12.Dress and tux?

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-Nash's point of view

She said yes! I can't believe it. After we got out of the ride, we decided to go back to the hotel.

"Hey, do do you want to watch movies?" I asked her.

"Yeah! What movie?" She asked.

"How about... The Conjuring?" I asked hopefully.

"Hell yeah! I really want to watch that!" She said.

"You like horror movies?" I asked shocked.

"I love them. I love the way people react because of a scary scene." She said while laughing.

"One time, I made Crystal watch 'Texas Chainsaw,' and her face was priceless. She was mad at me for a week, but I made it up to her." She told me.

"Really? How was it?" I asked interested.

"Well it sucked not having her making me laugh or buying me food, but I survived." She said proudly.

"I meant the movie." I laughed.

"Ohh, my bad." She said blushing of embarrassment.

"But overall it wasn't that bad. I couldn't sleep the first few days, yet I enjoyed it." She explained.

We stopped at a store to buy a couple a snacks and the movie. We reached the hotel and went up to our floor.

"I'm going to change. I'm kinda tired of this skirt, so I'll be over in 20." She said heading to her room.

I went Cam's and my room to clean up a bit. It was mess with clothes and food all over. I was running around trying to clean the room as soon as possible.

"Wow, wow, wow. What's the rush? Since when are you trying to be so clean?" Cam asked alarmed.

"Since my girlfriend is coming over to watch a movie with me!" I said panicking.

"Ahh oka- wait, girlfriend?! You finally had the balls to ask her?!" He asked impressed.

"Yup and she said yes. Now help me because I don't want her to get disgusted." I said.

He did as told and we pushed clothes underneath the bed and inside the closet. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Go open it while I finish cleaning." I told Cam.

"Oh, hey Brenda. Um, yeah come in." I heard Cam say.

Thankfully, I was done by then.

"Hi." I said walking over to her and kissing her lips.

"Hey, I'll put in the movie while you get the snacks?" She offered.

"Yeah sure." We got everything ready.

"Okay, now you can leave Cam." I said.

"But I want to stay." He whined.

"You can go to my room. The girls are also watching a movie. We could trade for today." Brenda offered.

"Sounds good!" Cam agreed.

The movie started and Brenda cuddled close to me. Instead of screaming or flinching at the scary parts like me, she laughed at it. At some point her breathing evened up and she relaxed. I'm glad I can finally call her mine.

*Next Morning*

-Brenda'a point of view

I woke up to movement and laughter around me. I felt a cold sensation. I opened my eyes to see Nash running into the restroom and the boys and girls around me, laughing with their phones out.

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