19.I'm okay, I swear...

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-Brenda's point of view

Everyone stared in shock, even Crystal, Jc, and Shawn. I told the full version, not the small one they knew.

"You really loved him, didn't you?" Nash asked me, sounding sad.

"I still do." I mumbled looking while down.

"How?" Jackie asked me, which surprised me.

"'How' what?" I asked confused.

"How do you still love him? I mean, it's been over two years." He stated.

"Falling out of love isn't something easy. You'll always remember the ones you loved. Specially if that person was your first kiss, boyfriend, crush, date, and love." I replied wisely.

"Wow." I heard someone mumble.

"Did it hurt? Loosing someone that you loved so much?" Aaron asked me.

"More than you can imagine. It's the most painful thing in the world, specially when you still love them." I replied.

"How come?" Connor asked.

"Just like we can't survive without food or water, you can't survive without love. It's just the happiness that fills you up. But once it's gone, it's like there's a hole in your heart. It sucks." I answered.

"How's love like?" Mahogany asked me.

"There's different definitions for it. I like to think of it as if the flaws the person has, are invisible to you, and the only thing you see is beauty. Like the only person in the world that matters is your lover. People have different points of views for love. Mine is just a story from many." I answered.

"What was his name?" Trevor asked me.

"Ethan, Ethan Martinez." I replied proudly.

"What a weird last name." I heard someone mumble.

"His last name is beautiful. The reason you don't recognize it, is because it's a Hispanic last name." I snapped.

"Sorry." The person apologized.

"How come you never told us?" Gilinsky asked.

"I didn't find the need to. I didn't plan on opening up with my singing, and dancing. I also forgot the pain I felt that day." I replied honestly.

"So basically, you don't do what you love anymore because of him?" Carter asked.

"Partially. He was the first person who witnessed my success. When he felt sad, I sang to him. When he was bored, I danced for him. It just pains me that the reason I shared my talent before this, was because he encouraged me. He was my reason to be." I replied.

"What about all the girlie shit?" Jackie asked once again.

"He made me feel beautiful without needing to dress up. Of course he liked to see me dressed nicely, but he thought of me beautiful in any way. I felt comfortable around him, meaning that I didn't feel the need to dress up." I answered.

"What's the thing you loved about him the most?" Cam asked.

"There is no thing I love the most or least. I loved him for who he was. As simple as that." I told Cam.

"Will you ever love someone like you loved him?" Nash asked me.

"I'll never love someone like I loved him because our love is irreplaceable. I might fall for someone again, but a comparison is not definable. There's a difference, and I like to think of it as another adventure I'll be willing to take." I answered getting deep in thoughts.

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