CHAPTER 35 : Marcus

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"Look at this one, darling!" smiled Greg, gesturing toward one of the puppies that were running in the field, making the official chuckle.
They were inthe middle of the Kent countryside at the Jamie Pitt's Kennel, a famous beagle breeding, choosing a puppy for Alden. It has been a few years Mycroft had wanted a dog, thinking that they were way superiorto cats and one of the most intelligent and hearty animal but Gregory had always been reluctant, considering that they had neither the space neither the time to host a dog. The auburn had worked during months to convince him that the Holmes Mansion, despite it's luxury carpeting and precious piece of art displayed around the House was a perfect environment for a puppy and that Michael could take care ofthe animal if they were to be sometime to busy to do it themselves. He recently had used the excuse that it would give Alden some company and a sense of responsibility to take care of a dog and that had finished convincing the detective who had agreed to accompany his husband to the kennel after making him promise that he wouldn't try to adopt any other animal, not even the tinyest goldfish.
DI Lestrade had absolutely nothing against animals whatsoever but he remembered adopting a kitten with Eleanor when Sarah was still a baby and having only problems with her, always having to clean after her mess and trying his best forbidding her to destroy everything he possessed, especially his shirt which seems to be one of her favourite toy. He had ended up nick naming the cat the "ultimate devilish weapon" and had felt quite relieved, even if he knew he shouldn't had felt that way, when he had to give it to one of his ex-wife's friend after they discovered that Lucas was allergic to cat's hair. So when he had learnt that Mycroft wished to adopt an animal, he had first refused stubbornly, really not willing to put himself into all that troubles any more and considering that his lover's gardenless house was certainly nothing of a place for a dog. But as always, the auburn had succeeded to convince him, promising him that he would not choose a bulky or fidgety breed and that he would make all the arrangement required without needing the yarder's help.

"So, which one do you like the most ?" wondered Mycroft after about half an hour of watching the puppies wandering around the field.
"The one with the red collar seems nice to me."answered the DI, gesturing toward a small dog running after a ball in the distance. "What about you ?"
"Oh if it was up to me I'll take the dozen, but as you don't want ..." giggled his boyfriend. "The red seems nice to me to, honey."
"Well, we are settled then !" replied Greg, taking the other man's hand and making their way back to a little shelter that was use as an office by the kennel owner.
"Gentlemen !" smiled the man when he saw them approaching. "So, made a choice ?"
"Yes, we would have the red collar one if it's possible." answered the auburn in a smirk.
"Right, I'll have it prepared for you while we sort out the paperwork if it pleases you." proposed the owner, introducing the two other in his office and offering them a seat. "Have you thought about a name for this little bad boy ?"
Mycroft and the detective looked at each other for a second. They both had a name in mind but couldn't agreed on it, both thinking that theirs was best, in a very childish argument. The official spoke quicker. "Marcus ! We have thought about Marcus." he half yelled, smiling to his partner in triumph.
"You thought of it ... I still think Gravy was nicer ..." grumbled Gregory, childlike.
The auburn placed a little kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. "Too bad..." he mocked him, sitting down on the chair the man had proposed him. They stayed in the office for more than 20 minutes, signing a stack of paper and listening to the kennel owner's recommendations, despite the fact the official had already read all he could find on beagles and knew apparently much more than the man himself.
"Well, we are sorted, gentlemen" finally said the man, clapping his hands together. "Richard must have prepared Marcus by now.".
They exited the office to find a young teenager sat in the grass, cuddling the puppy, a plastic bag laid down beside him. When he saw them, he jumped on his feet and handled Greg the little dog. Patting him on the head, the detective smiled fondly to the official. That was it then, he was married, had a kid and a dog, a car and a secured job, he was now a grown up for good and he found it strangely pleasant. Having no more business to do in this place, they joined the car after shaking the two other men's hand briefly and tried to settle the dog the best they could on the beige leather middle seat before climbing in the Jaguar themselves.
Sun was running low and by the time they entered London, it was already pitch dark and the traffic was so loaded it took them more time to reach Kensington than to come from Kent to London. Mycroft grabbed the puppy before he had the chance to escape by the door the detective had just opened and brought him near to his chest.
"Come on silly little boy, we are going to say hello to Alden ok ?" he whispered to him, gently caressing the puppy's head.
When he entered the house, the little boy was running in the corridor, dressed in the Zorro's costume he'd got for Christmas, battling with an invisible opponent, shouting happily. As soon as the toddler saw his father he dashed to him, clamouring even greater and trying to see what the official had in his arms. Grinning at the sight of his son, the auburn put the dog on the floor, provoking a gasp of excitation by the kid.
"Say hello to Marcus." he told him, kneeling beside the dog.
"Hello Marcus!" repeated the boy happily, patting the animal gently. "He going to stay at home Daddy ?"
"Yes darling, it's ours now." replied the elder Holmes, standing up again and hanging his coat and scarf. "Why won't you show him the house ?"
The little boy had no need to be prayed to do so and jumped on his feet. "Come on doggy !" he exclaimed, smiling hugely to the animal. He started by the living room, closely followed by Gregory who was making sure the animal won't climbed on the couch or damaged a piece of art by accident while jumping around. The youngster then proceed to the dining room and the kitchen before leading the dog upstairs.
During this time, Mycroft was putting the finishing touch to Marcus's basket in the living room's corner by displaying in it the toy's the kennel owner had given them and filled the dog's bowls with water and food, placing it far enough from any gueridons and fragile object to make sure that the animal wouldn't knock one out fortuity. He was happy of his son reaction to the dog arrival, confident enough that the little boy would take great care of him, judging by the way he had patted him when he had met him for the first time.

"DI. Greg Lestrade, listening" said the man in a bored voice, picking up the call.
"Mr Lestrade ? I'm sorry to bother you, it's Alicia Bowles, from the nursery." apologize the young woman.
"Oh, hello. What's the matter ?" wondered the policeman, playing with his pen.
"Well, Alden seems to be a little sick sadly." explained the childcarer "It would be better if you or your partner pick him up and bring him to the doctor I think."
The detective sighed and laid down against the backrest of his seat. "Ok right, I'm coming. I'll be there in half an hour." he advised her, running a hand in his hair in exhaustion.
"Thanks Mr Lestrade. I'm waiting for you." agreed the young woman before hanging up the call.
The inspector stood up and started putting a little order the files displayed in front of him before grabbing his coat and his scarf and exiting his office. He walked quickly to the other side of the corridor and knocked on his superior's office door.
"Come in." a voice with a heavy cockney accent said from the inside.
Greg opened the door and slipped his head in the room."Hmm ... Boss ... I'm sorry but I must leave early ... My son is sick you see." he explained.
"Hmm." replied the other man, not even looking up, apparently focused on a hard case. "Agreed.".
The DI closed the door and dashed to his car in the underground car park. He started the engine and grabbed his phone while exiting the building and taking the nursery's direction.
"John. It's Greg." he introduced himself to his interlocutor.
"Hi Greg ! What can I do for you ?" wondered the soldier.
"Are you at the surgery today ?" questioned the DI, braking suddenly to avoid a pedestrian who decided to cross the road just in front of him, far away from any marked pathway.
"Well yes. Why, do you need me at the Yard or are you heading up to Baker Street ?" replied the doctor, drinking a gulp of his tea.
"No, I need a doctor actually. Well not me, but Alden do." Chuckled Gregory.
"That's an unusual request of yours !" laughed Watson. "Well, yes come over, I'll try to fit you in the schedule or I'll ask Sarah to take care of you."
"Thanks. I should be there in less than an hour. Thanks again John" smiled the detective.
"Ok, see ya." agreed the other man before suspending the conversation.
The yarder pocketed his phone and speeded up a little on the nearly empty road. Fifteen minutes later he was parking the car in front of the Victorian building that harboured the nursery and rang the door. The young woman in charge of the place let him in and led him to the nap room where Alden was laid down on a little bed, clearly not feeling really well.
"It's been a couple of hours he is not feeling that good. At first, we thought he just was tired or upset, that sometime have this kind of effect on toddlers, but I think it's a bit more serious than that." explained the childcarer. "It would probably wiser to show him to a doctor."
"Yes, I've already asked a friend of mine to see him." retorted the detective, picking up the little boy's bag and lifting his son against his chest.
"Great. Let us know if Alden will be there tomorrow or if you are keeping him at home if you can." required Alicia before leading Greg back to the door. The inspector strapped the sleepy and suffering toddler in his booster and climbed backin the car, looking worryingly at his son in the mirror.

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