CHAPTER 158 : Party boy

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As always on Thursday nights, all the pubs were packed with people, students and thirtysomething mainly, and the little group had to try two bars before finding one were a table was still available.

The six of them squeezed around the little table, their knee touching one another and, as he was the only one who could get out without having to climb on anyone, Greg was designated as the one who should go and grab them some drinks.

A couple of old mates from the police academy were in town for the week, and as Mycroft was away on an official trip and the kids with their uncle for a special theatre night, Greg had accepted the offer that had been made to him to join his old comrade in a good old night out. It had been years since he hadn't done something like that and, arrived in front of the barman, he hesitated between taking gin-tonic for every one, or a crappy beer in order to remember the old days. He finally decided himself on the latter as a bucket would be easier to take back to his table than six glasses full of liquid.

"So what's up Rob ? Long time no see !" the yarder wondered as he had come back with everyone's drinks, and they had cheered multiple times.

"Well, not much actually. Still in Manchester, still at the crime, still not married, still no countryside cottage to retire to." the bulk man replied with a sad smile. "And you ? Still married ? Your children must be all grown up."

"I got divorced around six years ago now." the detective denied. "Sarah is fourteen, can you imagine how fast that goes ?"

"Don't tell me that such a handsome chap like you haven't got another girl in his life in six years !" the guy laughed, taking a sip of his beer.

"I'm happily married again and got two more magnificent children, don't worry about me." Greg retorted, trying to find a way of getting out of this conversation as quickly as he could.

He didn't exactly know why but he had the feeling it was better not to mention Mycroft in the conversation. After all, it had been years he haven't seen these guys, but from what he remembered from them, they were pretty much the alpha male stereotype and, even if he doubted they would find him disgusting for sleeping with a man, he was in no mood for the invasive questions and the prejudice over "people like him".

"What is going on in Manchester though ? I've heard about that story about a gang war ? Are you working on it ?" Lestrade quickly added in order to avoid any further question on his private life.

"No, I used to but now they decided to leave it to anti-gang specialist. Back to the crappy murders I guess." his friend replied, shredding. "It's not that bad although, I'm a DI with a little fun team and enough work to fill my days for the upcoming year, I suppose that I don't have a lot to complain about."

"Well that doesn't look that bad." Greg agreed, remembering his own time as a DI. "Do you still have this weird flat of yours ?

"No. No, I've bought something better !" the policeman laughed, nearly chocking himself over his sip of beer. "The other one was just impossible to go around."

They had a couple more beer, talked about football, their work, the weather, their work again and the royal family before being a bit bored of the pub they were in. Sandra, an old friend of Greg now working in Croydon and that he would see from time to time proposed to go to a club a few street away from there were she could have them in for free.

The club was as crowded as the bar and the music way to loud for someone of his age, but Greg thought he would look like a right party scrapper if he complained about it. He let Sandra drag him on the dancefloor and as time was going on and he was warming up he started having quite a lot of fun.

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