CHAPTER 34 : Christmas Party

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Gregory sighed of despair and untied the messy kink he had just achieved to set up. He was locked in the bathroom for more than an hour trying to put the finishing touch to his Christmas outfit, but this gesture that was seeming so easy when he someone else was doing it in front of him was, in fact not that simple and was starting to drive him completely nut. He let out a string of swear words in mid voice before exiting the bathroom, the bowtie dangling down his neck, resolved to ask his partner some help, not being allowed any more attempt if he didn't wanted to be awfully late for dinner.
He found Mycroft in the living room elegantly sat in the Havana leather couch, his legs crossed in front of him, his son curled against him, reading out loud a Lewis Carroll novel. He was wearing his finest cobalt blue Kashmir suit assorted with a houndstooth patterned tie and pouch making his profound blue eyes look more intense than they usually already were. The little boy, him, was wearing the same Kashmir tailored suit he had worn on his first visit to Lestrade's parents, a little knitted tie knotted loosely around his neck .
The detective approached his husband and sat behind him, a sad pout on his face. The official interrupted his reading and put the book down on the coffee table in front of him before turning to his lover.
"Having a bit of an issue ?" he chuckled, running a soft finger on the other man cheek.
"Hmm... Stop taunting me and give me a hand..." retorted the yarder in a false unamused voice.
The auburn giggled one last time before taking care of his boyfriend's bowtie, turning it into a nice and distinguished accessory in a couple of seconds, making the DI pout again. "How is it possible you succeeded and I didn't ?" he moaned.
"Because you are my slow little boyfriend and I'm the great and magnificently brainy Mycroft Holmes, that's why." laughed the official, placing a kiss on the other man's lips.
"Piss off." complained Greg before standing up again. "When does Rudolf is supposed to arrive ?"
"He told me he would be there around eight. Should be any minutes now." replied the auburn, slamming his hands one against the other and getting up from the couch. The toddler who had stayed silent during the entire conversation started whimpering, begging for his fathers's attention. The detective patted him on the head, shushing at him. "Hey little man, I'm talking to your daddy ... We are right here."
Mycroft glanced him an eloquent look. "Only child, always seeking attention aren't they ?" he said in a smile.
"I've never been an attention seeker." remarked the inspector. "Maybe because my dad didn't spoiled me that much ...".
The official pulled out his tongue. They often had those kinds of private jokes about their son's education and the auburn would usually loose to his partner, far too concious that he was giving Alden all the attention he haven't got when growing up himself, making him a pampered boy and knowing that he would have the greatest difficulties to give him any limits or to punish him when he will grow up, ultimate reaction to his own too rigorous education.

As he was sighing at this thought, he heard the doorbell ringing and dashed to the door, revealing Rudolf Holmes who was standing right behind it, a longblack coat and a purple scarf covering his party outfit, and a huge Harrods's bag in his left hand. Stepping aside, his nephew allowed him in and placed a soft kiss on both of his cheeks.
"Good evening uncle. Happy Christmas !" he told him with a gentle smile.
"Mycroft, my favourite nephew !" replied the old man, apparently delighted to be invited to the party, something he rarely had experienced with the rest of the Holmes family. "Where could I put this ?" he added, gesturing toward the bag he was carrying.
The official waited until he had hanged his coat and scarf in the corridor before leading him to the living room and opened the door of a little cupboard where the other presents had been stored, out of the sight of the toddler. "You shall put them there." he whispered, not to be heard by the little boy.
They joined the detective on the sofas, the auburn pouring himself and his uncle a glass of fine Tullamore 14 old Irish single malt whisky, favouring Valdobbiadene Prosecco for his partner who wasn't really keen with strong alcohol before dinner. The three men were chatting warmly about a Wagner opera that was to perform at the Royal Albert Hall a few weeks later and that they were all willing to attend when Hugh and Vera Lestrade rang the doorbell. Their son greeted them in and made them put their own presents in the same cupboards than the other before offering them a seat and a drink. Lestrade's parents hadn't met with Rudolf since Alden's birthday a couple of months ago and they gave him a warm salute, genuinely happy to see the man they consider like a smart and kind human being and like the equal to Mycroft of what they were to Greg.
Once everybody had settleddown, Michael brought them a range of sandwiches and savourypastries, displaying them nicely on the coffee table between themall. The official grabbed a little crab and lime pie, and bites it,staying elegant and classy even when eating something composed oflaminated paste, an action his husband and most of the people aroundthe table were absolutely incapable of achieving.
"So, what country do you plan to visit next Vera ?" asked the auburn to his mother-in-law with a grin while the three other men were talking about the rugby results, something that was of very little interest to both of them.
"We are still hesitating between Turkey and Bali. Hugh would prefer Turkey as he is not really comfortable with plane but I have to admit that it would be a nice change to get a bit farer sometimes." replied the old woman before drinking a gulp of her own Prosecco.
"I wouldn't risk myself into Turkey at the moment if I were you." advised the elder Holmes. "It's not exactly what we could call a safe place at the moment with all what is going on in middle-east. Well, Bali is safer at least."
"Really? Well I'll tell that to Hugh, maybe that would make him change his mind." simply retorted Vera, grabbing a cucumber and cream sandwich.
"I was thinking about bringing Gregory to India next summer, do you reckon he would appreciate it ?" questioned the official, a little anxious at the answer.
"Oh ... Yes, I suppose. He had talked about taking a gap year to visit the world after Uni but then he got recruited at Scotland Yard and actually never travelled that much but I'm sure he would be really happy to get to visit India." smirked the old lady, glancing the man a warm and motherly look. "Would you bring Alden with you ?"
"I'm not sure, I doubt it's really appropriated for a child of that age but I know that some people do. I suppose it depends on where you are visiting ..." replied Mycroft gesturing in uncertainty.

It was already nearly 10 when they join the dinning room and sat around the large wooden table covered with an immaculate white cloth, the finest china plates and silver cutlery displayed carefully in front of each of the guest's chair. Greg strapped his son in his highchair and sat beside him, joined by his mother on the other side. They had one of the most pleasant dinner Mycroft could recalled himself of, enjoying the finest meal the cook was able to prepare and conversing about several subjects, including a very interesting debate between Rudy and Hugh on the best recent adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, Holmes assessing that a classic adaptation was a better adaptation that those who were trying to modernise it when Lestrade was sustaining the contrary, thinking that those modern updating could draw a new audience to the theater, a position the auburn was strongly agreeing with even if, for himself, he usually enjoyed more the 'in-costume' representations.
After this cordial fray, they proceeded back to the living room to enjoy their dessert, a mulberry and lemon pie with a glass of Mumm's finest champagne. It was far past midnight and Alden was falling asleep in his Papa's arms. Taking advantage of the little boy's inattention, Mycroft and Rudy pulled out the present from the closet and displayed them under the tree before the detective awaken the toddler.
"Hey sleeping beauty ..." he whispered to him, running his fingers tenderly in the ginger's hair. "Do you want to have a look at what Father Christmas had brought you ?". At the name of Father Christmas the child awaken fully and screamed of excitation. The inspector put him on the floor and he ran to the stack of wrapped boxes in the corner of the room.
He started lacerating the paper of a huge box Rudy had handled him, without noticing that the auburn had grabbed his camera and was snapping a few pictures of him and of the assistance that was concentrated on the little boy effervescence. The present turned up to be a small Mickey Mouse red bike brought by his grandparents that he insisted to try out, driving it round the room a couple of times before focusing on another box.
Mycroft picked up a golden wrapped box and present it to his husband, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "Happy Christmas darling ..." he murmured to his ear. The detective unwrapped the small package carefully, revealing a black case containing a black Hublot Big Bang luxury Swiss watch, without any doubt the most impressive piece of jewellery the inspector ever had owned. The auburn fixed it to his partner's wrist before hugging him closely.
During this time the toddler had discovered Rudy's present, a remote controlled plane and one of his parent's numerous gifts, a lovely Zorro costume that Vera was helping him to put on. Gregory grabbed a red envelope and handled it to the auburn, smiling tenderly. He had secured them two tickets for a Swan Lake production single representation that the Royal Ballet was to give in March fora charity and that had been sold out for months. Smirking hugely the official placed a kiss on his lover's cheek. "You are full of resources it seems... Thank you, Gregory ."
When all the boxes had been opened, the living room was in a complete mess, paper all over the floor and toy creating a huge pile around Alden, who was tremendously enjoying himself, not tiered at all any more, his pleased whooping provoking the adults giggles.

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