CHAPTER 40 : A good cop

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"Would you come with me ?" asked Mycroft, looking at his partner's eyes.
"I thought I wasn't suppose to enter the Yard today." retorted the detective, still a little bitter after the argument the two men had had a few hours earlier.
"I've already apologized twice Gregory ... And you know that's not what I meant."pleaded the official.
"Why would you need me anyway ? I don't even know the Commissioner to be honest." continued the inspector that the tension and fear was making quite vexing and disagreeable.
"It's your concern as much as mine if not even more. I thought you would like to take part, apparently, I was mistaking ..." replied the auburn exiting the car and closing the door. He sighed and followed his assistant inside. He had just passed the doors when he heard Greg's voice in his ear. "Sorry."
It was half past noon and most of the employees were out for lunch giving to the two men a strange feeling of walking through a haunted house. The commissioner's office door was open largely but Mycroft still knocked to announce himself before stepping in, followed shyly by his husband. The tall blonde man stood up and shook the official's hand vigorously before nodding toward the other man.
"Mr Holmes in person." he greeted him with a little grin before sitting back and enjoining the others to do so. "I'm sorry but I had to admit that I didn't knew anything about you before this morning."
"Well, I suppose Sir Jackson has told you all about me by now." replied the auburn with a neutral expression.
"He has. You seem to be a very important and occupied man, which makes me, and I'm sure you can understand that, in your position, quite concerned about the fact that you could have had any kind of ... influences on our cases." explained diplomatically the policeman, trying to keep the talk cordial. "So I'm sorry to have to ask you this, but is it right that you are seeing one of my detective-inspectors ?"
"I don't think this is a relevant question Commissioner. The question would be, have I, ever and in any way, had any kind of influence over any members of your forces that would have led to any kind of interferences in your cases, the answer to this question being no."corrected the elder Holmes, feeling the look of his boyfriend fixed on him.
"You are right, this is the question." agreed the blonde with little 'sorry' gesture. "But you can also understand that I can't take your words for gospel, not on such an important business, can you ?"
"Sure." nodded the official, passing his file to the other man. "You shall find anything you need here to clear my name and the one of Detective-Inspector Lestrade." he added, gesturing toward his partner.
The commissioner took a quick look at the documents enclosed in the beige file before turning back to the two other man sat before his desk. "I would wish to open an investigation about the Daily Mail for defamation and to know how they got their informations. Would you agree with this ?"
"I'll put my own services to your help if they could be of any use."accepted Mycroft while Gregory was nodding. He hadn't said a single word since they had entered the room, feeling rather intimidated in front of the highest chief of Scotland Yard, but he had appreciated being allowed to the meeting.
"Perfect. I will need you to sign an official complaint of course. I'll get that arranged for you before the end of the afternoon." the policeman concluded before turning to the other cop. "Mr Lestrade, I'm sure you understand that I can't let your own team investigate on this case without facing a controversy of course. I'll ask to Detective-Inspector Dimmock to lead it, just so you know.".
"Right sir." managed to reply the DI before turning back to silence again.
"May I keep this ?" required the blonde showing the file to the official."For the investigation."
"Sure." agreed the auburn, standing up. Lestrade imitated him quickly and both of them shook the commissioner's hand warmly before leaving the office and making their way to the lift.
"May I get to work now ?" wondered the detective while they were waiting.
"As you want." retorted his partner, placing a quick but gentle kiss on his cheek. "For myself I think I'm going to go back home and sleep until Monday."
"Hmm... That's appealing." smirked Greg, stepping inside the cabin. "Well, I suppose they could do without me for the afternoon...".
Mycroft took advantage of the privacy offered to them by the loneliness of the lift and pulled his lover close to him, kissing him passionately, relieved that all this story was over and that his husband seemed to have forgiven him his earlier behaviour and words.

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