50. Who is he?

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-Matt's point of view

Today was Crystal's birthday. Over the past few days, Brenda and I have been planning a surprise. I can't wait until I see her reaction.

I was distracted from my thoughts by my phone ringing. I answered the call, noticing it was Brenda.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, so I'll take Crystal shopping with some of the guys, while you set everything up." Brenda explained.

"Alright. Is her surprise ready? I only have the stuff for the party, not the surprise." I said.

"I'll take care of that. Just make sure you set everything up. I'll send Mahogany with you since she's a pro at decorating, along with some of the guys." Brenda replied.

"Okay, I'll see you at the party." I said before hanging up.

This is going to be a heck of day.

-Brenda's point of view

We didn't have a show today, but it was Crystal's birthday. I had something planned out for her with the help of the gang. I'll make sure she never forgets this night.

I got dressed and ready for today. I was going to need a lot of energy since I was going shopping with Crystal and a few of the boys.

It was going to be Crystal, Nash, both Jacks, Cam, Taylor, and I. I met up with them in lobby, and headed to the mall.

"So, what are we buying?" Crystal asked.

"Whatever you want!" I shrugged, making her eyes light up.

"Why didn't Mahogany come? No offense, but she knows more about fashion." She said.

"Mahogany had plans with Jacob, and I might not have the best fashion sense, but some of the boys do." I shrugged.

"True. Let's go buy some vans." She said leading the way to the store.

I walked in behind her with the rest of the boys. I kind of stayed behind as she looked around for some shoes.

I wonder if she's going to like her surprise. I really hope she does. I worked hard in order for her surprise to happen. It would be devastating if she didn't like it.

I was distracted from my thoughts by someone bumping into me, making the box the person had in hand, fall.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I apologized, picking up the box.

"It's okay. It was my fau- Brenda?!" The person nearly shouted.

I looked up from the box to get a better look at the person. It was David!

"Oh my gosh, David! Is that really you?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah! You've changed so much since the last time I saw you. How come I didn't see you in the memorial event?" He asked.

"I was on tour. I couldn't leave, but it wasn't the happiest day of my life." I answered, looking down.

"We missed you. His mom needed you. I think you called, but I wasn't sure." He replied.

"Yeah I did. I act-" I started, but was cut of by the boys.

"Who is he?" Nash asked with a look.

"This is David. David, this is Cam, Nash, Taylor, Jackie, and Gilinsky. You already know Crystal." I introduced.

"How do you know him?" Nash asked.

"He is um, Ethan's cousin." I mumbled.

"Oh." Nash replied as his face softened.

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