41.We kissed...

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-Jackie's point of view

I looked into her deep beautiful eyes. The people inside were counting down, yet I didn't seem to pay attention to that.

Suddenly, her big plump lips were in touch with mine. Our lips moved in sync as I felt explosions going off on me.

"Wow." we both mumbled as we pulled back, smiling like crazy.

It was nothing like I've ever had before. This was unexplainable.

"That was, umm," she said.

"Interesting." I finished for her.

"Very." She said biting her lower lip.

"We should probably head back inside." She mumbled awkwardly, getting down from the roof.

I followed her steps until we reached the ground.

"I'm going to look for the girls. See ya later." She said before walking away.

I immediately went to look for Gilinsky. I had to tell him what had just happened. After all, he is my best friend.

"Woah, Johnson, what's wrong?" He asked alarmed as I bumped into him.

"We need to talk." I told him, leading him up the stairs into our room.

"Sit." I ordered, closing the door.

"Okay, now tell me what's wrong!" He said siting down on his bed.

"So did you notice I was gone while everyone was counting down?" I asked.

"Yeah, Brenda was gone, too. Wait, what did y'all do?" He asked connecting pieces together.

"Well it was too crowded in the party so we decided to go outside. We climbed to the roof and just talked for a while. Suddenly we heard people counting down from 10. We looked at each other's expressions, but got lost in each other's eyes. And then..." I started thinking back to the memory, smiling like an idiot.

"And then?" Gilinsky asked, proceeding me to keep on talking.

"We kissed." I blurted out.

"Y'all did what?!" He asked shocked.

"We kissed." I answered a bit softer.

"How did you feel?" He asked as his smile started to grow wider.

"Fucking explosions in my belly." I said looking away to hide my smile.

"You got it bad dude." He said patting my back before leaving the room.

That kiss sure was something.

-Brenda's point of view

I ran inside looking for the girls. I found them sitting down with their boyfriends who were talking.

"Hey, can I borrow them for a sec? Thank you!" I asked, but didn't wait for an answer since I was dragging them up the stairs.

"Calm down! What's the rush?" Mahogany asked as I shut the door.

"I kissed Jackie." I blurted out.

"You did what?!" They yelled in sync shocked.

"Ya heard me." I mumbled.

"Okay, I don't know if I should be mad, or proud." Crystal said making me confused.

"Why would you feel either way?" I asked.

"Mad because you're dating Nash. Proud because you kissed him! I can tell you like him!" She explained.

"That's so true! You're supposed to be loyal to Nash, yet the way you look at Johnson is so cute!" Mahogany said backing up Crystal.

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