CHAPTER 185 : It's a treat.

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To say that Sarah and Aelane were excited was an understatement and  it wasn't just because for probably the first time in the younger  Holmes' life, they were taking the tube. Their massive backpacks were  constantly hitting the hurried business men crowded in the carriage  after a stressful day at work, but neither of them were really paying  attention.

Tey had been invited by Molly to a surprise event, an  early Christmas present, and even if they had no specific idea what it  was going to be, the excitement level was already quite high. Sarah, who  had known the coroner for quite a few years now, was aware that the woman's  surprise usually proved to be some of the most interesting and  ass-kicking treats.

They were quick to arrive at South  Kensington's tube station and followed the flow outside. The forensic  had asked them to join her at the tube's exit, but she ad somehow  forgotten to specify which one, forcing Sarah to get around all of them  while trying not to lose her younger sibling in the crowd before she  finally remarked the young woman, waiting for them against a pillar.

"Hey girls !" Molly smiled while pecking each of them on the cheeks. "How are you ?"

"Next time you'd better give us a clear rendezvous point ..." the eldest smirked, pointing to the several entries to the station.

"Erm ..." the coroner chuckled a little ashamed. "What  about we text your father to let him know you are safe and sound with  me before he sends the entire British forces after us ?"

"Why do we had to bring sleeping bags ?" Aelane interrupted, curious about what use could be made from such an item in downtown London.

"Aha ! You'll see ..." the woman replied mysteriously as she winked. "And now we'd better move if we don't want to be late."

Intrigued  and excited, the girls followed their guardian along the streets until  they reached a huge neo-Gothic building somewhat resembling a church or  one of those Cambridges' university building surrounded by a large park.  Sarah, who had already been around the place multiple time in the past  years immediately recognized the building to be the Science Museum but  her little sister seemed even more intrigued as they came closer.

The  museum was usually closed around that time in the evening and the  teenager wondered why they were heading to a closed place. Maybe it  wasn't their destination, but apart from closed museums and schools, the  neighbourhood wasn't really an interesting place. A restaurant was most  probably their destination then but it didn't explain the need for  sleeping bags and a toothbrush.

However, Molly guided them  straight toward the museum entrance door and handled the grim porter  what looked like three train tickets. After a quick look at it, the  porter's face lighted up even so slightly, and he greeted them inside.  To the girls' greatest  surprise, the entrance hall was filled with children of all ages  carrying huge bags as they did, queueing up to enter the different  galleries. The museum was always packed with children but that they were  coming in so late and in that general state of excitement was really  unusual.

They followed Molly to the registration counter were  they finally understood what was the surprise that the forensic had  planned for them.

"Welcome to astronight !" the young clerk greeted them. "I  hope you've brought your sleeping bags and pyjamas for one of the most  wonderful sleepover of your life. You've been allocated in the  'Exploring Space' gallery, just here on the ground floor. First activity  start at 19.55 in the WonderLab on the last floor but before you will  have a health and safety talk in your gallery by one of our member of  staff. If there is anything you need help with, just ask one of our  staff members, they are wearing yellow, glow in the dark, t shirts  tonight."

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