CHAPTER 67 : Nicknames

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"Do you think Papa is going to scream ?" Mycroft asked his son, both of them sat on a bench a few meter away from one of the high-sensation attraction of the Disneyland park, the auburn having no interest in it and the little boy being too small to be allowed.
"Hmm ... He said that if he screams he will buy me an ice cream so yes. I want him to scream !" stated the toddler, making his father laugh.
"What do you want to do after this ?" the official wondered, showing his son the map of the park.
"Toy story !" exclaimed joyfully the kid, pointing out one of the attraction.
"Buzz Lightyear ? Alright we will go there then." agreed the elder Holmes.
"Will Papa and the others come with us ?" questioned the boy.
"I don't know, we will ask them. But if they don't we will go just the two of us, what do you think ?" replied Mycroft, shrugging.
"Yes. We are not going to wait for them all the time." nodded the toddler.
"Exactly." laughed his father."We don't need them to have fun !"
"Look, it's starting !" the boy suddenly said, gesturing toward the pirate boat that had started moving.
"So, let's see if Papa scream ..." nodded the official, seizing his phone to record a video.
"Yes video ! So then he can't pretend he haven't scream." agreed Alden, laughing.
"Proof. Always have proof when you try to make someone honours their promises. That's the first rule.
When they were joined by the four Lestrades a few minutes later, the little boy was jumping of excitation.
"Strawberry and vanilla." he told his father as soon as he reached him.
"What ?" replied the detective, surprised.
"My ice cream. Strawberry and vanilla." explained the toddler.
"What ice cream. I haven't scream." denied Greg.
"Yes you have." stated the kid, his fist on his hips.
"That's not true. And you have no proofs." refused the inspector, smirking.
"As a matter of fact, he does have proofs." retorted his husband, throwing him his phone.
"You Judas !" laughed the yarder. "Right, ice cream for everyone then ! Let's go, it's on me !"
"Yeah !" Alden yelled, jumping on his father's back
"I've always thought that does smartphone were a bad invention ..." groaned Greg, despite the smile on his face.
"You weren't saying that last time you sent us a picture of the score table of the Premiere League to show us how much Liverpool was loosing." laughed Lucas
"Meh ... Why does kids only forget was is important and never what is embarrassing for you ?" moaned the detective, patting his son on the head. "So what do you want to do next honey ?"
"Well, Alden is up for a little Buzz Lightyear thing. Do you want to join ?" replied the official, nodding toward the other kids.
"Yeah, it looks great." accepted Jack, the youngest of the three.
"Isn't Buzz just beside Space Mountain ?" Sarah wondered.
"Yep." nodded the auburn.
"Dad, can we do this while Mycroft, Alden and Jack goes to Buzz ?" Lucas demanded, turning to his father.
"Hmm, yes I suppose we can. Does it bother you Myc' ?" Greg accepted.
"Not in the slightest. I'll take the boys and you'll go to your madness thing." the elder Holmes smiled just as they were arriving in front of the ice cream merchant.

"On your right, Alden ! Come shoot him !" the auburn encouraged his son. If the official haven't been known as a serious and reputable adult, he could, at this moment, have been seen as a grown-up who was going back to his childhood in an over excited manner.
"That's not fair ! Why do you indicate him every enemy to him and not to me?" complain Jack in the next carriage of the little train they were riding.
"Because that's my way of teaching you how unfair this world is and how only those who are boosted succeed in life." joked Mycroft.
"Still, that's unfair." replied the little boy with a pout while the train was slowing down and stopping.
"Come on, for once you are the oldest." the elder Holmes tutted him, running a tender hand in his hair. "Everyone deserve to win sometime no?"
"Alright." accepted the kid, exiting the building. "But I get to choose the next place we go to."
"That's a deal !" nodded the auburn, handling him the park's map. "Look your dad is still in the queue. If it goes that slowly we have time to do a couple more rides before they even get in."
"Eh Daddy, Daddy look !" suddenly exclaimed Alden, pointing one of the park employee dressed up as Spider-Man.
"Eh ! It's Peter Parker !" Jack nodded. "Come we go and see him and Mycroft take a picture of us !" Taking the other boy's hand, he led him to the dressed-up man and asked him for a picture, the three of them striking a pose while the official snapped a couple of pictures with his phone.
"Lucas gonna be so dead jealous that I got a picture with Spider-Man while he was standing up in a queue for hours." the oldest of the two kids laughed.
"That's not really merciful, young man." the auburn chuckled. "So, have you decided what you wanted to do next?"
"Yeah. Can we do Pirates of the Caribbean again please ?" requested Jack.
"Well if you insist, let's go." winked the elder Holmes, lifting his son from the floor and sitting him on his shoulders.

"Here, send a text to your dad to tell him where we are, if he is looking for us." the official asked the young boy, passing him his phone, while they were queuing for the attraction.
"Is he really called 'Honey' with hearts behind ?" Jack giggled while tipping the text.
"Shit ..." moaned Mycroft, realizing his mistake. "Please don't tell him or he won't stop bothering me with it..."
"I didn't knew you were one to use little hearts like this ..." continued the kid, handling back his phone to the man.
"Eh, I said not to tease me !" complained the official.
"No you said not to tell Dad his nickname on your phone, not that I wasn't allowed to make fun of you." retorted the boy.
"Oh bugger ! You are worse than your father !" laughed the elder Holmes, knowing that he had been beaten at his own game.
"Eh, I'm a Lestrade !" replied Jack proudly. "But whatever, you don't know the nickname Dad gave you in his phone."
"Indeed you are ... Is it worse then the hearts ?" nodded Mycroft, now curious.
"A lot worst. But I've promised not to say it ..." answered the boy, a large smile plastered on his face.
"You know I can be very persuasive if I want to know something ?" the auburn advised him before tickling him savagely.
"Alright ... I'll say you ... But please ... Let me go..." admitted the kid between frantic laughters. "He calls you 'Chubby Cinnamon Roll' ..."
"Oh my Lord ..." the official chuckled. "I knew he was a bit mushy but this is over anything I would have imagined."
"And he added some hearts behind. Loads of hearts." Jack continued. "According to Sarah, even Mum never got such a mawkish nickname ..."
"Wait, to how many people have you told that ?" suddenly exclaimed the elder Holmes, slightly panicked at the idea that to many people could know him under this lovely, but also clearly stupid, nickname.
"Relax, I told no one, I don't want Dad to murder me." replied the little boy. "But Sarah and Lucas were there at the moment I got a grip on his phone."
"You've scared me ..." sighed the man.
"Still, all that is very lovely ..." Jack teased him
"You know I could make you disappear and hide your body so well no one will ever be able to find it ?" Mycroft joked while the queue was moving forward.
"You wouldn't dare get rid of your boyfriend's favourite son, would you ?" asked the boy, innocently.
"I recall quite clearly him saying to me how much he preferred Lucas over you actually." retorted the other one, deadpan.
"Hey, that's not fair !" complained Jack with a pout.
"You've started this !" smiled the official.
"It's not my fault if you are clumsy enough to grant me access to your phone without checking it before !" retorted the kid just at the moment they were enteringthe attraction and taking their seat in the pirate boat.

Mycroft ran a soft hand in the hair of his fast asleep son, head on his lap. It was already pitch dark outside and after spending a couple of days running from an attraction to the other, everyone in the compartment was rather tired. The three Lestrade kids were playing a collaborative game on their Nintendo DS, only rarely talking to give the others indication on what they had to do next in the game to succeed and Greg was apparently texting his mother, his head against the window.
"What are you thinking about ?" the detective asked his partner after a few minutes of him staring absentmindly at the seat in front of him.
"Nothing precise ..." replied the elder Holmes, still not blinking.
"Impossible. You always think about something." the yarder chuckled softly.
"I was thinking of you, us, all that, you know. Domestic bliss." admitted the official, finally turning to look at his boyfriend.
"Regrets ?" wondered the older man, a little glimpse of fear in his voice.
"Not one. I'm just appreciating the luck I have to have all of you with me." denied the auburn. "When you were in Hospital and Alden in Baker Street, I've found myself unable to sleep because of the loneliness and I wonder how I could have tolerated this for so long in the past ... I don't know how I'll do without you ..."
"If I didn't knew that you hate being soapy in public I'd probably kiss you harder than ever." the policeman smiled.
"Oh, come here Gregory you fool !" winked the elder Holmes, seizing his husband's head between his hands and placing a passionate kiss on his lips.
"Find yourselves a room !" Jack shouted a couple of seconds later.
"You better shut your mouth or I'll tickle you again like this afternoon until you beg. Twice." warned Mycroft in asmile
"I'd like to see you try." the little boy dared him.
"Really ? Here you go." retorted the official, pouncing on the kid and tickling him on the ribs.
Sarah jumped into the battle to defend her brother, closely followed by her other brother and soon enough by Greg and Alden in a battle looking more and more like third world war. When the train finally stopped in Saint Pancras Station, they were all still laughing frantically, their hair in different state of mess and their cheeks red. The elder Holmes put a bit of order in his outfit before grabbing one of the bags in his left hand and seizing his son's hand with the other and exited the train.

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