CHAPTER 43 : Daddy.

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"Sherlock ! Why is Alden playing with a bloody foot !" yelled John, taking the body part from the hand of the toddler who started to whimper.
"I don't need it any more and he seems to like it."replied the young man in the distance, not seeing why that was a problem.
"You can't let a kid play with a foot ! It's just not possible Sherlock !" explained the doctor, still yelling in astonishment. "Even you should know that !
"Why ? He got feet too no ? If he plays with it nobody is going to say anything no ?"retorted the consulting detective, entering the room.
"Yes, but this is not his foot ! And it's full of blood ! And also belong to someone I suppose." lectured him the blonde, agitating the said foot in front of the black-haired nose.
"Oh don't worry, I don't think he need it any more. That's the thing with death, it's usually pretty fatal." sighed the young man dramatically, sitting down in his armchair.
"What would your brother say if he learns about this?" asked Watson, determinate not to let the other man get away with this that easily.
"Why should I care what Mycroft would say ?" wondered the detective grabbing his violin.
"Because if he wants he could keep you away from your nephew, you idiot !" erupted John before turning to the little boy. "No Alden you can't play with this. Uncle Sherlock shouldn't have given it to you . Why won't you do a nice drawing instead ?". The toddler was still snivelling bu taccepted the sheet of paper and pens the doctor was offering him and settled himself in front of the coffee table.
"He can't do that!" answered the younger Holmes after a few seconds of silence while his flatmate was in the kitchen, putting back the foot in a bag and placing it in the fridge, alongside other body parts.
"Oh yes he could. And I'm pretty sure he won't hesitate that long before taking this decision." nodded the blonde, his voice a little calmer.
"No, I mean, he won't do that just for a simple foot ...". If the doctor didn't knew the other man that well he would have thought by the tone of his voice that he was starting to feel a little worry.
"I would bet on the contrary actually. If it concerns Alden, I think your brother won't forgive easily, even to you." commented the soldier. The detective remained silent while John was making them some tea. He was trying to persuade himself that the elder Holmes would never do something like that but he had to admit that it was actually highly probable that at any step out of the path, the official won't hesitate to take his son out of his brother's care.
"You won't tell him ?" he questioned Watson anxiously when he brought him a cup of tea.
"Why would I ? You didn't let Alden play with the foot on a deliberate attempt to piss Mycroft off, have you ?" retorted the blonde, sitting down in his own armchair.
"No, of course not ! Not this time at least." muttered the black-haired
"Not this time ?" asked the doctor suspiciously.
"Ok, I might have tried to influence him a few times for him to ask his father how the diet was going, but that's all !" admitted the younger with an amused smile.
"Sherlock..." sighed the other man half amused, half depressed. "You are a child you know that ?"
"I don't care if you agree to be my Daddy." grinned the consulting detective with a wink.
"Don't call me like that." warned the doctor, unable to repress a little smile that he tried to hide by drinking a gulp of his tea, burning his tongue doing so.
"Daddy ?" the young man teased him.
"Sherlock, stop that." grumbled John.
"Or what ?" wondered the black-haired now chuckling.
"Or this !" replied the blonde, throwing his cushion the other man's face
"That was worth the risk, daddy ..." laughed the consulting detective, sending back the cushion to its owner.
"You are an absolute asshole, you know that ?" sighed the blonde.
"John, isn't swear words one of the things we should avoid in front of kids ?" remarked the young man, nodding toward his nephew who was still drawing on the coffee table.
"So for you, dead body parts are ok, but swear words aren't. Right, it's nice to know." giggled the doctor.
"Well, it's not like if he is going to cut anyone's feet to make himself a toy out of it ? Using swear words, on the other hand..." explained Holmes, raising his shoulders.
"I'm not sure if I should agree with your demonstration or be seriously worried that you thought about this before letting him play with a foot ..." retorted John, frowning his eyebrows.
"Still no cases ?" Sherlock changed subject.
"Yes a couple, it's on my computer."informed Watson, gesturing toward the laptop resting on the desk.
The young man seized the device and started browsing through the email they had received, deleting most of it after just reading the title, stopping a little longer on others until he found what he was searching.
"A burglary. Nothing have been taken according to the owners." he read out loud before handling the computer to the other man.
"If nothing has been taken, why does that interest you ?" wondered the soldier.
"Because nothing has been taken ! Who would bother sending me an email to ask for my help if nothing has been taken ? Or the owners are lying, or the burglar was looking for something but didn't find it. Do you know many thieves who are searching for a specific object when housebreaking ?" explained the consulting detective with the usual excited tone he used when finding a new case to investigate on.
"Hmm ... That's quite true yes." nodded the blogger. "Shall we go for a visit or is it less than a 7?"
"I think a visit is in order." replied the man joyfully while jumping to his feet and grabbing his coat.
"And what are we suppose to do with Alden ?" questioned the doctor.
"Bring him with us !" retorted the consulting detective as if it was obvious.
"I'm not sure your brother would like that ..." remarked John, putting his own coat.

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