CHAPTER 10 : La Dolce Vita

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(This chapter include soft smut near the end)

Greg was sat in the living room when he heard the doorbell. Mycroft was bathing Alden upstairs and couldn't let the toddler alone in the bath so the DI stood up to his feet and reached the front door. It was really unexpected to have a visitor at this time in the day but it wouldn't have been the first time that one of his partner's colleague would have come to visit him for an urgent matter.

He opened the door, ready to introduce the official in the auburn's office but he had the surprise to see Sherlock on the doorstep. It was the first time that the detective had seen the younger Holmes visiting his brother and was looking rather surprised.
"Gavin . Would you please let me in ?" asked the black-haired with a fake smile.
"Greg." corrected the yarder mechanically. He stepped aside, allowing the other one to enter the house. "Your brother is in the bathroom, upstairs." he added.
The young man didn't even wait until the grey-haired had finished his sentence to rushed in the stairs, letting the older man standing in the corridor, gob smacked.

Mycroft was sat on a stool beside the bathtub, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a rubber dolphin in his hands, playing with his son who seems to have the time of his life, splashing water all around the marble floor of the bathroom.
The auburn didn't looked surprised when his brother stepped in the room, still wearing his coat and scarf, despite the warm May night. "Brother dear." he said looking neither pleased nor unpleased. He just had turned the head to face the visitor but didn't moved in anyother way to greet him.
The consulting detective nodded, then, looking to the little boy in the bathtub he added "So it's you.". The toddler was looking to the black-haired not knowing how to react.He wasn't really scared because his dad was beside him but he didn't really liked the way the tall man was looking at him.
"Yes it is." replied Mycroft, a bitter smile on his face. "Why are you here for ?".
"Can't I visit my nephew ?" retorted the younger. He was now smiling shyly to the boy.
"At this time in the night ? That's not what civilised people do Sherlock ..." the elder remarked. He wasn't angry at his brother, knowing that he probably haven't even noticed either the time or the day it was.
"Don't they ?" the detective asked in a naïve voice. "Well, may I then ?"
" Go downstairs in the living room, we are coming."replied the auburn, not looking at his brother any more and turning back to his son.

When Mycroft entered the living room, carrying his son  in his arm, his brother was sat in a couch, looking away -probably in his mind palace- and Greg was back in his armchair, reading a sci-fi fiction. The elder coughed gently to advise the black-haired of his presence. He then put the toddler on the floor and said softly to him" Go say hello to your uncle little man ."
The little boy rushed to the couch and tried, unsuccessfully to climb on it. The younger Holmes looked at him trying then pick him up and sat him onthe couch, right beside him. "What's your name ?" he asked the little boy.
With a big smile the latter answered "Alden ! You?". He was now friendly with the visitor. Smiling back to the young boy, the consulting detective replied to his question "Sherlock.". "Shlock ?" tried to repeat the baby. "No ShERlock." laughed the black-haired. "Shelock !" tried again the boy, with an even bigger smile. "She-R-lock." he explained again, laughing strongly.
The auburn smiled at the scene that was happening in front of him. If he haven't seen it himself, he wouldn't had believed it. After mocking him for his parenthood desire, his brother was finally being soft with the kid, that was hardly believable. Discreetly, he took a picture of the two of them with his phone then joined his partner and sat on the armrest of his lover's armchair.
Sherlock left after about one hour of playing with the boy. He had showed the toddler some magic tricks – god only knows where he had learnt that, Mycroft never had seen him having any interest in magic, him who despised all those irrational things. - and promising him to show him some more next time they would see each other.
"Goodbye She-re-lock !" said the little boy when his uncle stepped outside the house, winking at him. Greg lifted the baby on his shoulders and brought him to bed.

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