CHAPTER 113 : Bet

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"Boo-ya !" Mycroft exclaimed, a large smile plastered on his face,  jumping to his feet and starting to box an invisible opponent. "Eheheh !"
"Hmpf ..." simply replied his partner, pouting and crossing his arm on his chest, clearly sore loser.
"I've smashed you darling. I've just fucking atomized you !" continued the auburn, apparently over the moon.
"Oh shut up. I haven't lost that much !" complained the policeman.
"I've  got 40 in the right order and you only 2 and you call that not that  much ? Poor little moody boy ..." laughed the official, still jumping  around.
"I'm sure you had the result before it even start." moaned the detective.
"And how that ?" smiled the elder Holmes "If I didn't knew you better I would say you are a sore loser Gregory ... Oh but wait, I know you better, you are a sore loser ..."
"No I'm not !" exclaimed the yarder, a smile breaking on his face.
"Oh  yes you are ..." Mycroft teased him. The inspector jumped on his feet  and started chasing his husband across the room before the auburn  tumbled down because of the carpet and Greg fell over him, pinning him  to the floor.
"So am I a sore loser ?" the detective wondered.
"Of the worst kind." confirmed the auburn while the television host was saying goodbye and the ads were starting.
"Really  ? Because I suppose a sore loser would be so deceived that he've lost  that he would go to bed all moody and would curl up like a little baby  under his duvet, not in the mood for any amusement ..." retorted the  policeman, a devilish smile on his face.
"Oh you bastard !" replied the elder Holmes, faking to be awfully offended. "You wouldn't do that !"
"Who knows what a sore loser is capable off ?" chuckled the yarder, mischief in his eyes.
"Alright, alright, you are an amazing person, the most beautiful person out there and you are a very very great loser." laughed the official.
"Hmm ... I prefer this ..." smiled the detective before leaning down until his lips touched his partner's mouth.
"You still have lost your bet and you won't avoid its consequences ..." Mycroft smile against his husband's lips.
"Shut up ..." retorted the other man before kissing him with passion.

"Are you ready ?" the elder Holmes asked his partner, a little smile on his face hiding his own apprehension that something could possibly go wrong.
"I  hate you so much, but so much ..." sighed the detective before giving a  last kiss to his boyfriend and walking toward a group of people dressed  exactly like him.
They were standing on an air field in Dorset on a  bright and sunny Saturday morning of June and Greg was to have his first  experience at parachuting, the price for loosing his bet on the  Eurovision Song Contest ranking. Despite having set up himself the price  of the bet, Mycroft was not that sure anymore  he was finding it very funny and would have preferred his partner to  chicken out better than taking the risk to do it, but as he didn't wanted  to scare the yarder more than he already probably was, he just shut up  and looked at him going away and climbing on the little plane that was  supposed to take him away.
"Is Papa going to be okay ?" wondered Alden who had been sat  in the grass a few meters away, studying a flower, since they had  arrived and who just had joined his father as the plane's door were  being closed.
"Of course he is going to be just fine." smiled the official. "You know Papa, he is never afraid of anything."
"But  why do people do that ? Why do they take a plane and jump from it to  return at the same place they were at first ?" questioned the little  boy, his eyebrow frown, a look of profound confusion on his face.
"Some  people like that because its thrilling and it allows them to see the  planet a little differently." explained the auburn, seizing his son's  hand and leading him to a bench that had been displayed near from where  the skydivers were supposed to lend.
"But they could use a drone to see the landscape from over ?" suggested the toddler.
"Yes,  but you know it's like watching a documentary on wild animals on  television or seeing them for real. The thrill is not the same you see  ?" explained Mycroft, sitting down on the bench and lifting the boy to  sit him on his lap.
"Oh ... Okay." nodded the child. "But it's dangerous no ?"
"No  it's not, don't worry." denied the official, even if a part of him was  saying that it was. "Papa is not alone. He is going to jump with someone  who do that every day and who knows exactly how to do so there are no  risks."
"You say that but you are scared for Papa." the kid remarked anxiously.
"No I am not." denied the elder Holmes. "I just hope that Papa will like it and won't regret jumping."
The  little boy pouted, not sure his father was saying the complete truth  but prevented from asking more question by the taking-off of the plane.  He waved to Greg behind the porthole of the plane and then nestled  against his father while the man was following with his eyes the vehicle  were his partner was as it fly away.
"Daddy ?" the toddler requested after a few minutes of silence.
"Hmm ?" replied the elder Holmes, shifting his head so he was looking at his son nestled against his chest.
"Why does Sarah and Lucas say that their mum hates you ?" Alden wondered, taking his father by surprise.
"Ah ... Well erm  ..." the official started, uneasy. "Before I met Papa and we understood  that we loved each other, Papa had loved someone else, you understand  ?"
"He loved Sarah and Lucas mum ?" guessed the little boy.
"Exactly." nodded Mycroft. "He loved their mum but, as it sometime happen when you are an adult, after some time they didn't liked each other anymore so they decided not to live together anymore."
"Yes. But why does she hate you ?" questioned the toddler.
"Well, you know when you see your friend having more ice cream and you are not hungry anymore but you still feel a little jealous ? It's exactly the same here. Sarah's mum don't love Papa anymore but she is not happy that there is someone else who love him." explained the auburn, trying to keep it clear and simple.
"She is jealous because you make Papa happy and she is alone ?" replied the child, innocently.
"Yes, exactly. She does not like me because I make Papa happy and she is a little bit nasty with Papa because she is jealous that he is happier than her." agreed the elder Holmes. "But  that's something very bad to do. You shouldn't be jealous of someone  because he is happy when you are not. It's not because that he is  happier than you that he is a bad person. What is important is to find  how to be happy for yourself and not to compare with the other, alright ?
"Yes." smiled Alden. "But why you don't tell her not to be jealous ?"
"Adults are a little stubborn sometime." the official chuckled.
"But why did Papa loved someone like this ?" wondered the child, still as genuine.
"Love  is not always something logical." Mycroft replied with a sad smile.  "But you don't have to worry about all that now don't worry."
"Because you love Papa and Papa loves you." the boy nodded enthusiastically.
"Exactly !" winked the auburn. "Now look up, I think we will soon see Papa up there."
Indeed,  the plane's door had just been opened and the ten passengers were  getting ready to jump, Greg being paired with a young athletic man. The  first pair jumped in the void, instantly disappearing from the  detective's eyesight and the nerves started to really take him. He was  part of the third pair to jump and when he saw the second one  disappearing he was wondering if he would have the guts to follow them  but the young man who was right behind him simply hooked himself to the  inspector and without the latter even exactly noticing, they had jumped and were now falling incredibly quickly toward the ground.
First  tempted to scream, Greg realized that his accompanist knew exactly what  he was doing and started to relax, enjoying the thrill of the fall and  admiring the Dorset's landscape, quite surprised to see that he could  actually see the sea from up there despite it being quite far. Suddenly  he felt something pulling him back and he understood that the parachute  had been deployed. He was starting to be able to distinguish the  silhouettes of the people waiting on the airfield even if he couldn't  say which one was his partner or his son.
They were approaching from the floor quite quickly and for the first time  since they had jumped from the plane, the policeman's fear level raised  again but the young man managed a perfect landing and unhooked himself  from the inspector, letting the older man with mix feelings. A part of  him was absolutely thrilled with what had just happened and had found it incredibly amusing while another part was wondering if his heart hadn't stopped working and was fully terrified.
He  was all to his confusion when he noticed his partner approaching and he  threw himself in the taller man's arm, holding him tight. He let the  auburn placed a soft kiss on his forehead before parting and seizing his  son from the floor and lifting him up to his chest. The little boy  wrapped his arms around his father neck and let him carry him away to  the place were a young woman was collecting the skydivers overall.
"You are the bravest Papa ever !" the boy whispered into his father's ear.
"And you will be even bravest." winked Greg before putting him back on the floor to be able to take off his overall.
Mycroft hadn't said a single word since they had been reunited but his shinning look was saying all the proudness and the love he couldn't put into words. The detective wrapped an  arm around his waist and brought him close before placing a loving kiss  on his lips, not caring for a second about the people around or the  young woman waiting for his overall. He knew how difficult it was to  impress the elder Holmes to this extent and this look was the best  reward he could have asked after what he had just done and if he was  sure to have another of these looks, he would jump again any time.

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