CHAPTER 6 : Childish Sherlock

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Mycroft pushed his keys in the 221B door's keyhole. Unconsciously he straightens the door knocker and entered the corridor. The house was quiet. Sherlock was at Barts, Molly had finally found the right corpse for his experiment, John was at work and Mrs Hudson was visiting her sister in Brighton. Making a sign to the police officers waiting on the pavement to follow him, he climbed the stairs to his brother's living room. It was in its usual mess,even if since Dr Watson had moved in, there were fewer clothes and tea cup over the floor.
The auburn stopped on the doorway,contemplating his brother's flat, still not understanding why he has chosen to leave there, in a small and crowded place that he rent, instead of leaving in the Holmes's House, which he was completely entitled to by his birth. Once again, that probably had something to do with the black-haired attempting to piss off his parents and brother by every way he could find.
Without a word he indicated to the officers the way to his brother's room. He already had explained them what they were supposed to look for. It wasn't the first time that the oldest of the Holmes was running a drug bust at his brother's place but he never knew what he was going to find and where he was going to find it.
He has waited for his brother and John tobe out, not because he wanted to be unnoticed, Sherlock couldn't be fooled on this kind of thing, but to be sure that his younger brother won't assault a law officer like he've done the last time they've searched his flat in his presence.

After searching the room, only finding the younger Holme's pipe in his laundry basket, alongside a picture of Mycroft and his parents, the officers rummage through the bathroom. Even if the government official could have asked to the Scotland Yards employee to tidy up the mess as they were searching the flat, he purposely haven't, just not to give his brother the satisfaction of a clean flat. That was the kind of small revenge of the auburn allowed himself without feeling guilty of letting his brother down. He nevertheless collect the framed picture that was in the laundry and put it back on the shelve where it belongs.
His brother has been trying to piss his family off since he was a teenager and Mycroft was accustomed to his behaviour but it was still hurting him a little to see the picture with the dirty clothes. He himself doesn't value pictures that much but he knew that Sherlock has put the frame there as a deliberate way of saying that he despised his family – which was, in Mycroft ideas, absolute bullshits -.

As a retaliation for the rudeness of the black-haired, the official pocketed the silver lighter and the cigarettes that were in the bedside table drawer, leaving only the nicotine patches and the ashtray. He himself had a smocking habit, despite the fact that he had promised to Gregory to accompany him in quitting smoking. He wasn't considering hard to fulfil his promise has he never has been a great smoker but he used to always have a pack with him that he could use to hide his discomfort in front of other people.
The police officers were searching for some drugs in the kitchen when they heard the Baker Street's front door. As they had stopped doing their job and were all staring at the auburn, looking rather unsure of what they should do, the official gave them a 'Back to work' look and manage his way to the living room door, willing to intercept his brother before he could have a row at the police employees.

"What are you doing here Mycroft ?" roared the inhabitant of the flat. He was still wearing his coat and his scarf,his gloves only half in his pockets.
"A drug bust, brother dear." answered the other, an insolent smile on his face. "You see, after what happened last week, I can't allow you to go back to your old demons."
"Is that any kind of official, or is it just you trying to piss me out ?" outbursted the black-haired.
"But I am the official Sherlock." smiled the government employee. "And you are lucky to have me, or you would be in prison for a long while, according to what we've found in your ... flat ..." he added with a rather disgusted pout.
"I'd better be in prison then having you as a brother, blood." snapped the youngest, trying to access the kitchen to push the officers out of his home. The auburn make a step aside to forbid his brother of passing, a threatening look replacing his smile.
"You will do as I order Sherlock." he said, insisting on the 'I'. "You think you are in control but you're not. I pull the string and if you remain here, it's only because I do authorize you to be there. Remember that, little brother."
The black-haired man made a step back, looking to his brother from head to toe. "You've taken two pounds in the las tmonth Mycroft, despite your diet apparently ..." he avenged himself.
"Sherlock. Stop that. Now". Snapped the oldest. In the background the officers were searching the kitchen, pretending not to hear anything.
"You've assumed that it was because you were under stress, but it isn't we both know that" the consulting detective continued.
"One more word ..." threatened the auburn.
"No ... I wonder .... Oh I can't be that" the youngest Holmes carried on, with a large disbelief smile. "Oh Mycroft ... I didn't knew you were into that kind of ... hobbies." He was now laughing to himself. "Really, at your age ? You still regret the time when we were kids and you had power over me didn't you ?". The official was now looking furiously at him. "I'm the oldest Sherlock, I know what's good for you ! Come on Sherlock, put that down and eat your soup." the detective said in a child-like impersonation of his brother. " I can't believe you're not over that... You'll never change brother mine, but parenthood ? I'd never would have guessed ..". He was laughing, mocking his brother, shaking his head in disbelief.

The auburn was absolutely furious to his brother. He pushed himself so close to the black-haired that he could feel his breathing. "You'd better have that smile off your face right now or I'll make sure to have you locked up for a life-time in my personal high-security prison. Who knows, maybe you can make some friends there ... Dare a try ?". Despite his rebellious attitude, the youngest brother thrown himself in his armchair, not adding any more comments. He was presumptuous but not a fool and he knew where to draw the line with his brother.
"Haven't they find what they were looking for ?" he requested in a conversation manner, gesturing toward the officers.
The official exchanged a look with the police employees and with no sounds they went back to their cars, waiting for them in the street.
"For the prince case, I've sent my conclusion to Geoff. It appeared that the black mailer was one of the employees of St James. Didn't really appreciate being told off by the lad apparently." the youngest carried on. "It was quite obvious from the type of paper he used for the letters really.".
"Did Gregory already arrested him ?" wondered the auburn.
"Who ?"asked the consulting detective.
"Lestrade" sighted his brother, irritated.
"Ah, yeah, I think he had mention something like that. Didn't really listen." answered Sherlock, starting to get to his mind palace and not even looking at the official anymore.

Mycroft picked up his coat and scarf from the hanger and left the flat, letting the other to his thoughts, still pissed off by the deductions his brother had made. Was his will for parenthood that obvious and that ridiculous really ? He couldn't help feeling a little sad when he entered his car and asked the driver to bring him to Scotland Yard.

The car entered the underground car park and stop right in front of the elevators. Letting his coat and umbrella in the vehicule, Mycroft entered the lifts and pressed the 3rd button. It was nearly 8PM but Scotland Yard still looks like a right hive. Faking not to notice the looks his presence down here induced he walked straight to Chief Superintendent's office.
He didn't bother knocking on thedoor and just entered the room to find the policeman enjoying a coffee and biscuits.
"Am I interrupting you ?" he asked sharply, quite unpleased to see someone wasting his time like this.
"Oh Mr Holmes. No, no, not at all ! Please take a sit !" hurried the other, embarrassed to have been caught in such aposition. "I suppose you are here to discuss the case of young prince Harry, aren't you ?"
"Exact. It has to be deal with as fast as we can, and we have to be careful it doesn't get out in the press." snapped the auburn.
"Hmm ... Yes sure, of course sir." the Superintendent answered. He never really had liked the elder Holmes, not that he like the youngest either to be honest, because he always makes him feel like if he was guilty and inefficient.Nevertheless, he often had to work with him and never knew what to expect from his visits.
"I've been aware that DI Lestrade have arrested the culprit. Is that exact ?" continued the official.After the humiliation of Sherlock's deduction, he was in no mood to be mannerly to the Scotland Yard employee.
"Yes sir, would you like him to join us ?" asked the yarder shyly.
"If that is not too much to ask." retorted Mycroft.

The Superintendent rang his subordinate and stared at the government official. In his navy three-pieces suit, light blueshirt and navy tie he looked a bit unwarranted in this environment. The latter noticed the insistent look of the policeman and glance him a rather nasty smile that had the expected effect, the other looking hastily away.
Gregory entered the room, smiling at his partner and winking at him after noticing the attitude of his boss. Mycroft throw a smirk to him and asked with his most formal voice "Mr Lestrade, is it true you've proceeded to the attestation of the culprit in the prince Harry's case ?".
"Yes Mr Holmes, a certain Jared Huxley, a valet at St James's Palace." answered the policeman. He was now sat in an armchair beside his boyfriend, a discreet smile on his lips.
"As he confessed ?" requested the auburn, trying to resist his will to touch his lover's hand.
"Absolutely. Not that it was actually needed in the views of the evidences brought to us by your brother." the grey-haired replied, looking much more confident than his boss who was still quite ashamed by what happened earlier.

"Mr Lestrade, I command you to deal with that personally, making sure that nothing goes out in the press. Could I rely on you ?" wondered the elder Holmes.
"Yes sir. As you command." retorted Greg on the verge of laughing.
"Right"said the official, raising on his feet. "Superintendent, Detective Inspector. Good night." he added, reaching the door and leaving. He followed the corridor, enter the lift and pushed the -1 button. His car was waiting for him at the exact same place where he was dropped earlier. He embarked but gestured to the driver to wait. Half a minute later the elevator's doors opened to reveal Gregory. The latter climbed on the back seat and Mycroft kiss him gently on the lips. "I've been wanting to do that for hours" he whispered.
"Myc', we've only been in that office 5 minutes." laughed his lover before kissing him back.

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