CHAPTER 28 : Trouble

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Mycroft sat behind his desk in the private office of the Holmes Mansion and opened his laptop, waiting for it to turn on. He was only wearing his trousers and his shirt, the other pieces of his suit and his shoes forsook on an armchair of the office. He was drumming his fingers anxiously on the desk while the localisation software was trying to localise Sherlock.
The official grabbed his phone and rang his PA, thinking that she certainly had checked regularly the surveillance placed on the younger Holmes since the auburn had left the office, early in the afternoon.
"Anthea speaking." answered the young woman at the first ring.
"Yes,it's Mycroft. I need to know all you have on my brother since yesterday afternoon." requested her boss.
"He has been reported to have left the city yesterday around 6 by train and crossed the French border in the evening, arriving in Paris and settling down at the Montaigne hotel around midnight." she advised him in one breath. "He haven't moved from the hotel for the all day according to the CCTV."
"CCTV ? That's all we have to check on my brother ? French bloody CCTV that we can't control ?" outbursted the auburn. "Is that what you call 'Maximum surveillance' ? God."
"Sorry sir, but the French are forbidding us of any move and all our agents are working on the royal visit in Paris." Anthea justified herself.
"Sorry." apologized the elder Holmes. "This bastard knew where to go to escaped our surveillance...". He sighed heavily. It was clear that Sherlock wasn't at the hotel any more but god only knew where he was.
"Do you want me to detach an agent from the royal security sir ?" asked the PA.
"It's too late .He disappeared and you can be sure he had made sure that he can't be find... We have to wait until he contacts us." replied the official, shaking his head, a little twitch animating his face.
"Right sir. I'll keep you updated if we have any informations." concluded the young woman, her voice still formal despite the fear she could heard in her boss's voice.
"Right. Thank you, Anthea." answered Mycroft before hanging up the phone. He took his head in his hands feeling, once more, very scared and concern about his brother. Gregory opened the door and slipped in the office, approaching his partner and resting his hands on the official's shoulders. The latter turned his head on the left and placed a long kiss on his lover's hand.
"I'm sorry darling ...The evening is ruined..." he whispered.
Greg tighten his embrace, posing his lips in his husband's hair. "It's not your fault honey ..." he reassured him. Since the first day he had decided that he wanted to get closer to the government official, he knew that this kind of thing could happen and he accepted it, knowing that his boyfriend was trying his best to avoid those situations."What is happening ?" he wondered, his voice low.
"Sherlock disappeared, again." sighed the official. "He has been localised in Paris then nothing ..."
"He've disappeared on purpose ?"questioned the detective.
"Yes. There is a royal visit in Paris this week, he knew that our services would be focused on the queen and not on him." retorted Mycroft, his eyes focused on the blank map on the computer's screen.
"But what is he doing in Paris ?" asked the inspector, surprised.
"I'm pretty sure it's this guy, Henry... He was texting him yesterday at the restaurant ." replied the auburn, bitterly.
Lestrade remained silent. He didn't knew who was 'Henry' but apparently he wasn't dear to his partner and he didn't wanted to cause him more troubles. He grabbed an armchair and sat beside his husband behind the desk, holding his hand, both of them staring at the empty screen.
"Do you want me to inform John of what is happening ?" proposed the yarder after a few minutes of silence. Mycroft nodded, handling his phone to the other man, looking fondly at his lover while the latter was composing a text. After some more silent minutes, the auburn stood up and exited the room, coming back a few seconds later with the remaining of the Chablis's bottle and two glasses. The two men drank a gulp of the burgundy wine, trying to forget about Sherlock and to return to the nice evening they were spending before Dr Watson's phone call.
After a couple of hours, Gregory was feeling sleepy and went to bed, letting his husband alone in his office after making him promise that if anything changed, he would advise him. Mycroft called Anthea a couple of times during the night to hear that they still had no news about the younger Holmes. Suddenly he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket and grabbed it urgently. It was already dawn and the piece of sky that the official could sight through the window was arboring a light purple colour.
He looked at the phone's screen, surprised to see that his brother had sent him a text. He unlocked the device, looking at the message, one word and an address. "Help. 2B Cité Leroy, Belleville.". Mycrof tjumped on his feet, grabbing his jacket and putting up his shoes before running upstairs to wake up his partner.
He burst into the room, finding Greg asleep in his underwear alone, and shook him by the shoulder. "Gregory ! Gregory !" he whispered, urging his lover to open his eyes. "Sherlock is in trouble.". The detective looked up at the auburn, still half asleep. "What ?" he started, before understanding what his husband was talking about and sitting up in bed. "What happened ?".
The official didn't replied but shown his phone to the detective. "Will you come with me ?" he asked, his eyes begging the inspector to agree. The latter stretched his arms before pulling himself out of the bed and starting dressing up, grabbing a pair of jeans and a hoodie on a hanger while the auburn was on the phone with his assistant to make sure that some British agents would try to understand what was going on and possibly intervene if Sherlock was in immediate danger.

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