn said.

"Really? Let me see them!" Johnson said standing up and running over to Shawn.

He showed us the vines of them messing with people, and doing things they're not supposed to, making us all laugh.

"Sounds like Taylor, but I didn't know Brenda was like this!" Cam said laughing.

"Oh, you have no idea. We're banned from a store back in Dallad because she was all over the place." I replied.

"Really?" Matt asked.

"Really. We ran up the electric stairs that were used to go down, and vise-versa." I answered.

"I wonder if they're okay, though." Aaron said.

As of cue, they walked in laughing their asses off.

"Where have y'all been?" I asked.

"All over the place!" Brenda with the biggest smile on her face.

"We saw your vines. Damn Brenda." Mahogany teased.

"It's nothing. You should've seen the manager's face." Brenda said, making Taylor laugh.

"Can y'all shut up? We're trying to watch a movie!" Claire whined.

"Can you shut up? We're trying to tell a story!" Brenda snapped.

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