CHAPTER 152 : Architect

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There was no doubt in Gregory's mind that they were going to have a very good night in such a magnificent room but even then, he couldn't help but wonder why his partner, was taking him on a trip just on the opposite side of the park they were living in. Not that Mycroft would never take him on a weekend, but he would usually choose a foreign destination, or at least something out of London to start with. In whatever way the detective was trying to see the situation, there was definitely something very odd about it.

"Darling, do you want something to eat ?" the politician wondered from the nearby room.

Caught in his thought, it took Greg seconds before processing what his husband had just asked.

"Erm ... Not much, maybe some crackers or that ..." he replied hastily.

"Everything's alright ?" the auburn enquired, popping his head through the door, looking a little concerned.

"Yeah ... Yeah, it's all alright, I'm just a little tired and surprised by the room, that's all." the inspector retorted, trying to sound as convincing as he could.

"Alright." nodded the official, still a little concerned. "If I ask for salmon and blinis is that okay with you ?"

"Yes, that sounds perfect to me." the yarder agreed, forcing a smile through his lips and trying to forget about the little devil on his left shoulder whispering him that this was too suspicious to be genius.

After all, if Mycroft had brought him here, there was surely a good reason, and he would find out soon enough, he though to himself. The elder Holmes had never failed to surprise him and it wasn't in his habits to deceive him much.

Soon, a page boy dressed all in velvet delivered them the blinis and the bottle of prosseco the politician had ordered, disposing them on the coffee table in the patio, lighting the heater and arranging the pillows in the chair to make sure everything was perfect. Indeed, with its fine lighting and its silenceness despite being in central London, the place was quite magical and Greg started to understand why his partner could have chosen that place for a short weekend.

"I was thinking about refurbishing the Mansion next summer." the politician dropped out after a few minutes of silence.

"What for ?" the detective reacted, utterly surprised.

"Well it's been a long time since it had last been done and, I don't know, maybe we could do with something new ? But if you don't want to it's alright, it's just a suggestion." the auburn replied before taking a sip of prosseco.

"No, I don't see anything against it. I just though you liked it like it is now." denied the yarder with a little smile.

"I used to but I'm getting a little bored." Mycroft explained. "And all those dark colours, I don't think it's the best for the kids."

"You'd get rid of the wood panel ?" the policeman wondered, nearly shocked.

"Erm no, I don't think so no ... It's really ancient and I like it ..." the official shook his head. "But we could do with a change of colour in the upper half of the walls, couldn't we ?"

"I was on the verge of calling a doctor to check you up." Gregory laughed. "But yes, new colours, we could do with that. Maybe some new furniture too, what do you think ?"

"Maybe yes ... Although, I was thinking, maybe we could start with doing something with the garden." Mycroft suggested serving himself another glass of prosseco. "I mean, I like it as it is now, but it's not the best for the kids. Maybe we could add some lawn and a few new trees ?"

"Alden would like it. But do you think you'll be grated the authorisation to do so ?" the yarder nodded, seeing himself having his breakfast in the new garden more than in the sort of yard they had at the moment.

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