CHAPTER 2 : A visit to the zoo

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Mycroft and Greg where sat in the dinning room having their breakfast when they heard the doorbell. Gregory jumped on his feet and rushedto the door. He was wearing light blue jeans and a red Scotland Yard football team T-shirt, his favourite week end outfit. Mycroft heard him opening the door and greetings his kids in. He slowly folded his newspaper, put it down on the table and raised on his feet. He waiteda few minutes before joining the Lestrade family in the hallway,willing to let the kids enjoy their father for a moment before popping in.
"Mycroft ! What are you doing darling ?" he heard the detective shouting. He opened the door, facing the three children. Jack, the youngest, thrown his arms around the Auburn'slegs.
"Yeah, hello young man !" he greeted him, patting him on the head.
He then hugged Sarah, the oldest of the children who had just celebrated her 12th birthday the month before, and Lucas, the 8years old who looked so much like his dad.
"Hey guys, why won't you bring your stuff in your room upstairs ?" suggested their dad.
They nodded and picked up their bags before heading to thestairs. The DI watched them until they disappeared then turn back tohis partner. "You're ok ?" he asked him, worried.
The tallest man nodded and kissed the other one on the cheek.
"What are your plans for today ?" he questioned the dad.
"Dunno, their mum told me the two older have got homework to do so maybe they shall do that first. Then we will see." he answered with a smile.
"Fancy a visit to the zoo ?" grinned the official. "I could have that arranged for us if you want to."
"Why do you need to get it arranged ?" laugh the yarder. "It's not like it was something that had to be booked months in advance. How do you think that the others do ? They just pop in and queue."
"I'm not the Commonwealth Gregory." snapped the auburn. " You don't expected me to queue"he added with a look of disgust.
As an answered his boyfriend laughed and joined his kids upstairs.

A black car with tinted windows was parked in front of the Holmes house. The three kids were already sat in and their dad was waiting impatiently the back against the car's door. He looked at his watch once again and sighed.
Mycroft finally appeared through the door a couple of minute later, eyes fixed on his phone, his umbrella hooked on his left arm and managed a little sad smile to his partner before crawling in the passenger seat. Lestrade sat himself in front of the wheel, looking rather cross. The government official didn't seem to notice the anger of his lover and remained on his phone,apparently occupied by some important state matters. He was texting  Anthea and didn't stop before the DI parked the car at the zoo entrance. Only then he noticed that he may have been a bit rude and tried to catch up with his partner. He ran his hand on the inspector's back and takes his hand despite the fact that the policeman didn't even look at him.
They joined the kids who already had rushed to the gates and queued for the tickets, as Greg had refused to use the governmental employees to book it for them. During the 15 minutes they waited, Mycroft did all he could to redeem himself and when they finally entered the zoo, after the official had paid the 5 tickets,Lestrade managed a poutty smile to the auburn and moved a bit closer to him.

"What do you want to see first little man" Holmes asked the youngest kid. "Lions ? Reptiles ?"
Jack concentrated for a few seconds as if it was a huge decision to take before answering " Ostriches !" in a big smile.

After the ostriches they went to see the giraffes and the rhinoceros, which impressed sorely the kids, but not as much as the tigers and the lions. They were now sat at the zoo café near to the aquatic area eating an ice cream for the kids and their father and a diet coke for Mycroft despite the cold but sunny weather. Greg stretched his back on his chair, in pain after carrying his younger son on his shoulder for nearly two hours, the kids were talking with animation, arguing over what they should see next. Mycroft was looking to the spectacle with a sad smile, feeling like a stranger who would have been involved in a moment that wasn't his. His partner noticed his discomfort and put a hand on his lap. He didn't knew what to do more to suppress this sadness so instead he raised to his feet, instantly imitated by his children and the auburn, and lead them to the sea lion aquarium. Standing close to his companion, they watched the kids trying to interact with the animals through the glass before turning to the otters a few meters away.

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