CHAPTER 52 : Shower

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The auburn stopped, leaning against a tree, and grabbed his bottle, drinking a long gulp of his highly-energetic beverage. He took a look at his smartwatch, noticing that he had been running for nearly an hour, beating his own record with 7.4 kilometres ran.
"Come here Marcus." the official whistled to his dog, a little smile plastered on his face. The puppy came jumping around his master, trying to lick his hands before Mycroft started running again, determined to achieve his 10 kilometres run in less than an hour and a half, the distance remaining being exactly the distance between his position and his mansion.
Hyde Park was still quite empty, only a few joggers and eaggered businessmen dashing to work could be seen and the official was appreciating being able to enjoy the park without being disturbed. Since the weather was becoming warmer and sunnier, he would usually prefer going for a run outside better than in his private gym, leaving Kensington Palce Garden before dawn and being back just in time for breakfast, letting his husband woke up Alden and get him ready for the nursery.
He smiled as he passes the guard at the end of his street and glanced a look at his watch before sprinting one last time until he reached his front door, outrunning Marcus easily. He waited until the dog had joined him before entering the house and threw his trainers away before grabbing the towel Michael had carefully displayed on the gueridon for his employer.
After a couple of minutes catching his breath, the elder Holmes made his way upstairs, finding his partner and son in the latter's room, the detective helping the young boy dressing up, humming a stupid song he had heard in an advert that was often on television those days. Mycroft placed a quick and soft kiss on both of their foreheads before heading up to the bathroom.
He quickly undressed himself, stuffing his tracksuit and T-shirt in the laundry basket and entered the shower cabin, appreciating the contact of the warm water cascading smoothly on his skin, his eyes closed and his mind, for once, empty. He was to grab a bottle of shampoo when he felt a sudden stream of cold air on his naked skin and turn round only for his chest to encounter his boyfriend's torso.
"Where is Alden ?" demanded the auburn, curling up against the other man who wrapped his arms around the pale white body of the tall man.
"With Michael, having breakfast." whispered the inspector shushing up his partner by pressing his lips against Mycroft's, his hands wandering lazily on his back.
"That's without any doubts the best way of debuting the week." thought the elder Holmes after they had parted, needing to breath. He seized a bottle of shampoo and smeared a huge amount of it in his lover's hair before stroking his fingers in it, creating an impressive amount of foam that he conscientiously flaunted on the DI's body, creating him a false beard like he used to do to himself when he was a child.
"You are a boy Myc' !" laughed Greg before imitating him and plastering a few centilitres of shampoo on his auburn hair, rummaging through it while kissing softly his nose.

"Isn't that why you love me ?" chuckled the elder Holmes.
"Who says I love you ?" retorted the detective in a boyish smile. Mycroft placed a fierce kiss on his lover's lips, his hand on the DI's lower back, pinning him against the glass door of the cabin.
"This is better than any I love you." muttered the auburn, moving his lips toward his partner's neck.
They parted, hearing some knocking at the door. Shutting off the water, Greg exited the shower and grabbed a towel. "Yeah ?" he yelled, his voice rough of the embrace.
"Sorry to disturb you sir but Alden is sick and I can't find Mr Holmes anywhere." Michael's voice answered him from behind the door. Tightening the towel around his hips, the detective slunk out of the bathroom to face the employee carrying a rather greenish little boy in his arms.
"I'm really sorry sir." the young man repeated. "But I don't know what to do with him. Child aren't exactly my area of expertise ..."
"Don't worry." smiled the inspector before picking up his son from the cook's arms. "So, we are sick little man ?". He placed his hand on the boy's forehead, noticing that it was way hotter than it should be.
Having washed the shampoo from his hair, Mycroft stepped out from the bathroom, looking worryingly at his son. "What is going on ?" he asked, slightly biting his lower lips of anxiety.
"I don't know, I think he got fever and he looks like he is going to throw up." Gregory retorted.
"Where does it hurt Aldy ?" the auburn asked softly, running a gentle hand in the toddler's hair.
"Here." the kid replied, pointing his stomach then his head.
"I'm calling John." the elder Holmes decided. "Maybe it would be better to lay him down ?"
The yarder nodded and laid him on their four posters bed before sitting down beside him, stroking his cheek with a tender finger and humming him a lullaby.
The official seized his phone and composed Dr Watson's number. The man answered at the fourth ring. "Hello Mycroft, what can I do for you ? Is it about Sherlock ?"
"Hello John. No it's not about my brother, unless he is out of his mind again. No, it's about Alden." retorted the auburn.
"Unbelievably Sherlock seems to have behave quite ok those last days. What can I do for your little man ?" chuckled the doctor.
"He is quite sick I'm afraid ... Are you at the surgery today ?" the official informed him.
"Ah, no it's my day off sadly ..." John replied. "But I can pop at your home to have a look if you want."
"You would do this ?" smiled Mycroft, surprised.
"Yes sure, if it's for Alden it's not a problem. Anyway Sherlock isn't even awoken so ..." confirmed Dr Watson.
"Thank you, John. I'll send you a car." accepted the older man, nodding to his partner who had been trying to follow the conversation from the bed.
"No need, I'll take a cab. I'll be there in half an hour." refused the blonde.
"Right. Thank you,John." concluded the auburn before hanging up the call.
"You shall probably dress up if John is coming." the detective suggested to his partner. "I'm not sure he'll appreciate your butt as much asI do and to be honest I'll be slightly jealous if he does."
"Don't worry, my ass is all yours dear." chuckled the elder Holmes before adding in low voice "And I think he got another arse on his mind..."

"Don't worry, he should feel better in no time. It's spectacular but it's nothing very serious." Dr Watson reassured the elder Holmes while exiting Alden's room. "Still you were right to call a doctor because if it's not cured in time it can become a bit tricky and quite painful."
"Thank you ever so much John." nodded the auburn. "It was very kind to take on your free time for us."
"Don't worry, that's what friends are made for. You'll give my best to Greg." smiled the blonde, going down the stairs.
"Yes sure. He would have loved to stay and wait for you but work was calling." agreed the official.
"And not yours ?" wondered Watson.
"Someone needed to stay and let's say my boss is less concerned by my work hours." answered Mycroft making the doctor laugh. "I'm going to wait until Rudy arrive before leaving."
"Give him my best." the blonde demanded, on the doorstep.
"Sure. Thanks again, John." nodded the elder Holmes.
"Anytime." retorted the doctor, climbing into the cab waiting for him in front of the mansion.

"How is Alden ?" Mycroft asked as soon as he noticed his husband laid down on the couch.
"Better. He is sleeping. Rudy said he had been sleeping most of the day but at least he had accepted to eat some mashed potatoes for dinner and he is no more boiling hot." the detective replied with a little smile.
"Great. John gives you his best, by the way." nodded the official, curling himself against his partner's body.
"I hope you gave him mine." replied Greg."So, how was your day ?"
"Awful. Lady Smallwood is behaving very oddly towards me at the moment." answered the auburn, shrinking his nose.
"Lady Smallwood ? What is she doing ?" chuckled the policeman, running a tender hand on his lover's chest.
"She kept lurking around my office at the Diogene Club, popping in for literally nothing and she even gave me her privatenumber ! What does all that mean ?" retorted the elder Holmes, his eyebrows frowned in incomprehension.
"That means she haven't read the Daily Mail apparently." the DI laughed, trying to picture the scene.
"What do you mean ? Did you suggest that she could have any kind of interest in me ? Don't be ridiculous." denied the auburn, turning his head on the side to look at his boyfriend's face.
"Well if not, she behaves like she is ..." continued to laugh the inspector.
"Oh my Lord ..." retorted Mycroft, shaking his head in disbelief. "How can she think I would have any interest in her ? And why now, we've been working together for more than 18 years ? Damn, that's ... ghastly ..."
"I do hope you don't have interest in her, husband." winked Greg before placing a soft kiss on his lover's lips.
"I don't know if I will be able to resist to all her pearls and her glut of cheap perfume ..." the auburn giggled. "Maybe I should accept that drink she keeps offering me ..."
"That's it, I'm asking for a divorce." laughed the other man.
"Let me spend one last night with you before that dear ... So, where did we stopped this morning ?" muttered the official kissing his boyfriend gently and starting to unbutton the DI's shirt.
"At me saying that you were a boy and you attacking me with fierce kisses in the neck I think." replied Greg, running his hands in his partner's hair.
"I seem to remember you being naked." whispered Mycroft, running his lips on the detective's skin, from his neck to his belly button while he was opening his belt buckle.
"So were you." retorted the policeman, biting his lower lip in pleasure and starting to undress the tall man hastily.
They quickly get rid of all the layers of clothes they were wearing before the elder Holmes stood up and made his way to the door, locking it, not willing his employee to step in at the wrong moment. He went back to the couch and sat on his boyfriend's lap before leaning in for a passionate kiss, the inspector hands stroking his back, all his thoughts about Alden, Mrs Smallwood and his work far away, his heart and sentiments shutting off his brain to make him focus only on his and Gregory's pleasure, the contact of his butt against the naked skin of his partner making him dying of eagerness.

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