CHAPTER 51 : Hyde Park

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"Guten Abend !" Mycroft cheered, pushing his mansion's door. He hanged his suit jacket in the corridor and took off his shoes, disappointed to get no response to his greetings. Running a hand in his hair, he made his way to the kitchen, desperate for a snack and a cup of tea but as he was opening the fridge he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He took a look at the screen, revealing a text from Gregory. ' We are at the Diana Memorial Playground with Alden and Marcus, join us, we have muffins ;) '
Chuckling at the technic used by his husband to get him to join them, the official made his way to his dressing room, changing himself into a pair of beige jeans, blue and white checked shirt and black leather trainers. He grabbed his sun glasses and keys in his jackets pocket and, dismissing his driver, walked the half a mile way to the playground where the rest of his family was enjoying the sunny and warm evening.
He spotted his son on a slide and his father waiting for him to descend it and approached them quietly, grabbing his arms around his partner's waist who let out a little exclamation before the auburn shut him down by pressing his lips against the other man's ones.
"Daddy !" smiled Alden, going down the toboggan to his father who seized him and lifted him in the air. "Do you want a muffin ?"
"Sure I want one !" agreed the auburn, trying to push away the little voice in his head saying that it was going to screw up his diet. Nevertheless, his hesitation must had been slightly visible as he felt his boyfriend resting a hand on his hip and whispering to his ear. "Fuck your diet Myc' ! You are perfect to me."
The elder Holmes put down the little boy on the bench where their stuff were waiting for them and accepted the little cake wrapped in aluminium paper that the child was offering him.
"It's me who've done it !" précised the boy, proud of himself.
"Really ? You've done this with uncle Sherlock ?" wondered the auburn, unwrapping the muffin.
"No, with uncle John and Mrs Hudson. Uncle Sherlock was doing dangerous things in his kitchen." retorted Alden, rolling his eyes, making the two other men laugh genuinely.
Mycroft patted his son on the head before biting into the muffin that apparently contained little morsel of strawberry, for his greatest pleasure. "That's excellent Aldy !"congratulated the official at the moment his beagle started rubbing himself against his legs. "Oh, you want some to, don't you ? But that's not for little dogs you know ?"
He sat down on the bench,enjoying his snack and the ice tea that the detective had brought with him while the two others were back on the playground, Marcus nestling himself between the auburn's feet. He drank a last gulp of tea and joined Greg who was now pushing his son on the swings, thelittle boy giggling of ease. He wrapped his arms around his husbands waist, resting his head on the policeman left shoulder, humming a tune softly to the DI's ear. "Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter / Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here / Here comes the sun / Here comes the sun, and I say / It's all right / Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces / Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here / Here comes the sun / Here comes the sun, and Isay / It's all right / Sun, sun, sun, here it comes"
Turning his head to place a small kiss on the official's nose, the inspector crooned the end of the song, one of the rare he actually knew by heart. "Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting / Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear / Here comes the sun / Here comes the sun, and I say / It's all right / Here comes the sun / Here comes the sun, and I say / It's all right / It's all right"
"Domestic life seems to suit you well, brother mine." suddenly intervened Sherlock, standing a couple of meters behind the two men. The consulting detective had taken advantage of them not paying attention to came close and was now looking at them with a little smirk, still wearing his long black coat and his scarf despite the splendid spring weather.
"What are you doing here ?" asked the official, pulling himself away from his boyfriend's body, too surprise by the sudden apparition of his brother to really be angry at him.
"Isn't that what family do ? Paying random visits one to another ?" replied the young man, still smiling, his eyes going from his brother to his brother-in-law.
"Sherlock. Why are you there ?" repeated the auburn, knowing that it certainly wasn't for a courtesy visit.
"I need your ... companion for a couple of minutes." the consulting detective finally admit before turning to the said companion. "It's for the Jenna Lotherington case Graham."
"It's Greg." sighed the older man, following the black-haired away while his husband was filling for him to push Alden on the swing.
"If you say so." retorted Sherlock absentmindly.
They stopped alongside a tree and while pushing his son, Mycroft could see his younger brother exposing one of his theories to the yarder who was listening, taking notes on his phone, apparently happy that one of his oldest cold case was to be closed, even if he also looked a bit disappointed and crossed with himself like every time he needed the younger Holmes help to resolve a case, having to admit that he and his team weren't talented enough to sort it out by themselves.
"Come on young man, let's go have a ride on the carousel. Would you like that ?" the auburn proposed to his son, taking his eyes off his brother and husband discussion.
"Yes !" accepted the child,jumping of the swing and starting to run to the merry-go-round a hundred of yards further.
Mycroft collected the bag and jackets on the bench before following the toddler, his long legs making it up for the leeway he had on him. The official never could resist a carousel, always remembering himself of the fair where his uncle Rudy used to brought Sherlock and him in the summer when they were still children. He remembered the excitement of choosing his mount and the heady and loud music that would stick to his mind for a week after they left the fair.
He paid for a ticket and helped the little boy to climb on a horse before laying against one of the carousel's fence, smiling to his son who was waving his hand at him. It wasn't long before Gregory joined them again, the consulting detective having left as he had come, without a greeting.

"What was that important to gain the upper hand on my brother's laziness ?" wondered the auburn while the carousel was starting to turn.
"Triple murder, back in the nineties. One of my first case actually. Sherlock has been working on it pretty much since we met 12 years ago and he just found the little detail that even him had missed during all this time." answered the DI, seizing his boyfriend's hand and toying with his fingers gently.
"Oh, then self-pride and excitement ..." smiled the official, secretly pleased with the fact that a case had checked the consulting detective for more than a decade even if now that he had finally solved it he would probably be even more unbearable for a couple of weeks.
"I know what you are thinking about ..." chuckled his partner, shaking slightly his head, amusement in his eyes.
"Do you ?" the elder Holmes asked, innocently.
"You are over the moon because it had taken him so long to solve the case. No need to deny it, it's written all over your face." laughed the yarder that this brotherly vying entertained greatly.
"I'm offended ! I was going to say that I was very happy for you, love." the auburn retorted, faking to look outraged before cracking in laughter and placing a small kiss on his husband's forehead.
"You two are children, you know that don't you ?" smiled the detective, waiving at his son who was passing in front of them.
"It's Sherlock !" asserted Mycroft, deadpan.
"Point proved. Thank you dear." replied Greg, obliviously running his tongue on his lips.
"Oh shut up." the official muttered pushing his lips against the inspector's lips, unable to resist his boyfriend's gesture like every time. He was by the way suspecting the policeman of knowing that this little tongue thingy was his wick point and of sometime doing it on purpose. If it had been anyone else, he would have felt outraged of being manipulated like this, but being rigged by the detective was more than ok with him.

Gregory closed quietly the door behind him after checking one last time that his son was fast asleep and wandered downstairs, finding his partner sat lazily in the couch watching the news. He curled against him, the auburn wrapping one of his arms around his shoulders while he was resting his head against the other man's neck.
"Everything is alright ?" asked the official in mid-voice, obliviously tracing little circles on the detective's shoulder with his thumb.
"Yes. I had to read him the story twice before he felt asleep but now he sleeps like a right angel." replied the yarder, his eyes focused onthe screen.
"Which story was it ?" wondered Mycroft, chuckling slightly at the journalist announcing a news he had himself tampered earlier this day.
"Elmer the elephant." sighed his lover, rolling his eyes.
"Again ? But that's the sixth time this week!" the auburn giggled.
"I know. I'll soon be able to recite it by heart but he doesn't want to listen to anything else. That's becoming unhealthy really ..." chuckled Greg, clearly desperate by the little boy's choice. "If only it was a long story but it's not even 30 pages and full of illustrations ..."
"You'll complain to Molly for offering it." winked the elder Holmes. "Although I think it's a good story for him to understand the concept of diversity ..."
"I'm not saying it is not a good book. I'm just saying that we have other books too and that he could maybe choose something else for once." groaned the detective.
"I'll bring him to the bookshop tomorrow if you want. He might fall in love with another book then, just to hope it will be a long one. Les Misérables maybe ? Or War and Peace, healthy reading for a toddler." proposed the official.
"I'll satisfy myself with Harry Potter or even Dr.Seuss you know." his husband laughed.
"We will go after I pick him up from the nursery then." Mycroft stated, turning his head and kissing the other man on the top of his head.
"And I'll make sure to hide Elmer's book somewhere far so it can't be found." declared the yarder, deadpan.
"And that's what we call an elephant in the room." laughed the official.

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