CHAPTER 89 : Finding the girl

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The meeting room around Greg was buzzing with noise but he wasn't  hearing any of it, too concentrated on his heavy yawning. It had been  nearly 4 hours since he had got back from Hyde Park and sixteen hours  since he had left his bed and he was desperate for some rest but all he  had been offered was a nearly cold coffee and a bubbleless Coke. As much  as he appreciated being given responsibilities, he was also very mildly  pleased with it as it most of the time mean countless overtime and  endless meetings.
"Lestrade ? Are you still with us ?" Trident's DI Kenzel suddenly interrupted, chuckling lightly.
"Ah, hmm, well, hmm, sorry ... Can you repeat please ?" he replied with an apologetic smile.
"Get  this man another coffee ! And one for me too actually ..." she asked a  young officer before turning back to her colleague. "I was suggesting to  double the forces in Hyde Park and other main parks for at least four  days to make sure it doesn't happen again and to increase the shift  lasting from nine to twelve hours to be able to intervene if ever  another rally of this kind was to start forming."
"Yes. Yes, that seems good." nodded the detective. "Is the shift lasting increasing only for uniform officers or for everyone ?"
"Well,  according to the fact that we have to sort out why does such a chaos  had been possible and to identify the stabbers I suppose that your team  as well as mine and most of the non-uniform teams in Scotland Yard will  naturally increase their work hours so I would make that compulsory only  for patrolling forces and ask the other forces to be available and on  standby 24/7 for the next four days as well." the woman answered.
"That's gonna be a lot of over time, cost us in the high millions." remarked the Chief SuperIntendant.
"With  no disrespect sir, this afternoon event had cost nearly 15 million  pounds in degradation according to the first estimation so I suppose  that we'd better prevent it even if it cost us some money than spending  more cleaning up after the event and having 27 kids in hospital  including 6 with critical injuries." retorted Greg, a little pissed off  that all what his superior seemed to care about was budget and politic  over public safety and possibly dying kids.
"I have to agree with  Detective-Inspector Lestrade on this one." approved the Scotland Yard  Commissioner that had apparently just entered the room without the DI  noticing it. "I know the Met and Scotland Yard's budget are not the same  than the City of Westminster ones and that the cleaning are entirely at  their expenses when the overtime is at ours, but all this money  actually come from the same place, the citizen's wallet and I think he  would rather like it if we could keep the general expenses the lowest  possible. That said, sorry for being late, I've just come back from  Northern Ireland where I was meeting my homologue from Belfast. I've  heard that you've done a pretty good job with the forces you had so well  done and please carry on."

After five more hours spent in the  meeting room, eleven coffee and six ham and butter sandwiches, Gregory  finally found himself back in his quiet office but as soon as he had  closed the door and laid down on his chair, willing to do a small twenty  minutes nap just to power up, Donougher dashed into the room, holding  out his mobile to the detective.
"It's for you, St Mary's Hospital." he informed his superior as the man stood up and reached out for the phone.
"DI Lestrade, listening." he introduced himself.
"Yes  sir, Doctor Jennings. I received a young girl stabbed multiple times  from this afternoon's event and I sadly have to inform you she passed  away about half an hour ago." a male voice answered him.
"Have you got any ID about this girl ?" wondered the policeman.
"No.  She had a phone on her but we haven't searched it as we are forbidden  of doing so. All I can say it's that she is fairly young, around 18."  the doctor denied.
"Alright, I'll send someone around to collect her  belongings and your medical report if there is any and make the order  for the body to be moved to Barts Hospital for a post-mortem." the  inspector informed him.
"Alright, thank you officer. Good night." accepted Jennings before hanging up the call.
"You know what you have to do ?" the yarder then smile to his adjunct.
"Boss, that's not fair, you shall send a junior officer for that !" chuckled the sergeant, taking back his phone.
"Consider  that as a privilege to see a little bit of the sky, not something most  of us can dream of ..." laughed the other man before sending his  colleague out.
If he had dreamt of dealing with this case quickly,  that was all but good news. He had no idea who this girl was but it was  now a murder and not only an assault that could be dealt with by any  local police station and that meant a new case for him and his team, as  if they didn't had enough to keep them occupy until Christmas and over it already.

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