CHAPTER 169 :Back to college

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Greg and Sally parted at the end of the corridor and the detective made his way to his office, surprised to see its door slightly opened when he was pretty convinced he had closed it before returning to the hospital earlier that day.

He pushed the door, trying to balance a couple of files in ne hand and the Geiger counter in the other one and couldn't repress a sound of surprise at the view of his husband, sat behind his desk, looking down on his phone.

"Mycroft ! What are you doing here ?" the policeman asked, not sure if he was pleased to see him or bothered that he had just assumed he could enter the place without even asking.

"Brought you some sushis. I thought you could be angry after your apparently busy morning." the politician smiled, taking out two little boxes from a paper bag on the floor.

"Thank you, I'm starving." his partner smiled appreciatively. "Although, I doubt you've came here just to deliver me a lunch box."

"Well, I'll have to admit that your phone call left me quite surprised." the official explained as he digged in his box.

"Oh. It's for both medical and police business. I surely can't tell you more about it." the inspector refused to comment.

"Yes, I've seen that." the elder Holmes smiled, pointing to his phone.

"You shouldn't intervene in that case. It has nothing to do with you." Greg sighed.

Of course, he knew that the position his partner was in granted him access to almost any classified information in the country and beyond, but he was always really bothered when the politician would use that considerable power to intervene in Scotland Yard's investigation. Lestrade had very high moral principle and considered that government had nothing to do with a police investigation in a democracy like the United-Kingdom.

"Quite the opposite, it has everything to do with me." the official denied. "You are putting yourself into a dangerous position Gregory. I think you have guessed that the implication of such a poisonning could be massive, and not only to a little russian diaspora in London. I assure you that you will need me more than you could ever imagine in the forthcoming weeks. And I'm ready to help you out."

"But to what cost ?" the policeman retorted, knowing that at that moment it wasn't his boyfriend he was facing but the heartless government official that most woud call the IceMan.

"I need to be kept up to date with your enquiery at any moment." the man replied, looking at him straight in the eyes.

"And if I do what you require, you can assure me that you will answer all the questions to which you detain the answers and that you wont impede the investigation ?" Greg questionned, suspicious.

"As long as it doesn't endanger the United-Kingdom or it's population." the elder Holmes confirmed.

The policeman knew he didn't really had the choice anyway. With all his accesses, the official was going to be kept up to date about the investigation wether the detective wnted it or not. The notion of what couldb e considered as "endangering the United-Kingdom" was pretty nebulous and couldn't really be considered as a guaranty that the governement wasn't to hamper the enquiery but it was a polite way to say that Mycroft would consider himself what informations he was to give out and what he was to retain.

"I am to requiere from the Prime Minister that she summon a COBRA meeting this evening." the politician countinued. "Would you please join us to explain what you are investigating ?"

"If I have some time to do so, yes." the detective accepted not to reluctantly. "But I have to go back to the hospital before to ask the patient a few more questions and I have to consult with Dr Trevor Jones from the Imperial College. He is a world specialist of radiations."

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