CHAPTER 105 : Concerned Rocky

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"God all mighty !" Mycroft roared, holding his right ring finger with his other hand.
"That's rude Daddy." his son scolded him, approaching from his father, a ball in his arms.
"Sorry sweetheart but I think we need to go back home." smiled the official despite the pain radiating in his all right arm.
"But Daddy, we just arrived ..." pouted the little boy.
"I  know Aldy, I'm sorry but Daddy injured himself so we need to go back  home so I can heal myself, you understand ?" explained the auburn.
"Do you want a magic kiss ?" proposed the toddler genuinely.
"Thank you little man." agreed the elder Holmes before kneeling on the ground and offering his hand to his son.

Half  an hour later he was waiting in the emergency ward of the Charing Cross  Hospital, waiting for a doctor to see him. He wasn't used to have to  wait for anything and despite being there for less than ten minutes he  was already bored and to pass time he was trying to deduce the life of  the surrounding people. It didn't take him long to understand that half  of the people of the ward were absolutely not sick and were just trying  to have a doctor certificate to take some holidays without saying it  whiles the other half was mostly composed of children who had injured  themselves or swallowed their toys.
Still waiting and even more  bored, he started deducing the nurses that were walking in the corridors  than the paramedics that were bringing new patients and he was to start  deducing the different doctors when a nurse finally called him. She  escorted the official to a small consultation room and closed the door  behind her after putting his file down on the end of the consultation  table.
How unfortunate was he to injure himself on the first real  spring day of the year wondered Mycroft. On the insistence of his son he  had accepted to go to the park and play football despite not really  liking it and, clumsy as he was when it came to sport, it haven't taken  even five minutes before receiving the ball right in his finger.
It  took ten more minutes before a doctor finally entered the room, a smile  plastered on his face despite the fact of having been on shift for the  last seven hours already as the official deduced from the different  stains on his white overall. He rubbed a hand in his black hair and  seized the file laid on the table, quickly having a look at it to  determine what had already been done on his patient.
"Mr Holmes is it  ? So, a ball in the right ring finger. It's definitely spring. No more  flu and an increasing number of broken legs and sunburns." smiled the  doctor approaching from the elder Holmes and grabbing his hand gently to  have a first look at the said finger.
"Yes, tho I suppose most of the time it's the children who injure themselves, not their parents." remarked the auburn.
"Oh no, think again, we see quite a lot of parents having received a  all in the head that had left them knocked out. But it's true that they  kinda favour the barbecue's burns." chucked the black-haired, looking  at the other man's finger.
"Well, we don't have many barbecues in London so it musn't be that frequent no ?" wondered Mycroft.
"True.  Actually it's my first month here. I was in Devon before so it was  quite common there." nodded the doctor. "Okay, I'm quite sure your  finger isn't broken but I'd like you to have an X-ray to confirm. I'm  going to ask the nurse to bring you there and I'll see you again after  it."
"Alright, thank you doctor." agreed the auburn, internally sighing at the idea of having to wait again.

It  took him two more hours before finally being discharged, a splint  around three of his fingers and a couple of painkillers tablet in his  pocket. He sighed at the thought of his day being completely ruined  before flagging a taxi, not willing to wait ten minutes to have his car  pick him up.
It was already half past six when he made it home and  the sight of his partner's car in the alley made him smile a little. At  least the detective wasn't working until the middle of the night and  they will be able to spend a nice and cosy evening at home. He pushed  the door and took of his shoes just at the moment Greg was dashing in  the corridor.
"You. Stupid. Giant. Baboon." he greeted him, punching  him mildly after every word. "Why haven't you told me you were injured !  How are you doing ? What have you got ?"
"Oy Rambo, calm yourself. It's only a sprain,I'm not dying." smirked the elder Holmes.
"But  why haven't you called me ?" repeated the policeman, still clearly  worried and suspicious that the younger man had something more serious.
"Exactly  for this." laughed the auburn. "I am not dying, I've just sprained my  finger playing football with your son, no need to be that panicked." Of  course, he would never had admitted it, but he found the inspector's  concern very cute and heart-warming and he was secretly pleased to have  someone worrying about him like this.
"Oh poor you ..." pouted the yarder, rubbing a hand against his husband back. "How are you doing ? Is it painful ?"
"It's okay, they gave me painkillers don't worry." the official smiled reassuringly.
"I know what you need." stated Greg with a little wink. "Go sat yourself in a couch, I'll be right back."
Mycroft did as he was ordered, sinking into his favourite couch, near the fireplace and in front of the television which was playing the news. His son, who was playing on the carpet with a couple of miniature, ran to his father as soon as he seen him.
"Eh look, you are turning into a robot !" he exclaimed, gesturing toward the splint.
"Exactly.I'm an undercover cyberman but shh, nobody needs to know." the auburn laughed, sitting the little boy on his lap.
"Can I touch ?" requested the toddler, an innocent smile plastered on his face.
"Sure." nodded his father to the child's greatest pleasure.
"Don't  break him more than he already is." the detective advised tenderly,  entering the room with a trail with a bottle of wine, glasses and plates  of home-made sushi
"I'm not broken, I'm sprained !" chuckled the elder Holmes while Gregory was sitting beside him on the couch.
"Someone damaged my precious little thing, that's all." retorted the yarder, pouring two glasses of white wine.
"It was a ball and it was an accident darling ..." smiled the official, accepting the glass he was offered. "Tho, I'm very touched by your concern if I have to be honest."
"And Daddy said he is a cyberman and cybermen can live even if only their head remain isn't it ?" intervene Alden.
"Shh ... It was a secret !" chuckled Mycroft.
"Oh ... Sorry Daddy." replied the kid, looking a little puzzled. "But it's right no, that a cyberman can live only with his head ?"
"Well  yes. But he can't do anything by himself, can he ?" nodded the  inspector before forcing a sushi down his partner throat as a proof.
"You know I still have my left hand, I can, eat for myself ..." retorted the auburn after half-chocking himself over the food.
"Alright. Have a go, we will see in five minutes who will be begging." giggled Greg, handling him a pair of chopstick.
Three minutes later, the elder Holmes indeed had to admit that he was definitely not left-handed after having thrown two sushi  on the floor and nearly knocking over his glass of wine and had to  allow being fed by his boyfriend even if he blamed it on the chopsticks.
Of course, he felt that being fed by Gregory was incredibly sexy and appealing but would have preferred  to die than to admit that he was even half pleased of having been wrong  when saying that he was able to manage it all by himself.
"Hey, let me breath !" Mycroft chuckle after his partner had forced what looked like the hundredth sushi down his throat.
"You need to eat if you want to recover. Plus Michael said you nearly haven't touch to your lunch !" the inspector scolded him.
"But I wasn't hungry." protested the official. "And it's not a reason to choke me with rice."
"Hmm ..." simply retorted the detective, doubtful, before forcing the other man to open his mouth once more.
"You know what Orson Welles once said about eating too much ?" the auburn teased the other man.
"Go on, Mr Brainy, show us your infinite trivia knowledge." giggled the policeman.
"My doctor told me I had to stop throwing intimate dinners for four unless there are three other people." explained the elder Holmes with a mocking grin.
"And one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." retorted the yarder.
"No, not Virginia Woolf ! That's unfair !" protested his boyfriend in a chuckle.
"Alright. Marc Twain than. 'The  secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food  fight inside. You won't dare prove Twain wrong would you ?" smirked the inspector.
"I was afraid you was going to give one by Grimod de la Reynière." the elder Holmes sighed out in relief while the other man was glancing him an interrogative look. "Beware of people who don't eat ; in general they are envious, foolish, or nasty. Abstinence is an anti-social virtue."
"I wouldn't dare my love." denied Greg with a tender smile. "I'm just saying that you should treat yourself more often."
"But  what's the point of doing it alone when you can have someone feeding  you your favourite meal while drinking your favourite wine with your two  favourite people by your side ?" concluded Mycroft before hugging both  his husband and his son in the same embrace.
He had no idea how he  was to perform his work during the three weeks he was to wear his splint  but what he was sure it's that it had, at least, one advantage and that  he was more than decided to use it as much as possible to be cosseted  during the weeks to come.

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