CHAPTER 129 : Nephew like uncle

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"Boring John ! Boring, boring, boring !" the consulting detective  stormed at the suggestion of the other man to investigate the case of a  suspicious burglary in Canary Warf.
John  was, as most of the time at this time in the morning, sat at the desk  the two men shared in the living room of 221B while the younger man was  once again conducting rather appealing experiments on what looked like a  human brain sliced in thin strips.
"Sherlock you can't keep refusing  all the cases that are proposed to you." the blonde scolded him for  form, knowing that his intervention would have no effect whatsoever on  his flatmate's behaviour.
"Hmpf." simply snorted the detective before going back to his experiment.
Dr  Watson sighed and switched the computer off, having been through all  the emails they had received overnight. He raised to his feet and was to  grab his coat when he heard someone climbing the stairs. He opened the  living room door and smiled at Alden who was running up the stairs,  ahead of his father.
"I'm really thrilled you had sex this morning  but if you could stop spreading your cheerfulness around, brother mine,  it makes me want to throw up." grumbled the younger Holmes before the  other two men even had time to shake hand or say anything.
"Nice to  see you too Sherlock." smirked the auburn. "Shall I deduce Gregory has  deprived you from cold cases once more to castigate you from calling him  an idiot every five seconds and a half ? It's what, the third time this  week ?"
"That's very mean." grunted his sibling before making a sharp and angry cute in one of the brain's slices.
"Someone  may have suggested him that it will annoy you more than anything. And  we both know that you never change otherwise." chuckle the official  before putting down Alden's backpack on the coffee table near the couch.
"Someone ?" questioned John, quite sure of the answer.
"Me."  nodded the elder Holmes. "I'm sorry I can't stay to enjoy your charming  conversation longer, brother mine, but I'm called elsewhere. Have a  good day Alden, keep an eye on your Uncle so he doesn't set his flat on  fire."
Mycroft placed a last kiss on his son forehead before  disappearing, not surprised to get no answer from the consulting  detective who was looking rather angrily at a brain slice as if the  little piece of dead body had personally offended him.
"Alright  Alden, I think we'd better let Uncle Sherlock work on his dangerous  experiments alone for the moment." the doctor smiled to the little boy  who was taking off his coat and laying it down carefully on the couch in  a way that could only recall of the official's mannerism. "Do you want  me to fetch something for you before I have to go ?"
"Can I have the Jungle Book please ?" the toddler requested with a large grin.
"Certainly."  nodded John, catching the said book on one of the highest shelves,  having to tip-toe to reach it. "But you know there is no illustration in  this one ?"
"I will read it." simply retorted the child, looking  somewhat offended that the man could have suggested he needed pictures  to be interested in a book.
"Alright." smiled Watson, only half-surprised of the kid's answer. "Have a good day, I'll see you later."
"See you later Uncle John." grinned Alden while the blonde was patting him on the head.
"I'm not your uncle ..." chuckled the man grabbing his coat and exiting the room.
"Yes you are." whispered the boy as John was already out.
Sherlock  snorted in amusement, his attention still on the brain in front of him  while his nephew was nestling himself in the doctor's chair with the  massive book and started turning the pages of it. He was always quite  amused and impressed by the little boy and if his natural behaviours  weren't repressing him from any kind of proudness display in public, he probably would have informed everyone who would listen to him of how brilliant the toddler was.
"Hey  peanut, now that the boring grown-ups are out, why won't we go and have  some fun ?" Sherlock proposed after a couple of minutes of silence, the  average time when John could still come back to the flat if he had  forgotten something.
"To do what ?" wondered the child, letting his book down.
"I don't know, what you want ? We could go to the cinema ?" suggested the consulting detective.
"With caramel popcorn ?" questioned the exited little boy
"A lot of it. And candyfloss !" retorted the younger Holmes, as excited. "Come on, put on your coat and let's go !"
"What are we seeing ?" replied Alden while obeying to his uncle order and tying back his bootlaces.
"Hmm ... My little finger is saying me there is a screening of the new Iron-Man movie in half an hour and that you just had seen the first two with Graham last week." smirked the detective.
"Who is Graham ?" requested the child, confused.
"Is it Gavin ? Geoff ? Gabe  ? Gandalf ? Gareth ? Gibson ?" the man tried making his nephew more and  more confused. "Well your dad, you know, the one that starts with a G."
"Gregory ?" suggested the toddler.
"Yeah,  Gary !" nodded Holmes before pushing his nephew through the door and  down the stairs to the street where he flagged a cab.

Sherlock  was back to his experiments and Alden was quietly sat on a chair toward  the desk, completing a rather elaborate dinosaur-themed drawing, when  the Detective-Inspector entered 221B that evening. He greeted Mrs Hudson  with a visit before climbing up the stairs to his brother-in-law flat.
"Good evening boys !" he exclaimed joyfully as he stepped in the living room.
"Ah. Gilbert ! Some case for me ?" wondered the consulting detective.
"To be able to find that much surname starting with the letter G and to never have it right is kind of a performance I suppose." the yarder chuckled. "So, how was the day ?"
"Oh,  depends on who you ask. I would say marvellous, but I'm not sure the  poor chaps to whom this once belong would have the same opinion."  retorted the younger man, gesturing toward the brain.
"Who was he ?" wondered the inspector suspiciously.
"Simon McConaughay, 27, poisoned apparently." replied Sherlock dismissively.
"How did you get your hand on it ? Molly ?" the policeman continued to investigate.
"No, your friend Dimmock  or whatever his name is. You are not the only one out of your depth you  know." denied the younger Holmes, adding the last sentence as a revenge against the DI for whit holding cases from him.
"You've been investigating a case today ? Mrs Hudson didn't told me she had to look after Alden for sometime ..." remarked Greg more suspicious than ever.
"Oh no, I've brought him with me. He was quite excited actually ..." the consulting detective smiled innocently.
"You've  brought my son on a crime scene ? William Sherlock Holmes !" instantly  roared the inspector, slamming his fist on the kitchen table, inches  away from the bowl containing the brain.
"I didn't wanted to disturb Mrs H. She was watching a TV show. And Alden is really good at deducing actually, no wonder why he is my nephew." retorted the younger man, apparently not seeing the problem.
"The  day you will have a child of your own you will do whatever you want  with him Sherlock, but Alden is my son and I set the rules here !"  snarled the policeman. "I thought it was quite clear from the beginning. Alden is nowhere to be seen near a crime scene !"
"There was no blood or anything such as that." the famous detective protested.
"It's  not the point ! You do what you want off your free time and if you  fancy going to crime scene in order to get high I don't give a fucking damn but when you have the custody over my son don't you even dare approaching a crime scene !" thudded Greg, more than furious about the very little consideration his brother-in-law seemed to pay him.
"What I love with you Geoff it's how easy it's to scandalize you." Sherlock smirked, pushing away his microscope.
"If you are telling that you've been playing with me this all time and that this freaking brain come from Barts morgue I swear I'll kill you." sighed the yarder.
"I thought you didn't wanted Alden to go anywhere near a crime scene ?" snorted the younger man.
"Don't try to be cleverer than me." Gregory warned. "Is this from Barts ?"
"I am cleverer than you." retorted the younger man. "It does, indeed come from Barts. But the rest is true. It does belong to the body of a certain Simon McConaughay, 27 and apparently poisoned."
"So you haven't been on one of Laurence's crime scene ?" continued the inspector, still suspicious.
"Nope." confirmed the consulting detective, insisting on the 'p'. "We've been to the cinema and watch the new Ironman. The only thing you have to be concern of is maybe of tooth decay."
"You  little bastard !" laughed the DI, understanding he had been played off  and noting that the situation was probably quite funny from an external  point of view.
"Alden, come here and explain to your father how great  is the film we've seen before he punches me in the face." the other man  demanded
The boy, who had stayed quite passive during the entire  conversation, focused on his drawing, did as he was ordered and joined  his father and uncle in the kitchen, throwing himself on the former's  arms.
"It's so cool Papa ! IronMan have a new armour, and he got a little boy as a partner to investigate against the Mandarin, and he explodes a lot of things, and he saves the president and is helped by Rhodes !" the child exclaimed joyfully.
"Oh yeah, sorry for the spoilers, little humans are not the most reliable when it comes to explain a pitch without giving away the ending of the film." grinned the younger Holmes.
"I  swear you Holmes will be the end of me one day." sighed the yarder  before collecting his son's belongings, the little boy still in arm.
"You know what I need to behave." retorted the consulting detective.
"I'll  see if I have something for you tomorrow." accepted the older man  before disappearing through the door, letting the other man grin alone  in his flat, quite happy with the joke he just had performed

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