CHAPTER 18 : The Grooms

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Mycroft adjusted his bowtie , looking at his reflection in the mirror. He was wearing a new tail styled tuxedo made of black velvet and silk and a white rose was bonded on his jacket's left reverse. He attached his diamond cufflinks, a gift of his uncle Rudy for his eighteenth birthday before exiting the bathroom.
He knocked on the door of the guest room's bathroom. "Are you ready Gregory ?' he inquired. His lover opened the door, revealing the black tailored suit he was wearing. "Can you help me with this ?" he asked gently, gesturing toward his own cufflinks. The official took them and in a couple of seconds attached them to the detective's wrists. They looked at each other for a moment, a smile on their face, the inspector winked tothe other man and exited the room. "Come on love, we're gonna be late." He urged the auburn.
They climbed on the back seats ofthe car which was waiting for them in front of the house. "Are you sure you've indicated to Sherlock how to reach the church ?" asked the elder Holmes, anxious.
"No." replied his partner. "But I've said it to John. At least I'm sure he was paying attention ...". The two of them laughed and the driver retained a smile. After five years at the official's service he knew much more than he could admit about his boss's personal life and even if his contract include a confidentiality clause he sometime couldn't resist telling one or two anecdotes to his wife.
The church they were attending was located in St-Albans and it only took them a few dozens of minutes to reached it. When they arrived, most of the guest were already waiting on the lawn in front of the majestuous cathedral. Mycroft noticed that his brother wasn't part of the crowd, but he still had a couple of minutes to make it before he would be late and the official started to greet the guests already waiting.
Gregory had seen Molly Hooper talking with his parents a few meters away and he approached the group. "Good morning." he greeted them with a smile. His mother looked at him from head to toe then hugged him tightly. "Oh Greggy... You are splendid my boy !". She was on the verge of tears and the inspector kissed her on the cheek turning to his father who gave him a gentle accolade. "So ready for the big day ?" asked Molly in a smile. "Yeah. Everything is ok for you ?" replied the DI. Molly was his bestwoman while Sherlock was his brother's bestman and she was wearing a gorgeous white and pink summer dress with an exquisite but discreet hat. Greg thought that she couldn't be prettier with her hair cleverly styled and he said to himself that if she didn't find someone to love her today it wouldn't be really fair.
He was complimenting his mother on her hat when the younger Holmes arrived, driving a sport car that the detective had never seen before, accompanied by John, Mrs Hudson and Alden who was in the landlady's arms after spending the last night at his uncle's place while the grooms were out celebrating their upcoming marriage.
"Ah Lestrade ! Nice to see you, do you know where my brother is ?" asked the tall man.
"He was with Anthea a couple of minutes ago, near the fountain." replied the detective, then turning to Dr Watson and Mrs Hudson "Good morning !"
The old lady kissed him on the cheek. "Oh Greg, this is fantastic !" she exclaimed her eyes glowing.
"You would do well with my mother Mrs Hudson" the man laughed, shaking the doctor's hand. "How was it with Alden last night John ?"
"Last night was good really, but this morning on the other hand ... He didn't seem very keen on the suit to be honest ..." answered the blonde. "But Sherlock managed him quite admirably actually."
Gregory turned to kiss his son when he realised that Mrs Hudson had disappeared with the little boy. "Well, she is quicker than I expected." he laughed to John.
"You couldn't say better. She is a mental driver ... Nearly vomit twice before she let Sherlock the wheel !" the doctor added, still looking frighten as he remembered.
"Wait, it's Her car ?" Greg asked, chocked.
"Yes, didn't knew it before thismorning but it seems that her husband was richer than I thought ..." retorted Watson, smiling at the detective's astonishment.
They were still talking about the car when they heard the vicar asking for the guest to take their seats. The bestman and woman, the grooms, Mycroft and Sherlock's uncle Rudy and Lestrade's parent remained outside when the rest of the crowd entered the church. The bestman and woman were to enter first, closely followed by Lestrade's father, then Gregory and his mother finally joined by Mycroft and hisuncle.
Everybody was now settled down and Sherlock took Molly's arm and lead her inside in a gently and elegant manner that he usually used only when he was dancing in his room at 221B. Mr Lestrade smirked to his son before following the two others inside and taking a seat on the front bench. The detective offered his arm to his mother and took a deep breath, feeling his heart beating against his chest. He stepped in and disappeared in the darkness of the building.
Mycroft was now alone with his uncle, the only man in his family who always had supported him and his brother, whatever they had done. It was thanks to Rudolf that Sherlock had the opportunity to take his PhD as neither of the Holmes brothers were rich enough at the time to pay the tuition fees and more generally, he had always make sure to offer the brothers a safe place. All the best childhood memories the auburn had been at his uncle place, maybe because the now-old man never had judged them, being himself different from anyone in the family with his proclivity for cross-dressing. But unlike Mycroft recently, he had agreed to keep his peculiarity secret and to be treated as an outcast to stay in theHolmes family. At day, he was Rudolf Holmes a respectable lawyer, brother to Mr Holmes senior, unmarried because to involved in his work but at night he'd become Rudy, a nice and loving man, forced to hide himself to satisfy to his passion, living a lonely and sad life, only enlighten by his nephews visits now and then.

The old man looked at the official. "You are nearly as smart as when you were playing Lady Bracknell" he smiled.
"Oh shut up you old queen !" replied the auburn, planting a kiss on his uncle'scheek. "Come on, lets go.". He offered his arm to the old man and, with a smile, entered the cathedral. They walked to the altar were his lover was awaiting him. Mycroft wasn't regretting his parents's absence as he was quite sure that if they had come, Sherlock would have refused to join and Rudy would have stayed on his own, not to mention that they would have insisted to ruled all the details of the ceremony. It had taken him more than 45 years to understand that he didn't need his parents and that he was way happier without them and when he looked to all the guest gathered in the church he thought that he had everything that was needed to be the happiest man on hearth and far enough people to love and who loved him back not to care about two heartless people with who he had the misfortune of sharing his DNA.
He stood beside Greg, facing the vicar, waiting for him to begin his blessing. It was quite unusual for two men to attend church for their marriage as the Christians still considered homosexuality as a sin but St-Albans's vicar was quite open-minded and had seen no objection to the celebration of the love between two human beings of whatever sex they were.
He began his speech with a kind look to both of the grooms and to their family then carried on. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God – and in the face of this company – to join together this two men in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honourable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together –let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
Through marriage, Gregory Hugh Alan Lestrade and Richard Mycroft Phillip Holmes make a commitment together to face their disappointments – embrace their dreams – realize their hopes – and accept each other's failures. Gregory Lestrade and Mycroft Holmes will promise one another to aspire to these ideals throughout their lives together –through mutual understanding – openness – and sensitivity to each other.
This relationship stands for love, loyalty, honesty and trust, but most of all for friendship. Before they knew love, they were friends, and it was from this seed of friendship that is their destiny. Do not think that you can direct the course of love – for love, if it finds you worthy, shall direct you.
Do you Gregory Hugh Alan Lestrade take Richard Mycroft Philip to be your lifepartner– to live together after God's ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live? "
The vicar was now looking at Greg waiting for him to answer. With a slightly trembling voice the detective answered him "I will.".
The vicar then add to the other man standing in front of him. "Do you Richard Mycroft Phillip Holmes take Gregory Hugh Alan to be your lifepartner – to live together after God's ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart's deepest devotion, for saking allothers, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?"
With a smile to his lover the official replied in a clearvoice "I will.". They then exchanged the rings that Alden had brought to them on a little navy velvet cushion. Gregory could see his mother swabbing her tears a tissue when he kissed his now husband.
The kiss seems to Mycroft like if it was lasting hours and when he loosens his embrace he could heard the assistance clapping and cheering. "I love you, husband" he whispered to the detective ear before lifting his son from the ground and bringing him close to his chest, the little boy's head between his and Greg's head. He heard Sherlock, who had stood a pace behind him during the all ceremony approaching and whispering to his ear "Congratulation and good luck, brother mine." before he joined the crowd that was starting to exit the cathedral. It wasn't much but it meant a great deal to the auburn as he knew that was coming from the heart of his little brother and that the consulting detective was not used to express his sentiments.
The two men and the baby joined their family with Molly and Lestrade's mother hugged her son once again, crying pretty heavily while her husband patted his son-in-law on the shoulder. The auburn looked at his uncle who was beaming of happiness and hugged him. "Thank you ... For everything." he told him in a low voice.
"Thank you for having me today, and for being the one I never had dared to be." replied the old man, rubbing a hand on his nephew's back.
They were the last to exit the church, Mycroft and Greg holding hands while Alden was in Rudy's arm and the rest of the family following them.

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