CHAPTER 65 : Always the poetic

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"I can dress myself up you know Myc'" the detective chuckled while his husband was trying to force his arm in the sleeve of a blue shirt.
"I know." retorted the man, not stopping however.
"So why are you doing it for me ?" laughed the policeman.
"Because I want to. Now shut up and put your arm here." replied the auburn, placing a soft kiss on his partner's lips to shush him down.
"I just remark that usually you prefer ripping my clothes off better than putting them up ..." winked Greg, slipping his other arm in the second sleeves.
"You need to be dressed up if we want to go backhome for me to rip them off ..." replied the official, deadpan.
"Oh, Mr Holmes ..." whispered his boyfriend, pushing him against the wall and kissing his neck fiercely.
"Come on darling, let's get out of here first. I can't stand this room anymore ..." the elder Holmes stopped him, running a tender hand against his back.
"Imagine me ..." sighed the yarder, buttoning his shirt.
"Yet, you didn't seem that eager to go ..." chuckled Mycroft, grabbing a red sport bag containing the other man's belongings.
"Because I can't decide if I'm more eager to be out of here or inside you." explained the detective passing by his lover and stepping out of the room.
"Always the poetic, Gregory..." laughed the auburn, grabbing his husband's hand and both of them making their way down the corridor to the exit.
"Admit it,you've missed my way with words, haven't you ?" the older man teased him.
"Surprisingly enough I do have. But it's clearly not the only part of you I've missed ..." retorted the official before climbing in the car waiting for them in front of the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

They remained silent during a few minutes, Greg curled up against the official's body, his shoes ruining the beige leather without any of them actually caring. The detective had spent nearly two months in hospital and despite the daily visits that his husband had paid him, they had missed each other more than they would care to admit and being one against the other was their only plan for the next couple of days.
"Myc', this is not the way home ..." finally remarked the policeman after half a dozen of minutes.
"Nope, we are making a stop before going back home." nodded the auburn. "You wouldn't want to starve this weekend, would you ?"
"Are you telling me we are going for grocery ? Can someone give me back my husband please ?" Greg chuckled in amazement. That was without any doubt, the first time he had ever seen the elder Holmes going out for something as trivial as grocery.
"I've dismissed Michael for the weekend. I don't want anyone in the way, but then that mean we need to cook for ourselves ..." explained Mycroft with a boyish grin.
"And make the grocery." the yarder finished.
"Pretty much exact, yes." nodded his boyfriend as the driver was stopping in front of Fortum & Mason's store.
The two men exited the car and entered the shop, the elder Holmes grabbing a small basket at the entrance. Despite showing his usual self-confidence, he was feeling a bit lost, not having stepped a toe in the store since he had graduated more than 20 years ago and accepted the position he was still occupying at the moment. Advising a sign 'Meat', he decided that it could be a good place to start and dragged his husband to the counter behind which three butchers were serving the customers.
"Home-made hamburgers, hmm ?" he asked Greg.
"Yeah. Yeah I'd love it." nodded the inspector, looking around him and wondering how could a grocery store look that much like a designer shop, being more accustomed to Tesco supermarket's displays and neon lights that to this kind of luxury grocery stores.
"Do you think we should have one for Alden or something else ?" the auburn questioned, partially speaking to himself.
"Well it's just aburger. If he can't eat it in the bun, he still can eat the burger by one side and the bread by the other side no ?" the detective proposed.
"Yeah, you're right. Maybe I'll just take a smaller one for him." agreed the elder Holmes.
Once they had been served the burgers, they made their way to the baker then to the vegetables displayed a bit further into the shop. Despite the fact that it wasn't one of their usual activities, both of them were starting to quite appreciate the moment and as they were queuing to pay for their shopping the auburn suddenly disappeared, coming back a couple of minutes later with a multicoloured flower bouquet he presented to his partner.

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