48.I believe

45 3 0

-Matt's point of view

"Bro don't go for my face, go for my body." I said covering my face with a towel.

We had just finished doing the oatmeal challenge, and we were now getting hit with eggs. Not weird at all.

After that, we started talking to the camera, that's until we heard the door open. We walked over to the door from the restroom, to find Brenda, Crystal, and Mahogany peeking in.

As soon as they saw our condition, Brenda whispered "Run," knowing we would do something.

"After them!" Cam shouted, making us run after them.

We were in our underwear. Covered with eggs. Chasing after three teenage girls, in a hotel hall. It's exactly what everyone wants to do.

Suddenly, I saw Nash flying across the hall, and falling on top of Brenda who had pudding all over her.

Cam engulfed a wet Mahogany in a bear hug, covering her with eggs.

I grabbed Crystal from the waist, spinning her over, only to find out that she was covered in water, sardines, and also eggs.

At the end, we ended up being a big mix of wasted food. Lovely.

"Damn, I feel like a fruit salad." Crystal laughed.

"Ehh, chocolate and eggs don't go together." Brenda joined.

"You tell me. I'm not only wet, but I'm also covered in eggs." Mahogany whined.

"Well, I'm going to go cover other people. I'll be back." Brenda said leaving to who knows where.

"And you, are going to go change so we can go on a date." I told Crystal.

"Oh, we are? Well, how should I dress?" She asked.

"Casually." I shrugged, walking away after pecking her lips.

I made sure to take a good shower before changing into clean clothes. After an hour of getting ready, I decide to pick her up.

I walked down the hall all the way to her room. I waited a few minutes after knocking on the door.

"He's here!" Brenda shouted loudly, opening the door.

Suddenly, Jacob showed up behind me.

"Date?" I asked.

"Yep. I'm guessing the same about you." He said.

"Got that right." I smirked.

"The other one is here, too." Brenda shouted again

"Louder, won't ya?" Jacob asked sarcastically.

"I mean, I can try." Brenda shrugged making us laugh.

"Ladies hurry up!" Brenda said a bit softer.

"We're coming, we're coming!" Crystal said rushing over to the door dressed and ready.

"You girls look beautiful!" I complemented.

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