Chapter 151 : Lord of the Flies

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Having said goodbye to her father and Mycroft, Sarah decided it was time for Aelane to take her bath. She let the three boys together playing with Jack's GameCube in the living room and carried the toddler upstairs.

For the moment the little girl was quite relaxed as she hadn't really understood that her fathers were to be away for more than a few hours, but the young Lestrade was pretty sure that she would become more and more agitated and wasn't sure how to deal with that. She brought Aelane to her room and asked her to help her to choose some pyjamas.

Even tho she wasn't that old yet, the toddler was already able to undress herself. Sarah would have preferred to have an adult by her side for the first time she was to wash a baby, but she gathered her courage and helped her half-sister entering the bathtub.

Thankfully enough, the girl was bright and calm and Sarah found the bath time incredibly easy to master. She had brought along a couple of baby doll and spend nearly half an hour playing with Aelane before washing her hair and her body and picking her up from the bath as the water had gone cold.

"Do you think you can put on your pyjamas all by yourself ?" Sarah challenged the toddler once she had rubbed her into a towel.

Aelane nodded enthusiastically and grabbed her t-shirt, sinking her head into it but unable to find her way out. After a few giggles, Sarah resorted to help her out. She was amazed by the willingness of the little girl and it tends to make her forget her real age.

In the mean time, the boys were getting fed up with the GameCube as they were unable to master the race they were trying to finish since the departure of the elder Lestrade. Lucas suddenly raised on her feet and smashed his fist on the power button as he crashed into a wall for the fourth time in the same lap. Understanding that it was probably the moment for a change in their activities if he didn't want the GameCube to be completely smashed against a wall, Jack decided to bring his brothers to the kitchen.

"Michael, is it possible for us to make some waffles for tonight ?" he wondered to the cook.

"Hmm .. Yes sure." the young man accepted, turning away from the dinner he was cooking.

He helped them gather all the products they needed for the recipe and installed a pair of stools to help the two youngest reach the tabletop. Jack took the lead of the preparation, directing his brothers into the different task that were to be completed.

The preparation was nearly completed when Sarah and Aelane joined their brothers. The toddler was starting to feel a little grumpy after not seeing either of her parents after her bath. Before the crisis was to become unmanageable, Sarah resorted to feed her. She installed her in her baby chair, grabbed the mashed potatoes and carrots and put them in the microwave.

A little reassured by the presence of the other children, Aelane seemed a little more joyful and accepted without any tantrum the first few mouthfuls of her dish. Although when her brothers started cooking the waffles, Sarah had to admit she couldn't find any way to make the little girl more interested in the mashed carrots tan in the heavenly good-looking pastries.

After ten minutes of battle, she gave up and agreed to let the toddler eat half a waffle just so she would stop begging and crying. She was maybe an angel most of the time, but Aelane could turn into the worst devil when it came to eating.

The boys, on their side, were having great fun and, despite not being allowed to cook the waffles, so he would not burn himself, Alden was probably the one having the best time. He was used to cooking with his fathers or his grandparents but it was the first time he was doing it unsupervised and it was adding some salt to the action.

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