CHAPTER 95 : Unexpected morning

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"Come in, come in, you must be freezing !" Greg smiled, inviting Rudolf Holmes inside the mansion.
"Good  evening Gregory." grinned the old man, entering the house and letting  the younger man take his coat and scarf. "How are you doing ?"
"Fantastically  well, I'm on holidays !" the policeman chuckled, leading him to the  leaving room where nearly all the guest were already sat, chatting  happily one with another.
The only guests who had still not turned up  were Sherlock and John but for some reason, the inspector was quite  sure they wouldn't actually make it, even if he wasn't going to say it  to his partner, knowing that the auburn would be hurt if his baby  brother let him down like this. But despite him not mentioning it, it  seems like if Mycroft had, of course, deduce the same thing than him,  and he was now sat in a couch, faking to listen to something Rudy was  saying him, looking rather sad behind the polite smile plastered on his  face.
"Darling ? Can you come help me in the kitchen ?" demanded Greg, standing right behind the said couch.
"Hmm  ? Hmm ... yes sure ... What for ?" replied the elder Holmes seemingly lost  in his thoughts, another sigh that he wasn't in a normal state of mind.
"I  need ... some ... spare hands ?" the detective made up as he was speaking.  He was just trying to have a few seconds alone with his husband and he  had wished the official would have followed him without any questions.
"It's okay, I'll go with you if you want." Molly, who was standing a couple of feet away, proposed.
"Don't disturb yourself." denied Mycroft, finally understanding what his boyfriend was trying to do and standing up.
"He would have preferred to spend Christmas alone with John." the policeman said as soon as they were out of the living room.
"He could have told me." pouted the auburn.
"It's  Sherlock, do you really think he would do such a thing ? He doesn't  advise you when he is coming, why would he do it when he is not ?" the  yarder chuckled only half-heartedly.
"John usually make it up for him ..." remarked the official.
"He probably already was dressing up when your silly little brother decided not to go ..." smirked Gregory.
"The worst is that you are probably right ..." retorted the elder Holmes, shaking his head slowly in despise.
"Oh,  come here." whispered the inspector, attracting his partner against him  in a tight embrace. "I know it's not great but don't let him spoil your  evening ..."
"Thank you for being there." Mycroft muttered back, pressing himself as much as he possibly could against his lover's body.
"I'm  not going anywhere, don't worry." Greg reassured him before they  parted. "Now we need to pick up something in the kitchen and go back  inside or they will start wondering what we are doing."
"And does  genius you had thought about what to take from the kitchen ? Because in  case you don't know it, all what is requested for the party is already  in the room ..." chuckled the auburn, apparently cheered up by the  conversation he just had had.
"Okay  I might not have thought that through ..." admitted the yarder. "But  don't tell me there is absolutely nothing in this kitchen that we could  bring to the living room without looking suspicious ?"
"Grab more champagne. We will never have too much champagne." laughed the elder Holmes, smiling a devilish grin.
"And you ?" retorted the detective, opening the fridge's door and grabbing the bottles.
"I'll take the glasses ?" suggested Mycroft, laughing genuinely.
"That's a deal." winked the DI, passing in front of him a placing a cheeky kiss on his lips.
"Ah,  here they are !" exclaimed Sally when they returned to the living room.  "We were starting to think you had left us alone ..."
"You have no  idea how hard it was to find the glass." smiled Mycroft. "I may start to  think that Michael think we drink too much champagne. They were stored  in the scullery between the spare saucepans and the tomato sauce jars.  Really need to have a word with this man."
"Well, now that we have them, lets use them !" proposed Greg, showing one of the bottle he just had brought.
"Aren't we suppose to wait midnight for that ?" wondered Rudolf.
"Oh dear uncle, you are not a child anymore, I think we can safely say you that Santa Klaus doesn't exist ..." laughed the official.
"But Alden ?" suddenly enquire Scott, Donovan's boyfriend.
"Santa Klaus is just a fictional character invented to make you think that it's not the adults who are buying you presents." explained the toddler.
"Are you sure about that ?" the young man retorted, surprised by the little boy's attitude.
"Yes,  it's like Jesus. He doesn't exist either but he is there to embody the  moral rules you should follow in life according to some very old people  in robes." nodded the child before looking to his dads. "It's right no ?"
"Exact darling." replied Mycroft. "But it's not 'old people in robes' it's priest and reverend."
"Oh ... But they are old and wear robes ..." remarked his son.
"Yes, most of the time they are." nodded Greg. "Okay, glasses !"
He  opened a bottle of champagne, nearly breaking a fragile china bowl with  the bottle cap and poured six glasses while his husband was refilling  Alden's glass with home-made ice tea. Gregory was right, thought the  elder Holmes, he shouldn't let Sherlock ruined such a good evening with  his rude behaviour and, after all, he probably could understand that  Sherlock would like to spend the evening alone with John. Despite the  fact that neither of the Holmes boys were really interested in those  kinds of celebration and never had considered those dates as more  important than the other days of the year, they were sensible to the  happiness it was bringing to others and were both willing to make the  people they liked happy.

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