CHAPTER 100 : Dirty boy

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"Sir ? I'm sorry to disturb you but there are some men for you in my office." Anthea slipped a head in her boss's office, looking rather worried.
"I've said I didn't want to be disturb. Make them wait please." replied the auburn, dismissively.
"I'm afraid they won't wait." retorted the assistant before being pushed aside by two detective from Scotland Yard, holding their IDs in front of the official's face.
"Mr Holmes ? We are arresting you on suspicion of malpractice, bribery and use of the state's forces for personal purposes. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you say may be given in evidence in court." stated the older of the two policemen while the second one was walking around the desk and handcuffing a rather shocked Mycroft, who, as unlikely as it seems coming from him, was physically unable to speak.
"We are going to take you to Scotland Yard headquarters where you are going to be kept in custody before being interrogated." the youngest added before pushing him out of the room, forcing a frozen Anthea to step back from the spot where she was still standing.
They embarked him in a grey Audi and stupidly, the elder Holmes was relieved that nobody had seen uniforms officer or a flagged police car taking him away, his reputation would then had been completely ruined.
During the entire journey to the Yard, not a single word was exchanged between the three men, the auburn deep in his thoughts, trying to guess who have given him away. The only name that kept coming back was Lady Smallwood's but the official was reluctant to think that she could have given him to the police, knowing that he knew at least as much on her activities that she did on his and that he could make her fall with him without too many struggles.
The car parked in the Scotland Yard back courtyard and Mycroft was pulled out of it without ceremony and brought in the basement to the custody sergeant's desk. The policewoman behind the desk typed the first informations that the detectives were giving her on the time and suspicions of the arrest before turning to the auburn.
"Can you give me all your surnames, your last name and your place and date of birth please sir." she required on a gentle tone, noticing that the man in front of her was not looking aggressive or rebellious.
"Richard, Mycroft – M. Y. C. R. O. F. T. -, Phillip Holmes. Born on this exact day, forty-eight years ago in Westminster." the official informed her, feeling utterly out of place in his nice suit, surrounded by drunks and violent gang members.
"Alright. May I have your address please ?" the sergeant requested once more.
"15 Kensington Palace Garden, London W8 4QG." simply replied the elder Holmes to the policewoman greatest surprise. Only very rich and important people lived on this street and having one of them arrested and brought to custody was so unlikely that she first thought the man was making a joke before acknowledging that with the kind of suit he was wearing and the suspicions that the detectives had on him, it was probably his real address.
"You've got the right to see a solicitor if you wish to. If you have one you will be able to speak to him, if you wish to see one but are unable to fund for one, the court will provide you one." the woman continued, entering the man's physical description in her computer.
"Yes. I would like to speak to my lawyer, M Rudolf Holmes. And can you please inform DI Lestrade that I am here ?" nodded Mycroft.
"Alright, you will be informed as soon as he arrived. For DI Lestrade, I'm sorry but in regard of the suspicions that we hold on you I can't let you talk to anyone else than your lawyer, especially not to a member of the forces. For now, you are going to be brought to your cell just after having put all your belongings, including your belt and any sharp objects in this bag." agreed the sergeant, handling him a big transparent bag.
Five minutes later the official was indeed sat in his windowless custody cell, really wondering how he was going to get out from there. He was also hoping that his uncle was in London and not in Cornwall because he couldn't afford to wait too long before seeing him and starting to plan his defence.
It hadn't been more than fifteen minutes - it was difficult to say as he had had to left his watch with the rest of his belongings – before the door opened once again on one of the junior constable that the auburn had seen walking around. A little disappointed that his uncle wasn't standing behind the young man, the elder Holmes still raised to his feet and approached from the man, his hands clearly visible to show him he wasn't up to any bad.
"Mr Holmes, I'm going to handcuff you and bring you to your first interview." the policeman informed him. "Would you please show me your back and your hands please."
"Do you know if my solicitor is arriving ?" he wondered as he was doing what he had been ordered.
"I'm sorry sir, I have no idea, but he has been called, that I can assure you." denied the young constable before dragging Mycroft out of his cell to a lift.
They arrived on the third floor in a corridor where the many doors were all opening on interview rooms. They stopped before one of it labelled as 'interview room B5' and the policeman knocked on the door before pushing the elder Holmes inside.
As soon as he entered the room, Mycroft remarked a certain detective leaned against the interview table, a huge smile plastered on his face, playing with the handcuff's key.
"Gregory I'm going to kill you !" exclaimed the auburn, half-furious, half-relieved, half-amused.
"You should have seen your face when Benson and River arrested you. Probably one of the funniest scene I've ever seen." laughed the detective, releasing his partner's wrists from the cuffs.
"You've seen everything ? You've planned everything ?" wondered the official, quite agape.
"Of course, we have dash cams you know. I had a few people who owed me a couple of favours ..." chuckled the policeman before placing a soft and passionate kiss on his husband's lips. "Happy birthday darling."
"I am really going to kill you so much ..." the elder Holmes muttered against the other man's lips before leaning in the kiss all heartedly.
"Come on, follow me, you will have all the night for that." chuckled the yarder, seizing his boyfriend's hand and dragging him out of the interview room. They passed in front of the young constable and the two detectives, apparently very pleased with the joke they just had performed and Greg winked to them before entering the lift and pressing the button to the second basement, where his car was parked.
"Where are you bringing me ?" Mycroft wondered after a few minutes.
"Darling, you know I won't say you ... You really are an impatient man ..." snorted the detective, turning the music on.
"Boy, you know I want your love / Your love was handmade for somebody like me / Come on now, follow my lead / I may be crazy, don't mind me" the auburn sang along with the radio to the greatest surprise of his lover who wouldn't have bet a single penny that the elder Holmes knew the song, not even to talk about the lyric.
"Say, boy, let's not talk too much / Grab on my waist and put that body on me / Come on now, follow my lead / Come, come on now, follow my lead." the inspector continued, jiggling on his seat.
"I'm in love with the shape of you / We push and pull like a magnet do / Although my heart is falling too / I'm in love with your body / And last night you were in my room / And now my bedsheets smell like you / Every day discovering something brand new / I'm in love with your body / Oh—I—oh—I—oh—I—oh—I / I'm in love with your body / Oh—I—oh—I—oh—I—oh—I
I'm in love with your body / Oh—I—oh—I—oh—I—oh—I / I'm in love with your body / Every day discovering something brand new / I'm in love with the shape of you." the auburn concluded before pecking the driver on the cheek, smiling like a cheeky teenager.

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