Chapter 7 : Lady Smallwood

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The auburn exited the bathroom, a simple white towel around the hips, his feet letting water marks on the flooring. He was just out of an hour-long hot bath and was feeling awfully relaxed. He chose a light grey three-pieces suit, a white shirt, a burgundy tie, socks and matching pouch. While dressing up he looked at himself in the mirror. He tried to convince himself that he had loosed someweight and that his brother was lying, just to hurt him -even if hehad deduced his parenthood will from something -. He was feeling pretty, clean shaved and all pinky from his bath. He knotted his tie,put on a pair of black varnish shoes and sprinkled himself with perfume.

Smiling one last time at his reflection, he stepped out the room and get down the stairs. It was Saturday night and Gregory had been out all afternoon, supporting his middle son at his football game. Waiting for the grey-haired to come back, Mycroft sat in a couch of the living room, grabbing a book on the genealogy of the royal family. He looked at the fire that was burning in the corner of the room for a few seconds without thinking of any peculiar things and then started reading.

About half an hour later, the official heard the inspector entering the house. Faking not to be aware of his presence in the building he continued his reading until the man stepped in theroom and placed a small kiss on his forehead. Putting his book down, the elder Holmes turned to look at his partner. He was looking happy even if a little weary.
"Did Lucas's team win ?" he asked gently. He wasn't at all into football but he was always happy when one of the Lestrade kids achieved to win a game and even sometime went to watch them on the pitch.
"3-2 " the grey-haired nodded. "But it was damn cold in the galleries ..."
"Oh darling ... Come here" replied Mycroft, opening his arms to hug the detective.

Lestrade sat on the couch beside his lover and crawled into his arms. He could smell the discreet scents of the auburn's fragrance and from the luxury shampoo the official insisted for buying even if a single bottle costed more than a week of the yarder's wage.
"You must be starving" remarked the posh man."Would you like Michael to bring you something to eat ?"
"I'm good. Lucas insisted on having hot dogs before I brought him back to his mother's." smiled Greg. "I've forgotten how disastrous this kind of thing tasted..."
The auburn laughed and rang a little bell that was on the coffee table. The cook suddenly appeared at the door. "Michael, may you bing us a bottle of Saint Emilion 2001 please ?" the house owner asked him. The employee nodded and disappeared.

Sitting there with his partner, a warm fire and a bottle of his favourite wine he wondered what he could want more. Actually he knew what he wanted more. He narrowed his arms around the detective's torso, running gently his fingers through the hairs that were exceeding from the DI's opened shirt.
Michael came back with the bottle and poured them two glasses before leaving again. Mycroft grabbed his and passed the other to the yarder. They toasted and drank a long gulp of red wine. Gregory was now feeling warm and he got rid of his jacket and rolled up his sleeves to the elbow, revealing a nicotine patch on his right forearm.

"Darling." started the auburn. The other turn his face to him. "I've made up my mind." He was choosing his words carefully, looking slightly intimidated. "I've thought about it for days, for weeks now." he interrupted himself. The detective smiled softly to him to support his lover. "I want ... Well no, I wish ..."he seemed to be on the verge of collapsing of discomfort. Greg took his hand, tightening it gently. "Of course it's only if you want to...". The elder Holmes was usually a man of control and this kind of discomfort and hesitations weren't in his habits. The detective helped him "Of course I want it. I want you to be happy love."

The official looked a bit more confident. "I .... I want to adopt a child.". He had said it, after all those days beating around the bush, he was now sure of what he wanted. He looked at the inspector, worried of his reaction. The latter first looked athim without saying anything, like chocked. "Darling ..." whispered the auburn now frighten. The grey-haired finally smiled at him, with this warm and large smile he usually gave when he was pleased with a surprise. "Oh Myc'. Of course ! Of course, I want it!". His lover kissed him on the lips, a little tear rolling down his cheek.

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