CHAPTER 156 : Juvenile Prison

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The tall fences spiked with barbed wire was looking intimidating even  to an experimented policeman like Greg. He couldn't help but look up to  it and imagine the pain it would be to have the razor-like barbed  cutting through your hands as you'd try to escape. He walked to the  gate, a simple metal door installed in the fence and pressed the  intercom's button.

"Identify yourself" a voice sputters through the bad quality microphone.

"Detective Chief Inspector Lestrade" the man answered, presenting his police badge in front of the camera.

The door opened, allowing him in a little space between  the two lines of fences. As soon as the first one had closed, the  second metallic door opened. Before the policeman was now a little  concrete building with only one small window on the side and two doors  on each pinion wall. He got through the one that had just been opened  then followed along a dark corridor to a small room with a table and a  few plastic chairs. A short, young woman wearing a blue uniform was  apparently waiting for him, sat on one of the table's corner.

"DCI Lestrade ? I'm Anwen Griffin, supervisor of unit 10." the woman explained, shaking the hand Greg had offered her. "Shall I show you through ?"

"My pleasure !" the yarder nodded as Anwen unpocketed  her keys, attached to her belt by a sort of wire to make sure no one  would try to steal them, and unlocked the second door of the building.

"I know you are from the force, but I still need to warn you that the boys we have locked out her are not from the greatest kind." the guard explained as they walk through the grassy premises of the juvenile prison. "Although, you are fortunate in a way. Unit 10 are not known to be the worse ..."

"That's what I've been told yes ..." the inspector confirmed, looking at the building before him.

It  was a large, cubic brick construction with small windows regularly  pierced through the walls. The feeling of this huge mass of brick was  pretty austere and the policeman was pretty surprised when they entered  the place to see that it was more or less welcoming. Of course, it was  still a prison with heavy doors and grids and furnitures that looked  more useful than anything else but the walls were painted in white with  in some place large stickers of nature element, the doors were blue,  giving the place a punch of colour, and the lighting was just yellowish  enough not to make every one look sick. The nose, on the other hand, was  unbearable. At this time in the day every inmate was awoken but  they weren't yet authorised to get out of their cells for breakfast and  the all 178 boys of the prison were trying to communicate one with the  other, creating a great mess.

"Sorry for that." Griffin smiled as she led the man to her office, at the other end of the building.

They  passed in front of multiple cells, some with decorated name tags on the  door like in unit 3 and other with red dots on the doors, mainly n unit  6 and 7, a mark for dangerous or sensitive prisoner the young woman  explained, in order for every guard to know that the inmates in those  could be difficult to handle.

They finally get through a grid  were a little sign was reading unit 10 and Greg was surprised to see a  bunch of fifteen to twenty boys quietly lined up, waiting for a  middle-aged man to serve them their breakfast tray. A few of these boys  stared at him as they crossed the unit to Griffin's office, wondering  who this man wearing civil clothes could be but no remarks came, as if  they all had decided that the breakfast was more important than a  mystery man appearing in their prison.

"Have a seat please." the young woman invited him has she closed the door of the office behind them. "So, what are you here for exactly, because I wasn't given many informations."

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