CHAPTER 111 : A tour in the studios

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"Children, come here for a minute please." Mycroft requested with a  little grin, addressing to his son and to his partner's children who  were messing around in the rooms and corridor upstairs.
Half a minute  later the four kids were hurtling down the stairs, a little red and  sweaty from their game and joined the official in the living room,  curious about what the man had to tell them. The latter was sat  in one of the couch, his legs carefully crossed before him, his husband  lazily sat beside him, the same machiavelous smile on their face
"What's going on ?" wondered Sarah, letting herself fall in another couch, a little out of breath.
"We had an idea - well Myc' had an idea and I just nodded enthusiastically – for tomorrow." Greg started explaining, the four children instantly hooked to his words.
"I  realised that if your father had presented you with an awful lot of  presents for your respective birthdays, I had been more than neglecting  over those events and I think it's not entirely fair." continued the  auburn. "So I was trying to figure out what I could do to redeem myself  and I thought that you might like this ..."
He seized an envelope  from the internal pocket of his suit jacket and handled it to Lucas who  joined his sister and younger brothers before opening it, disclosing six  silver tickets.
"Is that Harry Potter studio's tickets ?" exclaimed Sarah, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"It could be yes." smiled the elder Holmes. "Would you like that ?"
"That's awesome Mycroft !" Lucas nodded, over-enthusiast. "But it's deluxe tour tickets ! Man ..."
"If we are to go there, lets at least enjoy it fully no ?" retorted Sarah in her best Mycroft-impersonation.
"Hey ! I don't speak like that !" the official chuckled. "Not all the time at least !"
"You do actually ..." the detective smirked, earning himself a shocked look from his boyfriend.
"Well, maybe ..." admitted the younger man. "So, if I say you that's where we are going tomorrow, would that makes you happy ?"
As  an answer, Jake dashed to the elder Holmes and threw himself in his  arms, closely followed by his brothers and sister, nearly chocking the  man in the process, each of them trying to be the dominant one, gigging  and tickling each other to gain the best position.
"And what am I ?  The smelling neighbour ?" complained the policeman, pouting , before his  daughter grabbed his neck and pulled him in the embrace.
"Okay now chop chop, everyone to bed if you want to be ready for tomorrow." smiled Mycroft after a few minutes.
"Can I have a Harry Potter story to go to bed ?" Alden requested as he was carried upstairs by the yarder.
"Yep,  but before you put your pyjamas and brush your teeth." agreed Gregory,  putting him down before his room's door and patting him on the head.
"Can we join you ?" wondered Lucas, giving his must genuinely innocent look to his father.
"You don't need a story to put yourself to sleep" laughed the inspector.
"Please Dad ?" Sarah joined her brother.
"Alright." signed the man. "But everyone in pyjamas and teeth brushed before we start."
"And me ?" a little voice added behind the yarder.
"What  have I done to deserve this ?" chuckled the detective, turning on  himself to face the elder Holmes, looking at his with a boyish grin, on  his knee in a poor attempt to mimic a child. "Pyjamas and teeth brushed  for everyone who want to join I said."

Mycroft and Greg were  strolling through the Great Hall, Alden up on the auburn's shoulders  while the three other children were running around, amazed to discover  the set of some of their favourite films. They reached the end of the  room were the teachers costumes and cloak were displayed and the  official put his son back on the floor just beside Hagrid's costume,  making the toddler look even smaller.
"Myc', look, we've found you's and Dad's costume !" Sarah chuckled gesturing toward Dumbledore and Professor Lockarts cloaks.
"I hope I am not that blond drama queen at least." smirked the auburn, slightly worried it could be the case.
"Nah, you are Mr Boast-a-lot-quite-clever-and-who-try-to-make-us-feel-that-he-is-in-charge-when-he-actually-don't-have-a-clue-about-what-is-going-on-at-all-while-being-all-soft-and-fatherly-and-definitly-a-drama-queen." laughed the young girl.
"I  don't know how I am supposed to take that, but I'm going to consider  that as a compliment." sighed the elder Holmes before breaking in a  smile and patting the teenager on the shoulder.
"You should. You  can't be offended to be compared to Dumbledore when I am the other dumb  ass." grunted the detective. "Have children, they will be grateful they  said."
"I'm sure you would look fabulous in those lilac robes tho Dad." Lucas added, mocking his father.
"One  day I will leave you on the side of the road while going on holiday and  you won't be able to complain I swear." smiled the yarder.
"Mum would murder you" replied the young boy in a smirk.
"Actually  it wouldn't be a big change as she already wants to kill you." Sarah  remarked while seizing her phone to snap a few selfie with the costumes.
"What have I done again ?" exclaimed the inspector, shaking his head in disbelief.
"How  would I know ? You know mum, she would take the excuse of a stain on  one of the boys's football costumes to hate you." smiled the girl  in-between two pictures. "You probably left a grammar mistakes in Lucas  homework or something like that last time we came to see you ..."
"She  will be the end of me I swear." concluded the policeman before moving  away to the next room, holding Alden by the hand, his partner by his  side.

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