CHAPTER 5 : A royal issue

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Mycroft was back at the Home Office Cabinet in White Hall, sitting behind his desk and looking at a worried Mrs Turner.
"Mrs Turner." he sighed, scrabbleling a hand on his forehead and through his eyebrows in an exhausted sign. "Once again I'm asking you, what are your links to the prince."
He looked straight into her eyes. He knew exactly what the lady meant to the youngest of the Royal Family, his services having compiled all they could find on her as soon as Sherlock's homeless network had advised them that they should look for the prince in the village. But he wanted to hear the woman say it by herself, in her own words but she wasn't willing to collaborate and haven't said a word since she had been handcuffed.
"I have the all day for this, Mrs Turner, but you certainly understand that more you remain silent, more we could accuse you of the abduction of a Royal Family member, which is, I'm sure you understand that to, one of the highest crime you could commit in this country." he continued in a soft threatening voice.He had absolutely no determination to lock her up or to bring her to court as she wasn't guilty of anything else then helping the young Harry but he really couldn't stand facing the stubbornness of the old lady.
They stayed half a dozen of minutes more, facing each other in a silent battle before the woman eventually opened her mouth.
"My late husband was Harry's first valet when the prince was a boy."she said sharply.
"Here we go."fake-smiled the auburn. "And what are your connection to the prince lately ?"
"We see each other on occasion and he sends me cards and flower for my birthday and Christmas.". She wasn't being very exhaustive and rather distasteful, but that wasn't completely unnatural of a 76-years-old who just had spent 4 hours in custody.
"And how did he happened to have turned to you to help him during his fugue ?" enquired the official, his hands crossed in front of him, elbows resting on the desk.
"He called me early this morning, around 6, saying me that he needed to escape London for a while. I thought that he once again had been in an argument with someone at the palace and that he was seeking a bit of peace. It wouldn't have been the first time. I didn't knew that he haven't said anyone where he was going.". She now looked really afflicted, regretting in a way not asking the young prince more questions before hosting him.
"Thank you, MrsTurner.". Mycroft replied with a little nod to the security officer standing in the corner of the office. This one escorted the lady out and closed the door behind him.

Anthea introduced the young prince in her boss's office. With his black hair and his sleep-deprived eyes he was looking much older than he really was. The government official raised on his feet, shook Harry's hand and invited him to take a seat. Just like with the Queen earlier, he knew he needed to be really careful and polite with the prince, despite the fact that his day has been long and unpleasant because of him.
"Do you want something to drink your Highness ?" He asked him with a courteous smile,gesturing toward a little cabinet on the side of the room. The now-black-haired shook his head in a sign of denial and the auburn sat back in his armchair. He was starting to ask the prince a question but he didn't need to as he himself opened his mouth and started speaking.
"Firstly could you please release the poor Mrs Turner, she isn't guilty of anything and just tried to help and I would never forgive myself if she was condemned in any way for her actions.". Mycroft nodded with a little smile. "All the faults are mine" Harry continued. "I've been photographed in some, lets say, rather unsuitable of the crown duties, positions about a year ago while I was serving in the forces.". He took a pause to breath,looking uncomfortable. "It appears that the one who have took this picture has now sold them to someone here in London who seems not to like me that much.".
"Black mail ?" the official interrupted him. "Yes. Threats to have the pictures out in the press if I do not disappear from Britain. You must understand that I'd rather disappear then having this pictures out to the public.". The prince was now looking scared and the auburn was really wondering what the prince was pictured doing in those shots to be that afraid to have them made public.
"Do you know who black mailed you ? Anything,a name, an address, any signs ?" he asked.
"No, sorry MrHolmes, but all that was anonymous. But I still have the envelopes and the letters if that could be of any kind of use." He reachedthe bag that he had placed between his feet and removed from it three beige envelopes filled with the letters and handled them to Mycroft.
"Thank you, your Highness. I'll be putting my best men on this matter, and for now we've arranged for you to leave for New-Zeland for a short while, in a discreet residence of the northern island if that please you." the official informed the prince,standing on his feet and escorting him to the door.

He closed the door and grabbed his phone, ringing his brother. That was a perfect case for him, black mail, and it would at least retain him from his drug habits for a short while, if only he accepted to take the enquire.
"Hello brother dear. I'm sendingyou some evidences and the reports of the interviews."
"And why would I take this case Mycroft ?" grumbled the youngest Holmes.
"Stop acting like a kid Sherlock and take this case !"shouted the other. "Or I'll tell Mummy." he added in a pernicious voice. Without adding a word he hanged up the phone and pocketed it.Then he grabbed his coat and gave the envelopes to Anthea while exiting the building, asking her to send them to Baker Street as quickly as possible.

The car stopped in front of the door and Mycroft seized his umbrella before entering his home. He was starving, not having enjoyed a meal since the precedent evening and the delicate aroma of roast chicken tickled his nostrils as soon as he has opened the door.
Michael appeared at the kitchen entrance and advised him that diner would be ready in 10 minutes and took the houseowner's coat and scarf to hang them up. Letting his attendant in the corridor, the auburn moved to the living room and poured himself a glass of brandy. He then collapsed in the sofa, getting rid of his jacket and rolling his sleeves up to the elbow. He threw his shoes and socks away and drank a sip of his glass. Closing his eyes, he stretched his back and lay down, his head on the armrest.

He heard his cook telling him from the corridor thatthe meal was ready and, bringing his brandy glass with him, joined the dining room. He had just sat down when he heard the front door and quickly was joined around the table by Gregory who was just backfrom Scotland Yard. The policeman kissed him on the lips beforetaking a seat and running a hand in his hair, looking exhausted. He had left his suit jacket in the corridor and was only wearing a white shirt, the first three buttons open, allowing a few torso grey hair to be seen.
"I've heard you put Sherlock on the prince's case ?"the detective wondered in a weary voice.
"Hmmm ... I think he gonna take it. I hope so at least ..." answered his partner
"Idon't know how you manage to find some to take care of your brother while dealing with all that state shit every day and still be at home earlier than me." the grey-haired laughed.
"We Holmeses stick one to another, despite the appearances Gregory." the official replied, deadpan. "If I've learned something since Sherlock is in town, it's that I could always find a way to manage time to catch upon his crap."
The DI couldn't guess if he was serious or just being sarcastic and decided that it was better not to replied. Heglanced him a shy smile and started eating the chicken that has been displayed in front of him.

"Family comes first Greg. I will always be there for my family, whatever it might cost me." Mycroft added, looking at his lover's eyes.
"I know Myc'. I'm impress because you have one of the most important job in the government and still would give it up to save your brother or any other member of your family if it was needed." the inspector reassured him, laying one of his hands on the official's lap.

Gregory had absolutely no doubt that his companion would be a great father because even if he didn't show it often, he was full of love for his family and would give anything to make them happy and safe.

The detective was sat in the driver seat of his car,waiting for the auburn to join him. Like every Sunday morning, they were heading to Scotland Yard's sport centre. Despite his exclusive love for football, the yarder was accompanying his partner to help him keep up with his diet. The Holmes's House was equipped with some sport machines, but once a week Mycroft forsook it so they could train together, practising tennis or badminton.
Once the official had climbed in the car and they had joined the centre, they put up their sports outfit, a black and red tracksuit for the tallest, and a blue short and red Arsenal t-shirt for the other one. As all the tennis courts were already booked they proceed to the gymnasium to dispute a badminton match.
Mycroft grabbed two racquets and a shuttlecock while his boyfriend was setting up a net. Despite running madly after the shuttlecock, the official lost the first game 16 to 21 but manage to win the two others 21 to 14 and 24 to 22 so then by the time they took a break he was in a cheerful mood.
"You are getting rather good at this !" remarked Greg, sitting on a bench onthe side of the gymnasium.
"Rather good ? You cock ! I've beaten you harder than ever !" laughed the auburn. "If I'm only getting 'better' I can't wait until I'm excellent !"
"Oy , Lin Dan,calm down ... We'll see next week how good you are on a football pitch ok ?" the inspector grinned at him. "It's only the third time in a year you beat me ..."
The official pull out his tongue at his lover before drinking half a bottle of water. "Return match?" he proposed. The other one nodded, raising up to his feet and,holding hands, they return to the court.

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