CHAPTER 125 : Vera

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Mycroft looked at himself in the mirror, a navy tie with little white  dots in the left hand, a dark red one with thin white strips in the  other hand, unable to decide which one to wear with his new, and  absolutely exquisite, dark grey, white checked three-pieces suit. Unlike  most of his other suits, this one wasn't made of light flannel but of  quite a heavy fabric and if it wasn't for Gregory's insistence that he  looked 'even more adorable than Alden' when he tried it on in the shop,  he wouldn't have bought it. Although he first had hesitated, he now had  to admit that the suit was making him look fitter than he was and that  the dark grey of the fabric underlined quite gracefully the remains of  the tan he had managed to catch during the summer.
Unable to decide  for himself, he finally stepped out of the dressing room, the two ties  still in his hands, and resolved to ask his opinion to the charmer that  he had the pleasure to call his husband. The older man was just exiting  the bathroom, a white towel wrapped idly around his waist, small drops  of water escaping from his grey hair and smashing on the flooring. He  made his way to the bed, where he had laid done his own clothes prior to  his shower, before he noticed the auburn smiling appreciably to him  from a corner of the room.
"Liking what you are seeing ?" the policeman teased him cheekily, moving his butt under his towel in a weird twerking attempt.
"How could I be able to resist this body of yours ?" the elder Holmes chuckled, his eyes sparkling with love and a little lust.
"You  can't. And that's why I'm probably the only man on earth that can have  you begging on your knees ... every-fucking-day if I want." the detective  confirmed, a cheeky smile still plastered on his face.
"I hate it when you are that right ..." Mycroft moaned, despite his eyes clearly saying he loved it.
"You  are a very bad lier, Mr Bossypants ..." Greg laughed, letting go of his  towel and earning himself an even more lustful look from his boyfriend.  "However, how can I help you ?"
"Covering your bum before I get to  tempted could be a good start ?" remarked the auburn, his gaze hooked to  the said bottom. "And helping me to choose a tie could be much  appreciated too."
"And why don't you allow yourself to be tempted ?"  the yarder asked teasingly, turning around to face his partner and doing  so, exposing his private parts, still uncovered, to the other man.
"Gregory  Lestrade, put your pants on ! Your parents should be there any minutes  now !" the official rebuked his lover, a heavy blush to his cheeks as he  was trying to take his look away from the inspector's body.
"What a  shame ... I would have loved to baptize this new item of yours ..." the  policeman sighed playfully, approaching from his husband a taking a look  at the ties and comparing them. "The blue one."
"Thank you." the  elder Holmes smiled before placing a soft kiss on the other man's  forehead and patting him impishly on the butt.
"Teasing." the older man pouted as his partner was stepping away to the door.
"Save it for later it for later, this suit definitely need a baptism." Mycroft winked before disappearing through the said door.

Indeed,  Mycroft wasn't even settled in the living room for a couple of minutes  that he heard the doorbell ringing, announcing the arrival of his  parents-in-law. As his boyfriend was still upstairs, he resolved to  greet them in himself and made his way to the entrance hall.
"Vera, Hugh ! Come in, please !" he welcomed them as he opened the door.
"Mycroft ! Nice to see you !" Mrs Lestrade hugged him. "You are looking very well !"
"I am, thank you." nodded the official. "Very nice hat."
"Excuse  her, I don't know what she has today, but she is over excited about  anything." Hugh chuckled before shaking the other man's hand. "It's good  to see you."
"Talk to me about it, that seems to be a family trait."  the elder Holmes winked before showing them inside and collecting their  coats.
"Where is my grandson ?" wondered Vera, surprised that the  little boy wasn't hooked to his father like he was usually when the  official was at home.
"He discovered himself a great passion for  jigsaw puzzles. He actually completed a 700 pieces one yesterday."  Mycroft explained, half-despaired, half-proud. "You should see the state of his room's floor.
"Such a clever little boy." the old lady beamed.
"Alden, can you come down darling ? Banpa and Banma  have arrived." the auburn called out from the bottom of the stairs  before turning back to his parents-in-law. "May I offer you a drink ?"
The  three of them made their way to the living room, where the elder Holmes  poured them three glasses of red wine, quickly joined by Alden who literally  threw himself in his grandparents arms, apparently very happy to see  them after quite a long time. The last one to make his appearance at the  gathering had to be Greg who, to make up for his lateness, had firstly  made a stop in the kitchen to grab a few things to eat.
"Greggy,  always late ... I hope you don't do that at work because it would be  greatly unprofessional !" his mother tutted him before planting two big  kisses on his cheeks.
"Good morning Mum." the detective smiled, not taking umbrage of the woman's remark.
"How  are you doing son ?" his father patted him on the shoulder before the  inspector took a seat beside his partner on the opposite couch.
"Quite  good I suppose, still settling in the new job but overall it's quite  interesting." Greg replied, pouring himself a glass of wine.
"Your dad and I were so proud when we heard the new." Vera beamed.
"Me too I'll be a policeman when I'll grow up." Alden suddenly intervened, sitting proudly on Mycroft laps.
"Really ? I thought you wanted to be an explorer ?" the DCI noted.
"Yes, but a policeman is more useful to other people, isn't he ?" retorted the little boy.
"Absolutely darling." Mycroft agreed, winking to his partner over the toddler's head.
"Then I want to be a policeman." confirmed the child.
"Your Daddy told us you were able to solve jigsaw puzzle now ?" Hugh questioned,  faking to be surprised even if it actually didn't surprise him at all  than the boy was able to do things far beyond his age as he was already  able to play the piano and speak 2 languages perfectly even though he  haven't celebrate his fifth birthday yet.
"Yes ! I've done one with spiderman on it and one with the Doctor on it !" the little boy nodded happily.
"Wow, that's impressive !" the elder man exclaimed.
"Do you want me to show you ?" the child proposed, quite excited.
"Darling, we are going to eat before. You can show your puzzles to banpa when we come back alright ?" Mycroft intervened, softly patting his son on the head.

"Oh Mycroft, that's such a lovely choice ! The view is magnificent !" Vera beamed as she took a seat on the chair the waiter had pulled for her.
"Don't worry, it's absolutely nothing." the official smiled. "Tho I have to agree with you that the view is something to appreciate. It's quite a shame it isn't more sunny today ..."
The five of them were sat  at a window table at the Duck&Waffle restaurant on the 40th floor  of the Heron Tower, somewhere in the City. The restaurant had been one  of Mycroft's long-time favourite since quite some year, for the view of  course, but also because it was open 24/7, something that could come to  be useful for someone who, like the official, had a bit of a struggle  with the concept of working hours. However, it was the first time he was  bringing Gregory and his parents to this place, most of the time  favourite the Shard's restaurant to this one for some reasons.
As  they were waiting for their first course to arrive, Pollock balls in  creamy lobster sauce for everyone on the auburn's suggestion, Mrs  Lestrade couldn't help but bombarding her son with question about his  new job and congratulating him again and again, obviously very proud of  her only son while Hugh and the elder Holmes exchanged amused look over  their glass of white wine.
Greg looked quite relieved when their starters were finally delivered and even Vera was left speechless by the magnificence of the plate, tho as soon as she had finished she went on with questioning  the auburn about his own activities, forcing the man to lie even so  slightly to some of her questions, the elder woman not taking the words  'classified' or 'secret' as an answer.
"And are you still going fencing with Alden ?" she asked over her plate of duck and waffles.
"We try to yes, usually every Sunday morning so that Gregory can have at least a late morning in bed." the official nodded.
"Ah Greggy, always a lazy one ..." tutted the elder woman.
"Mum !" the detective protested.
"What, you've never been someone to get up early and cheerful. That's all what I am saying." retorted Mrs Lestrade.
"With all due respect Vera, Gregory is a very busy man, especially with his new job and  he deserves the right to have a lazy morning from time to time ..."  Mycroft tempered, pouring another glass of wine to his partner.
"So do you, young man. You are also a very occupied man." the woman remarked.
"Oh,  I've never been a great sleeper actually don't worry about me." denied  the auburn. "Plus the Sunday mornings is most of the time the only  moment I have to spend alone with this little monster."
"I'm not a monster." Alden complained as he heard his father.
"Nah, you are a lovely little man." the elder Holmes agreed before placing a soft kiss on the boy's forehead.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in the same cheerful spirit, even tho  Greg seemed to be a little depleted by the constant questioning his  mother was throwing at him, but he was to polite and too respectful to  actually complain too much and when she left, not without a last  question to her son, Vera seemed very content with her visit and fully  aware of what the DCI's work actually consisted in.
"Darling, may you  come help me to undo the knot of my tie ? It seems to be very tight  ..." Mycroft called out from the top of the stairs after he had put his  son to bed.
"You know this is the worst excuse you could have thought  about to ask me up ?" the detective chuckled lightly as he made his way  upstairs and grabbing his partner's waist. "Are you to fulfil your morning promise ?"
"I haven't done any promise." denied the auburn, still allowing the older man to drag him inside their bedroom.

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