CHAPTER 131 : Liars, Killers

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Two young constable were running around, trying to prevent anyone  from approaching from the shape under a sheet, requesting the stroller  to take their phone down, clearly not succeeding in their task as for  every success they were having a couple more stroller were joining the  group that was starting to gather near the ribbon the two policemen had  quickly established.
Greg pulled out and directly marched toward the  gathering, pulling out his insignia as he was doing so. He nodded to his  young colleagues and both of them stepped back, concentrating on the  body laying down a few meters away.
"Detective Chief Inspector  Lestrade. This is a Scotland Yard investigation if you would please  stand back and stop snapping picture." he stated in his most formal  voice.
"Who is it ?" a woman's voice yelled from the crowd.
"Do I  look like a psychic ? I have absolutely no idea but I would strongly  advise you to follow the news if you are really interested in that, they  usually talk about that kind of stuff. Now I'm asking you once again to  go your separate ways please." the yarder retorted, trying not to look  too amused by his own answer.
"Police liar, police killer." a man voice this time emerged from the gathering.
"We've  also caused the Titanic to sink and replace the Queen by a look-alike  since she didn't invite us to her garden party in 1968. Something else  you want to add ?" the detective replied, not amused in the slightest by  what he just had heard, despite trying to change it into a joke.
'Police  liar, police killer' was a catchword that had become increasingly  popular those last months after a policeman from the suburbs of Leeds  had shot by accident a teenager because he thought he was armed. Despite  the fact every measure had been taken to make sure something like that  wouldn't happen again and the policeman accepting to present his  apologise, the situation hadn't evolve for the best and, under the  influence of what was emerging in other country, particularly in  America, there was now not a day without gathering of young people  protesting against the police, in Leeds and elsewhere. For now those crowds had always been quite peaceful but Greg knew t would need nothing else that a little spark to evolve into something much more violent.
Luckily,  two other cars from the Yard showed up at that moment, unveiling the  presence of Sally and her team and the young woman immediately  dispatched two of her men to take car of the crowd while she made her  way to the body of the middle-aged woman. Greg joined her as she was  ordering the constables to put up a screen between it and the pathway  were the stroller were passing by, so she would be able to take of the sheet without the body being visible by everyone.
"Any witness in this crowd ?" she wondered when her colleague joined her.
"Just a couple of curious and Loiner-alike." Greg sighed. "I'm quite concern about the damage it can do to us actually."
"Is that what your boss thinks too ?" replied the young woman, taking off the sheet now that no one could see them anymore.
"No. They always think they can get through the storms untouched." her superior answered, taking a look at the body.
"Typical  ... What do you reckon ?" she wondered, pointing out to a couple of deep  cuts on the woman's side, letting dark red stains on her clothes.
"Blade. Quite messy if you ask me." replied the detective, taking a better look at the injuries. "Doesn't look like a professional act to me."
"Exactly my thoughts." Donovan agreed, cutting off the woman's jacket and t-shirt to have a better look at the cuts.
"It  must have been quite quick even so because she had the time to be  stabbed twice before moving, the angle of the blade impact being the  same." the policeman remarked.
"Sherlock had got into you ?" Sally chuckled, receiving a shocked look from her boss. "Tho I have to admit you are right. I would even add that she had been stabbed in the back."
"So  stabbed in the back, quickly, by someone who is not a professional. At  least that rules out the possibility of a suicide or an accident." the  DCI stated, while his adjunct was taking notes on a small notebook.
"So murder it is." the young woman nodded, not hiding her enthusiasm. "At least something interesting to investigate !"
"Hide your joy, it's a death public personae we are talking about." Greg tutted her gently.
"You  are right ... Well, I suppose we can send the body to Molly, she will be  able to find out more than me." the woman nodded before making a sign to  one of the constable that had arrived on the scene to help their  colleagues. "Call in for Bart's hospital post-mortem department, we have  some work for them."
"According to the way she was laying and the blood on the ground altogether  with the messiness of the cuts, I would say she was attacked pretty  much on the exact location she died." the detective deduced while a  couple of young men were taking the body away.
"Can you stop being  that clever ? It's a bit annoying sometime." the young woman grumbled,  again taking notes in her little notebook.
"You know to what level I have to stand-up  if I don't want to be overpowered by my own son." the detective snorted  before walking away. "Find who in her enemies would have got the guts  to do something like this and check the CCTV to see if someone with a bloody knife was wandering around earlier today."

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