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-Jackie's point of view

I had to sit next to Brandon. I didn't mind, but I had to act like I did. I may have a small crush on her, but only Gilinsky knows.

When she put her head on my shoulder, I admired her. She was beautiful. Her chocolate brown eyes, her medium brown wavy hair, her smile, her laugh. Everything! Even in sweats and hoodie she still looked good.

"If only you knew why I act the way I do around you." I whispered, making sure she didn't hear me.

After a couple of minutes, I shook her awake because we were about to land.

When we got to the hotel, we met up with O2L, Brent, Jacob, and Hayes.

"Brenda?!" Jc yelled.

"The one and only!" Brenda yelled back.

She turned around and realized it was Jc. Her eyes lit up and ran to him. I'll admit it, I felt jealous because of that. The way her eyes lit up just by looking at him. How I wished her eyes did that when she saw me. But I was a jerk to her and she wouldn't like me.

"I missed you so much lil sis!" Jc exclaimed.

"I missed you, too, big bro! We have to catch up!" Brandon said.

"Definitely!" Jc replied.

"Okay fuckers, let's get comfy and meet up in my room to watch movies!" Kian yelled.

We had the same roommates like we did in the last hotel. Once we were ready, we headed to Kian's room.

As I walked in, I noticed Brandon's head was on Jc's shoulder, and her legs were on Nash's lap.

Once everyone was in the room, they put a movie.

I then noticed that Brandon whispered something in Jc's ear. He nodded and they stood up.

"Guys we're going on a walk!" Jc yelled before closing the door and leaving.

It was 10pm, so it wasn't too late. But I wondered what they were going to talk about.

-Jc's point of view

"Hey, do you want to go on a walk and talk? This movie is pretty boring anyways." Brenda whispered in my ear.

I nodded and stood up with her.

"We're going on walk!" I yelled before closing the door.

"I know it's 10 in the night, but would you like to get some ice cream?" Brenda asked like a little child.

"Hell yeah!" I yelled, walking down the hall.

"So how have you been doing?" I asked her.

She signed and breathed deeply.

"Well honestly, I don't know. Logan cheated on me with some chick, so I broke up with him. I honestly miss him, but I don't say nothing. You know I'm never the one to cry over boys." She started.

I was beyond pissed at Logan. Why would he do that? Brenda and I were like friends with benefits, until I moved to California. We were nothing serious. When I moved, she met Logan. He was a great guy, but I had a bad feeling about him.

We went to a 24 hour store, and bought two cartons of ice cream. I bought Chocolate while she bought butter pecan ice cream.

We went back to her room where nobody would bother us, and talked.

"So, what's up with Johnson?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" She replied with a question.

"Well, when you ran to hug me, he seemed jealous. Plus, he gave me a dirty look." I explained.

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