CHAPTER 19 : The Husbands.

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Mycroft embraced the room in a look, contemplating the improbable mix of the guests. In the same room you could find the governmental colleagues of the official as well as Lestrade's farmers cousins, all apparently going on very well with each other. They were finishing the main dish and it was nearly the moment for the bestman and bestwoman speeches.
The auburn took a look behind him at his son who was sleeping on a little mattress after eating his own lunch. In his little tuxedo he was, in the eyes of his father, the loveliest little boy of the entire universe.
"Sir, may I take your plate ?" asked a waiter who was clearing the tables. The official nodded and a couple of minutes later, he felt his brother raising to his feet for his speech. The younger waited for a few seconds until the remaining whispers had vanished before debuting.
"Dear family, dear friend, brother mine, Gavin." he started.
"Gregory" muttered the detective, making everybody laugh for a moment.
When the silence had come back, Sherlock continued. "So, dear everyone, thank you for attending this special event, because yes it is a special event. Today is the day where my frankly hopeless brother finally had found someone who can put up with him on a daily basis, and I have to admit that he does it with a great enthusiasm and an even greater courage, as I had the opportunity to test him countless time." He paused for a second, glancing at his brother who didn't knew if he was supposed to laugh or to stun the consulting detective. "Some of you may know that we don't usually go on that well with each other and that's why when he asked me to be his bestman I barely could believe it but I have to admit that it was a great pleasure for me to accept the gift that my eldest was doing me. We are not accustomed to any kind of brotherly compassion". Those in the audience who knew the two of them and especially John and Mrs Hudson who were sat at the nearest table rolled their eyes as to say that this wasn't even enough of a euphemism. "We do not express many sentiments between each other, but that doesn't mean that we don't have any, and for the first and I hope last time in my life I'm gonna say thank you, brother dear, for everything you have done for me. I know I haven't always been easy to handle and I'm still not, and that I've come to bother you at a moment you weren't ready for this kind of duty but I have to admit that you always had been there for me, never complaining about my presence and that you had always done what you thought was best for me, even if it sometime wasn't as good as you thought it would be. So yes, thank you Mycroft, I know what I owe you and I want you to know that I will always be at your side to support you, even if I will never admit it again.". The consulting detective paused, swallowing his saliva, when he felt his brother's hand pressing his forearm, a discreet but heart-warming gesture.
"Lestrade" the black-haired resumed. "When I'm telling you that you are the best thing that could have happened to my brother, I want you to understand that this is the greatest compliment I am capable of. Since you've entered his life, you had made him happier than ever and I hope that he had made you equally happy. I know that I am sometime a ridiculous man, an irresponsible adult and a frankly unbearable brother but the two men that are celebrating their wedding today had offered me much more than I ever could have dreamt of in the person of my superb nephew, Alden and I hope I could be as good as an uncle as Mycroft is a good father because this new family deserve all the happiness and the love the world could give them.". He raised his glass, quickly imitated by the audience. "To Mycroft and Gregory." he toasted with a smile to the DI. They all drank a gulp of their champagne before Sherlock sat back beside his brother who looked at him heartily. He nodded toward him while Molly, sat at Lestrade's right, stood up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Greg, Mycroft" she started, unsure and uncomfortable in front of so many people that she didn't knew. The detective glanced her an encouraging look and she resumed. "Thank you for attending today's celebrations. I'm very proud of what is happening and very happy for both of the men present by my side and well, my speech won't be as emotional than Sherlock's one but still I wanted to wish you two the best of luck for the future because you deserve it and even more.". She was talking quickly, blushing, but she looked determined to get throught it. "When Greg first told me that he was going to propose to his partner, I have to admit that I have laughed in disbelief because I never thought that Mycroft Holmes would ever want to marry anyone, but I was mistaking, heavily. I had, like many of us, nasty prejudices on who this man was, thinking that his discretion was coldness and that he was unable to feel anything - not unlike his brother actually – but I've been proved wrong everyday since. This two men truly love each other and it's a real privilege for me to be able to call them my friends.". Once again the crowd raised their glasses. "To Greg and Mycroft" they toasted and the two husbands kissed while the bestwoman was sitting down. Gregory turnned to her and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you Molly, that was perfect" he said gently.

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