18.December 16, 2011

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-Brenda's point of view

December 16, 2013

I read off my phone. Oh no. Today's the day. I didn't think another year would past by so fast. Luckily, we didn't have a show today. If we did, I wouldn't be able to go. Not in this condition, at least. Suddenly, my phone vibrated.

Important meeting in the lobby in 15 minutes.

I read the text. I sighed and went into the restroom to brush my teeth. I didn't feel like doing anything. I didn't even put on my contacts when I knew I would just cry them out. I headed downstairs with the girls without a word. We sat down on some chairs, waiting for everyone to arrive.

"Okay guys, today is the last day here in Atlanta, Georgia." Bart said once everyone was down already.

"We don't leave until tomorrow due to schedule problems. Now, you may all go somewhere today since it's our last day. You just have to be back by 10 in the night. Now you may go off, and have fun!" Bart exclaimed.

Everyone cheered except me. I couldn't, I was too broken.

"Hey Brenda, do you want to do something?" I heard Jc ask.

"Um no thanks, I don't feel well." I said.

I technically wasn't lying. I didn't feel well. I felt horrible.

"Are you sure? You seem fine to me." I heard Kian say as I was leaving.

"Uhh, yeah. I have a headache and my chest hurts. Thank you, though." I said turning back, before leaving.

I entered my lonely hotel room. I was about to sit down when someone knocked on my door. I answered it, only to be greeted by Matthew, Crystal, Jacob, Mahogany, Gilinsky, Nash, and Cam.

"Hey, do you want to do something since it's our last day?" Nash asked me.

"No thank you, I don't feel well." I answered, wanting to close the door.

"What's wrong?" Gilinsky asked.

"Umm, well I feel some pain in my chest." I said not lying.

I did feel pain in my chest. Like something was missing. As if I had a hole in my heart.

"Well I m-" Cam started.

"Wait, what's today's date?" Crystal asked, cutting Cam off.

"December 16." I replied blankly.

"Oh my gosh." She whispered as her eyes went wide, and her mouth hung open.

She knew exactly why I didn't feel well.

-Crystal's point of view

I knew exactly why Brenda didn't feel well.

"Okay, let's leave Brenda so she can rest. Matter of fact, I'll stay to take care of her." I offered.

"No! I mean, um no. You don't have to waste your last day with me." Brenda said quickly.

"Are you sure?" I asked not convinced.

"Positive." She smiled.

"Umm, Okay." I said.

"What's up with Brenda?" Nash asked as she closed the door, and we walked away.

"Um, she just doesn't feel well." I answered a bit too quickly.

"She seems fine though." He pushed.

"Well that's Brenda to you. She puts an act so nobody will worry." I said not lying. She doesn't want people to worry about her.

"Right." He said still not convinced.

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