CHAPTER 157 : John taught me

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The school yard was buzzing with children laughters and joyful  screams. Nice days were just starting and, too happy to see the kids  having fun under the warm and shiny sun, the teachers had agreed on  extending the recreation time.

Aidan Lawrence was strolling  around the yard, smiling to his young pupil, the sleeves of his  buttoned-up shirt rolled to the elbow, fashionable sun glasses on his  nose. Most of his colleague abhorred the 'yard patrol' as they would  call them, preferring to stay together to chat after hours of talking to  no one else  than five-years-old, but Aidan appreciated being able to relax a little  after all this time talking and thinking and those little stroll were  just perfect for that.

He was thinking about what he needed to  buy at the grocery store for his girlfriend's birthday next weekend when  he heard an unusual scream coming from one of the playground.  Interrupting his day dreaming, he sprinted to the yellow and red  structure to enquire on what was going on.

He was quick to  discover Alden, one of his own pupil, rolled up on the ground, growling  and his eyes full of tears. He kneeled on his side and tried to pushed  away the little boys curious comrades.

"What is going on little man ?" the teacher wonder in a smooth and comforting voice.

No  response came from the boy who was barely able to growl a couple more  time before getting into sobbing so heavily Aidan was scared he could be  getting into a panic attack or something similar.

"He fell from the slide sir." a little girl behind the teacher explained.

"Can you show me from what height exactly Alicia ?" the man required, eager to know how bad the injury could be.

"Around here." the girl retorted, showing nearly the highest point of the slide.

"Alright." Mr Lawrence nodded before turning back to his pupil. "Alright boy, I'm going to carry you to the infirmary and then maybe we will have to call an ambulance, ok ?"

Alden  nodded as his teacher was lifting him up, trying to see where the boy  could be injured. He was soon to see that the elbow was forming an  unusual angle and, with all the care in the world, he installed his  pupil in his arms in order not to touch the said elbow and not cause the  boy even more pain.

The infirmary was nothing more than a small  room with a couple of bed and a huge cabinet filled with plasters and  antiseptic but it allowed Aidan to keep his student out of all his  little friend's attention while waiting for an ambulance his colleague  had called as soon as they had seen him coming back with the child in  his arms.

It's only on the third time he felt his phone vibrating  in his jacket's pocket that Mycroft decided to check the caller's ID.  He hated being disturbed during meetings as important at this one and  people knew it perfectly so to have someone call him three time in less  than two minutes, it had to be fairly important. The phone read "Knightsbridge School".

Without  a word, the official raised up of his chair and exited the room to take  the call, knowing that something bad had probably happened for his  son's school to be so eager to reach him.

"Holmes speaking." he sharply introduced himself, concerned.

"Hello Mr Holmes, Aidan Lawrence, Alden's teacher on the phone." the younger man introduced himself, standing near to the landline, in the infirmary.

"What is happening ?" the politician wondered, resting his long body against the corridor's wall.

"Well,  Alden injured himself while playing on a playground during this  afternoon's break and his elbow is looking quite concerning, so we've  called an ambulance who should be around any time near." the teacher explained concisely.

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