CHAPTER 107 : Teasing

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"Peter looked at the giant.
The giant looked at Peter.
"Um. How are you, Mister Giant?" Peter asked politely, even while his knees were shaking in fear.
"I'm fine, little boy." "And how are you?"
They stared at each other and then both started talking at once.
"How did?"
'Who are?'
'Speak, little boy,' the giant said.
'How did you come here?' I've never seen you before.' Peter said still afraid.
'I was just passing by.' What's your name, child?'
'I'm called Rocky.' Would you like me to do something for you?'
'Oh no, I can't ask you to do anything for me!' Peter was amazed."  tell Mycroft in a soft voice, sat on the edge of his son's bed. The  little boy was carefully tucked under his blankets, looking at his  father with wide curious eyes. Greg was leaned against the door frame, a  tender smile plastered on his face, listening at the story as curious  as his son about the ending of it.
" 'I don't mind.' 'I like to help.' 'It must be very hard to be a human, isn't it?'
Peter hadn't thought about that before. 'No.' I like being human, although,' he added, 'Being a giant must be cool.'
'No, I'm not cold, Peter.'
'No, no, I mean, it must be really nice to be a giant.'
'Oh yes it is.' 'Now why don't you come with me?' 'I'll take you back to my home.' You can see where I live.'
Peter  nodded and the giant lifted the little boy onto his huge shoulder. Soon  they were striding down the street Peter lived on and then they  suddenly appeared in a large valley filled with enormous homes. Giants  moved around everywhere, doing normal everyday things that Peter and his  family and friends did too. Some were walking to work in the fields,  some were hanging up clothes to dry, children played. Peter imagined  they must be child giants as they were much smaller than the others,  although still larger than him.
'How did we suddenly come here?' Peter demanded of Rocky.
'We are magical people, so we live in a magical place.' Rocky said.
'You can do magic?' asked Peter in wonder.
'Oh yes I can.' Its lots of fun, you should try it.'
'I can't do magic.' 'I've tried.' Peter said sadly.
'If you were a giant, you could.' 'Why don't you become a giant?' 'Come on, become a giant, become a giant, BECOME A GIANT.'
Peter woke up screaming, 'Become a giant!'
His mother came running into his room.
'Peter, Peter, what is it?' 'Did you have a bad dream?'
'Yes,  I think so.' 'Oh mother, I thought it was real.' 'A giant took me to  his home and wanted me to become like him.' 'He was shouting at me to  become a giant.'
She settled him back in his bed and said comfortingly, 'It was only a dream son.' 'Don't worry.' 'Now go back to sleep.'
He nodded, and cuddling his pillow, he was soon fast asleep." [ Story : Peter and the Giant by Nathan Marcarelli ]
The  elder Holmes closed the book and leaned to place a loving kiss on his  son's forehead, running a gentle hand through his silken ginger hair.  Gregory approached the bed and kneeled beside the it, he too placing a little kiss on the boy's forehead.
"Good night sweetheart." he wished him.
"Can you leave the curtains open so I can see the stars please ?" requested the toddler with a little pout.
"Okay, but you don't get up to have a better look. Promise ?" accepted the auburn in a grin.
"Promise  !" exclaimed the young boy while his father was reaching the window and  opening the curtains, revealing the stars and the moon.
The two men  exited the room, blowing a last kiss to their son before closing the  door, letting the child quickly fall asleep. It was already late at  night but Gregory who had slept until nearly ten in the morning was  still feeling quite awake. He seized his husband's hand and dragged him  to the balcony of their room, shivering a little in the night, wearing  only his shirt. The official wrapped an arm around the detective's  shoulder, bringing him closer to share his body warmth with him.
"You were serious when you was talking about holidays this morning ?" wondered the policeman after a few minutes of starring absentmindly at the sea below them.
"Hmm ? Why not ?" replied the official, glancing an interrogative look at his partner.
"I  don't know, I thought it was going to be complicated this summer, with  Anthea not being there and a packed political period." the yarder raised  his shoulders.
"I've managed ten days last year, I should be able to take at least a week this year. Anthea should be back before the end of August. Would you like that ?" retorted Mycroft, grinning.
"I could see something appealing in this proposition, yes." winked the inspector, taking an exaggerate posh accent.
"Why this poor impersonation ?" laughed the elder Holmes.
"Why not ?" replied Greg on the same tone.
"You know what we need at this exact moment ?" questioned the auburn, the yarder shaking his head in denial.
Mycroft  placed a finger on his lips before disappearing in the room for a  couple of minutes, letting his boyfriend shivering outside, leaning  against the balcony handrail. When he reappeared he was holding a big  blanket, a bottle of French red wine and some olives, a boyish smirk  plastered on his face.
The detective helped him to display the  different items on a coffee table before sitting beside him in a deck  chair, and spreading the blanket over them, his hand idly leaning on the  other man's thigh. Like everytime  he was enjoying a lazy time alone with his partner, the inspector  thought that he couldn't be more happy at this instant and he rested his  head on the other man's shoulder, his forehead rubbing gently against  the incipient beard of the auburn.
He wondered if the elder Holmes  was going to keep it after their four-days weekend but he secretly hoped  that he would at least grow it again sometime, finding that it was  making him less serious, formal and incredibly hotter, if that was still possible. Mycroft looked at him, smiling as if he had understood what he was thinking about.
"I could get use to it." he simply whispered before pouring two glasses of wine and passing one to his lover.
"How can you possibly know what I was thinking about ?" chuckled the detective, always amazed by his husband sixth sense.
"You  looked at my face, rubbing your head against my cheeks, clearly deep  into your thoughts, not hard to deduce Gregory dear." simply answered  the official before drinking a gulp of wine and feeding the other man  with an olive.
"Admit it, it was just a lucky guess." winked the yarder.
"I never guess." tutted the auburn. "Nearly never."
The  detective left out a giggle before shifting slightly his position so he  could entwine his legs with his partner's and rest his head in a more  comfortably against the man's shoulder. Mycroft placed his hand around  his boyfriend's scalp, slowly caressing those gorgeous grey hair, his  eyes fixed on a seagull somewhere far on the beach, appreciating the  cool air on his face and the warmth of the policeman's body against his.
The  night kept getting colder and an hour after having settled themselves  on the deck chair they had to make it back to their room to avoid  catching a cold. Letting the blanket carelessly lying on the floor  beside the wine and the olives, the elder Holmes flipped his lover on  the bed, kissing hungrily the sensitive skin of his neck, making his way  down his throat to his sternum, his growing beard tickling the other  man's skin, turning him on like nothing before.
After laying down inert for a couple of minutes, appreciating his husband treatment, the detective suddenly rolled on himself, passing on top of the official and started unbuttoning the light blue shirt the man had been wearing that evening. Teasingly, he ran the tip of his fingers over the elder Holmes's ribs, with just enough pressure to make the man shiver and moan of eagerness.
Very  slowly he bent until his lips brushed against Mycroft's bare chest and  even slower he ran them all along his sternum to his belly button. Not  able to endure more teasing, the auburn placed his hand over the  policeman's head and apply a slight pressure so the man's lips were now  completely in contact with his skin. Understanding that he had ragged  him enough, Greg quickly discarded the official's trousers and underwear  on the floor, earning himself a relieved moan from his partner.
He then made  his way back to Mycroft's mouth and kissed him with passion while he  was getting rid of his own clothes, only parting so he could take of own  shirt without unbuttoning it and soon the two men were entirely naked,  their erection rubbing one against the other. To excited and frustrated  by his husband purposely slowness, the auburn rolled on top of the  inspector and hungrily made his way to the man's private part, teasingly  blowing on it, making the policeman breathing rhythm quicker, a thin  layer of sweat slowly covering his entire body. Seeking revenge for all the teasing he had suffered, the younger man tardily ran the tip of a finger against Greg's erected member before finally  swallowing it, tenderly humming a stupid love song, the vibration of  his voice around the detective's cock making the latter groan hoarsely.
It  wasn't long before the policeman had to pull himself away from the  incredibly hot mouth of his lover, not willing to climax so quickly. He  felt on his knees on the floor, inches away from the edge  of the bed were the official had been sitting since a few minutes and  he placed his hands over the other man's hips and turned him around to  have a better view on his private parts. Tenderly he placed soft kisses  around the base of the auburn's cock, his nose often brushing against  the hard member before giving back what he had been offered, he too being  quickly pushed away to prevent the younger man of reaching his orgasm.  Sitting up, the elder Holmes, seized his partner's arms and brought him  closer, the yarder, sitting back on the bed.
"I can't wait anymore."  he simply said hoarsely, his breath short and quick of desire and  lustiness, his eyes hook to Greg's, sharing the most loving glanced he  was able to give.

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