CHAPTER 56 : Surprise

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"Mr Lestrade ?" asked the voice on the phone.
"Speaking." replied the detective, sighing to have been disturbed in the middle of his paperwork. He had already the greatest difficulty to force himself to fill those stupid forms, he really wasn't in the mood to be disturbed every two minutes.
"I've got someone waiting for you in the lobby sir." the front desk receptionist informed him.
"Who is it ?" wondered the inspector, trying to remember which box he was supposed to tick for his expense report to be accepted and repaid to him.
"He wouldn't give his name but he said you were probably waiting for him." answered the woman, clearly not concerned about the matter.
"Am I ?" replied the policeman, surprised and quite sure he wasn't awaiting anyone this day.
"That's what he said.So are you coming to collect him or should I tell him that you are not available." retorted the receptionist, getting impatient.
"Fine, I'm coming. Tell him to wait for me."accepted the yarder reluctantly. He took the time to finish the form he had started to fulfil before raising to his feet and moving to the lifts. He really couldn't figure who could possibly be waiting for him, not having any appointment with anyone planned for at least a week and knowing that if it was Sherlock, John or Molly, the three only people who could come to visit him without advising him, they wouldn't have bother asking for him but would have come directly to his office.
He was still asking himself the question when he stepped out of the lift to the lobby, looking at the visitors' area for the man who could be asking for him. Suddenly he noticed a familiar curl of auburn hair and swore in mid voice. "You bastard...".
"Good evening love." whispered the official, placing his delicate hand on the DI's arm.
"What the hell are you doing here ? And why have you asked for me at the reception instead of coming directly to my office ?" questioned the older man, not understanding what was happening.
"My, my Gregory ... Aren't you happy of seeing me ?" smiled the elder Holmes. "That wouldn't have been funny if I came directly to you ... And you would have argued that you were occupied instead of just following me.".
"What? Myc', what the hell ?" asked the detective, his eyes like two dining plates.
The official didn't answered but grabbed his partner's hand and pulled him to the building exit. They were already half the way when the policeman understood what was happening."Mycroft, I can't leave, I haven't finish my work !" he exclaimed, keeping his voice low not to be noticed the other people.
"You are coming with me. You are in holidays." retorted the auburn in a grin.
"No, I'm not ! I'm sorry love but I need to go back to work really !" quashed the yarder, refusing to move.
"Yes you are. I've arranged everything with Donovan and your SuperIntendant so now come on or we're going to be late !"nodded the other man, dragging his boyfriend to the Jaguar awaiting them in the street.
"Myc' I don't understand ..." the DI remarked, looking really lost.
"Oh, shut up and do what I'm telling you." retorted the official before forcing him into the car and fixing a blindfold on his eyes. The auburn climbed in the other seat and the driver took off while Gregory was looking more confuse than ever after literally being kidnapped by his own husband.

"Myc' can I take this off ?" asked the DI when his partner helped him to exit the car half an hour later.
"No." replied theelder Holmes, placing a small kiss on the other man's cheek and taking his hand, leading him to the doors of the Heathrow airport.
"Can you at least tell me where we are going ?" wondered the detective, trying his best to follow the pace of his much taller lover without falling on the floor.
"What would be the point of having you blinded if I say you where we are going exactly ?" chuckled the auburn. "It's a surprise !"
"I don't like surprises." complained the older.
"Too bad." snorted the elder Holmes making his way directly to the security check, the fact of occupying his minor position in the government having some advantages, including the fact of not having to queue himself to have his luggages registers or actually having to submit himself to the security check, thanks to his diplomatic passport.Greg however was to take the security check so the two of them made the queue to the x-ray machines, the detective starting to understand where he was. However, it's only when they arrived at the passport check and customs that the policeman got the confirmation he was in an airport but still not knowing where he was going.
"Sir, I gonna have to ask you to remove your blindfold please." requested the custom agent when the yarder stepped in front of him. Mycroft helped his boyfriend unknotting the fabric, allowing the man in his cabin to check the inspector's identity.
"Do I have to deduce you are taking me on holiday abroad ?" the latter asked the auburn once they had gone through.
"I suppose we can say so yes." the official whispered to his ear, seizing him by the waist and leading him to the right gate.
"But where is Alden ?" wondered Gregory, not seeing his son anywhere around him.
"Uncle Rudy offered bringing him at his cottage in Cornwall while we were away." the elder Holmes reassured him, stopping in front of a British Airway's desk at gate A24. He showed his passport and the two tickets to the young women that were standing behind it and of them escorted them inside, despite the fact the boarding haven't truly started yet.

Mycroft was sat on the window sill of the room he had rented in a palace in Jaipur. The sky was pitch dark but air was still warm and the official was looking absentmindly at the lights illuminating the capital of Rajasthan while his husband was snoring gently, naked on the four-poster bed.
The auburn stretched to seize a pack of cigarette on a coffee table near the window and lighted one, appreciating the first puff even more that he hadn't smoked since more than a month. He looked fondly at his boyfriend and let his thoughts maundering to the first night he had spent with Gregory, nearly three years ago now.
It was the sixth time the official had invited the detective for dinner and the evening had gone admirably. The yarder had brought the other man a single white orchid flower that the auburn had maliciously placed in his pouch pocket, just on his heart before leading the policeman inside a small restaurant hidden in a discreet street of south London. They had an exquisite diner in the garden, Mycroft letting down all his masks and false pretenses like always when he was seeing the one who, he couldn't have guessed at the time, would become his husband. It had been nearly a month the elder Holmes was courting the inspector but despite his super brain and great deduction talent, he was unable to read him and couldn't guess if his efforts would pay back one day.
They were waiting for their dessert when Greg took the otherman's hand and started caressing it softly, not saying anything, just looking right in the official's dark blue eyes. Mycroft remembered the feeling he had at this exact moment as if it was yesterday. He reminded himself of loosing his breath and feeling like if all his organs were retracting themselves into his body. He firstly had been shocked before feeling extremely happy and he had caught himself considering the fact of doing a joy dance around the garden before calming himself down, thinking that it would probably be inappropriate.

In the car bringing the detective to his home the auburn couldn't take his eyes off the other man's lips, desperate tofeel them against his skin but wondering if it would be decent to attempt a kiss only minutes after the policeman had simply touched his hand. The elder Holmes had never dated anyone before and if there was a subject on which he was completely ignorant it was with no doubt relationships and he made a mental note to ask his uncle about this matter the next time he would see him.
Then when biding his good night to the detective on his doorstep, the official felt suddenly incredibly bold and leaned toward the other man, placing a small but nonetheless tender kiss on his lips, quickly moving back, surprised by his own attitude, avoiding looking at the policeman in the eyes, frighten of his reaction. But to his biggest astonishment, the yarder replied, kissing him back with a little more confidence and softly running his hand on the auburn's cheek.
"Would you like to have a drink ?" proposed the inspector in a low voice. Unable to talk because of the shock, Mycroft nodded and followed the man he desired so badly inside, not caring at all about his driver who was waiting for him in the car.
Apologizing for the state of his flat, the detective gestured to the official to take a seat on the couch while he was pouring two glasses of red wine in the nearby kitchen. It was the first time the elder Holmes entered Greg's place and he looked curiously around him, trying to make a note that the yarder seems to appreciate quite greatly mint chocolate, thinking that it could be a great gift for another date. The policeman sat beside him on the couch, handling him one of the glasses, purposely letting his fingers wander a few seconds on the auburn's.
A little intimidated by the level of intimacy they had come to in less than an hour, the official drank a gulp of his wine, trying not to star too much at the yarder, feeling that it may be seen as rude to peer at someone for too long. Gregory on his side didn't bother himself with that much consideration and was staring right at the other man's face, softly bitting his lower lip, feeling that all the walls that he had built after his divorce and all the uncertainty he had about dating someone of such power had been thrown away by the care and gentleness the man was giving him. Noticing that the great Mycroft Holmes, the Iceman, the British Government himself was suddenly looking fazed by the situation, the detective pulled himself close rto the younger man and placed a passionate kiss on his lips. Once again surprised by the policeman's action, the auburn's eyes took the size of two dinning plates before he responded to the kiss, feeling warm and joyful inside, and gently stroked his hand on the inspector's back.

Smiling softly, the official pinched his cigarette away and get down from the windowsill, his barefoot shivering at the contact with the cold paving of the room. Quietly he made his way to the bedside and took off his pants before lying down beside his boyfriend, gently running his fingers along the detective's spine, kissing tenderly his shoulders and down his back making the DI moan of pleasure as he was slowly waking up under his partner's attentions.

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