14.Her voice

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-Brenda's point of view

December 14, 9:03 am.

Wow. It's already December. I can't believe time has passed by that quickly. I decided to call my family since I hadn't talked to them in a while. We talked for a good thirty minutes until they had to leave. We had a show today, but it's wasn't until the afternoon. I decided to get up, and take a shower.

Once I was done, I got dressed and went downstairs to get some breakfast. The girls were still sleeping when I left, so I didn't want to wake them up. As I got out of the elevator, I noticed Carter, Aaron, and Shawn were already there.

"Hey Brenda!" I heard Carter shout.

I waved, and walked towards their table.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much, just eating." Aaron answered.

I nodded and told them I'd be back since I had to get my breakfast. Once I got it, I went and sat with them.

"So, do you guys have a date yet?" I asked them.

"Yeah, I do. She's an old friend that moved here, and we happened to bump into each other at the mall." Aaron answered.

"And I met a girl, so I'm taking her." Carter added.

"Well, you know I'm taking a fan, so yeah." Shawn said.

"Oh, nice. Anyways, Shawn, I need your help. It's been a while since I've done all this... singing stuff. Can you help me find a song, and compose it to my voice level?" I begged.

"Yeah sure, but only if you help me." He made a deal.

"Yeah, of course. When do you want to start since the dance is tomorrow?" I asked.

"How about right now? I mean, we have a show at 6pm, and it's 10am so that's enough time." He suggested.

"Yeah, let's go." I said finishing up my food.

"Hey, let me grab my guitar. I'll meet you in the music room." He told me.

I agreed and headed to the room.

Carter and Aaron decided to stay back while we worked so they wouldn't disturb.

"Do you know what you're singing?" I asked Shawn, once he came back.

"Um yeah, I was thinking I could do 'Counting Stars'." He replied.

"That's a good song. Let's get to work!" I said suddenly excited.

-Nash's point of view

I woke up, and got out of bed. I checked time, and it was already noon. I then took a quick shower. When I came out, Cameron was already awake, and dressed.

"Hey you wanna go down and get lunch?" He asked me.

I agreed and we headed to the lobby where the lunch area was at. Once we got there, everyone was there except Aaron, Carter, Shawn, and Brenda. We sat all together and ate.

"Has anyone seen Brenda?" I asked.

"No, but she sent me a text saying that she was working on something." Crystal answered.

"How about Carter, Aaron, and Shawn?" Matt asked.

"Aaron, and Carter are walking around the city. Shawn is with Brenda." Crystal answered again.

"Why is he with her?" I asked getting a bit jealous.

"Look, I don't know. If you want to know so badly, then ask her." Crystal said clearly annoyed.

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