CHAPTER 11 : Kashmir suit

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Gregory was sat in the waiting room of the clinic, Alden in his arms.He had rung Dr Watson at one in the morning and John had accepted to see him first in the morning before his other consultations. Mycroft couldn't come with him, called back to work before dawn for an urgent matter but he had made sure that a car would bring his partner to the clinic and pick him back.
"Greg ! Nice to see you. Come with me." greeted him the doctor. "So this is the little lad. Alden isn't it ?". He was tickling the toddler's tummy while running through his medical record. "So what happens yesterday exactly?"
"Well, he was in bed, sleeping for about two hours – two hours and a half when he heard him cry. Myc' picked him up, thinking that it was just a nightmare or something like that but he refused to calm down. He cried for about 4 hours before falling asleep in Mycroft's arms and woken up as soon as Myc' had to go back to work." replied the inspector.
"And after how long have you called me ?"asked the short blonde.
"He was crying for something like 45 minutes. Is that a normal behaving for a baby ?" answered the grey-haired, taking a seat in the consultation room, the little boy on his lap.
"Well he is 19 months, he've been through some big changes these last days, he must be a bit lost and he wants to be comforted but he should have stop crying quickly after he was in Mycroft's arms if it was only this ... I think we should do him a complete check up to be sure there is nothing else ." retorted John, grabbing his stethoscope in his desk's drawers. "Can you lay Alden on the consultation table please Greg ?"
The detective done as he was asked, keeping his son's hand in his while the doctor started his exam. "And apart from that, how is life ?" asked the blonde. "It's been a while we haven't seen you in Baker Street."
"It's nice. Mycroft is happier than ever and I'm very busy, at home and at Scotland Yard. It looks like there is an influenza epidemic at the moment so we have even more work than ever and less employee than ever." retorted the detective. "And you ? Sherlock is still shooting the walls ?"
The doctor was now checking the toddler's eyes. "Oh, he is back to old cold cases, annoying Molly to find him dead bodies and running deadly experience in the flat every now and then but at least he haven't killed or injure anyone since last time you've visited, at least not that I'm aware of."
"And how is it with ... Sarah ?" questioned the DI, rubbing his fingers in his son's hair.
"Oh, it's over. Let's say that she doesn't appreciate that I let her down to chase some dangerous Dutch terrorist with Sherlock every two days, and to be honest, I can't really blame her for this." replied John with a sad smile. "But that seems to please your brother-in-law that I'm now at home every night ... God only knows why ."
Greg smiled to himself. "So, how is he going ?" he asked, gesturing toward his son.
"Nothing bad don't worry. He've just been a bit over-stimulated and that have exhausted him. He has a bit of temperature and probably don't eat that much but he just need to sleep and feel that there is people around him. And don't feed him anything to hot or to consistent, it will help him feel better. But apart from that he is a perfectly well little man." answered the doctor. He then turned to the toddler who had remained very calm during the entire process " So Alden, do you like your new home?".
"Yes !" replied the little boy with a big smile. "Can sit ?"
"Yes, you can sit." nodded the blonde. He then turned to one of the closets on the wall, picked a little stuffed dog and handle it to the kid. "That's for you because you've been really nice during all this time".
"Thank you, John." smiled the detective. "Sorry for calling you in the middle of the night but we were a bit desperate."
"Don't worry, remember I live with Sherlock. I was happy to see you and Alden." replied the doctor. "You should come and visit one of these days if you have time. Sherlock would be happy to see the little man.".

Alden was wearing a new blue three-piece suit that Mycroft had had tailored for him a few days ago from his personal tailor and the official was wearing a matching suit, assorted to a red tie and pouch.
"It's ridiculous Myc' ! You can't have tailored suit for a baby !" snapped thedetective.
"And why that ? I want him to be nicely dress !" replied his partner.
"But he is a baby ! Why don't you just buy a suit ! There is no need to have a tailored one !" said the inspector in disbelief.
"It's not my fault if I couldn't find any Kashmir suit in the stores !" laughed the auburn.
"Kashmir! It's really Kashmir ? Why do you need a Kashmir suit for a baby?"
"Yes, of course we need that ! Kashmir is really good for baby skin and it makes him look gorgeous ! Just look at him, isn't he the loveliest baby around ?" he smiled, tickling his son's tummy." Tell to your Papa how much you like your suit Aldy."
"And tell to your Daddy that you don't need this suit to look lovely." retorted Greg. "And now you silly man, you'd better eat your breakfast quickly if we don't want to be late." he added for his lover.

The official drank his tea and eat his toast while the yarder was trying to put some shoes on Alden's feet and fill the pram in the car's boot. He then strapped the little boy to the booster on the back seat. He sat in the driver's seat and the auburn took the passenger seat.
The toddler was playing with his stuffed rabbit when the DI parked the car in the driveway. The auburn picked up the baby from his booster, put him on the floor and grabbed his hand. The grey-haired nodded to them and they proceed to the door of the house in front of them.
They knocked and about 10 seconds later a nice old lady dressed in a light pink skirt and a grey cardigan appeared.
"Gregory !" she smiled.
"Hello mummy" hehugged her.
She then turned to the other man. "Mycroft, it's good to see you.".
"Hello Vera." answered the auburn with asmile.
"Mummy, this is Alden." introduced the DI. The little boy was looking at the woman curiously, still holding his father's hand firmly. "Aldy, say hello to your Nanna." asked the official to his son.
Mrs Lestrade kneeled to face her grandson. "Hello Alden."
"Hello Nanna." grinned the toddler.
"That's a nice suit. It's Daddy who gave it to you ?". She demanded. Mycroft glanced a mocking smile to his partner how made a little pout. Vera greeted them in the living room where Mr Lestrade was setting up the lunch table.
"My son !" he exclaimed, hugging the detective."It's been so long !".
"Hello Dad." smiled back the grey-haired. "I'm happy to see you to."
The old man then noticed the official on the doorstep. "Nice to see you Mycroft." he said, shaking his hand.
"Good morning Hugh." replied the elder Holmes warmly. He liked Lestrade's parents very much despite the fact that they were really middle class when he was a posh boy and he was genuinely happy to see them and to introduce them to hisson.
Vera was still holding the little boy's hand and she kneeled again to face him. "Alden, say hello to your grandpa.". The toddler turned to the old man, smiling. "You, grandpa ?".
"Yes, I'm your grandpa Alden." answered Mr Lestrade, a tear in his eye. It was his fourth grandchildren but he always has been a sensible man. Gregory was his only son and he was very proud of what he had achieved in his life, becoming a well-respected detective at Scotland Yard, having four beautiful children and a brilliant partner and just being as happy as he could be in life.
"Lunch will be ready in 20 minutes, would you like a glass of wine before ?" asked Verabefore disappearing in the kitchen.
"I suppose that we can't say no.' laughed the inspector, settling his son in the high chair situated between his and his lover's chair.
"You know your mum Greg." giggled his dad. "Take a seat Mycroft. I hope you like roasted lamb ?". The official smiled and sat down. He wasn't supposed to eat roasted lamb with potatoes because of his diet but he didn't want to be rude and he was secretly pleased to finally be able to eat some tasty food.
"So Dad, how was the cruise ?" asked the yarder while his mother was still in the kitchen.
"It was interesting but the weather was quite awful. We had rain every day or so and ..." started Hugh.
"Chianti or Pinot Grigio" shouted the lady from the kitchen, interrupting her husband in his explanation.
"As you prefer darling" the latter shouted back. "So yeah I was saying, we couldn't enjoy the pool because of the rain, but the cities were fabulous, especially Venezia. Have you already visited Venezia Mycroft ?"
"No, I've never been toItaly actually ..." replied the auburn with a little pout. "I would love to actually, but I haven't got the time for this..."
Mrs Lestrade came back in the room with a tray in her hands. She poured the white wine in the three men's glasses and displayed some bowls of peanut on the table. "You really should take some holidays you know Mycroft, you are going to kill yourself working that much !" she advised the official.
"Oh, I wish I could but state crisis are tremendously difficult to schedule sadly..." retorted the elder Holmes with a fake smile. "But maybe one day our royal family, the terrorists and my brother will behave themselves for a few days and I will finally be able to see Paris, Amsterdam and Rome. I'm a believer as you see."
The four of them laughed before drinking a gulps of their wine. Vera gave Alden a small brick of orange juice with a straw and the little boy was very excited and tried to draw the attention of his father to show him his new "toy".
"Yes Aldy, that's a brick of juice" grinned the detective. "Nanna spoiled you isn't it ?".
"Greggy, I forgot to ask you, did this young man eat meat ?" wondered the old lady, worried.
"Ohyes, we just need to cute it for him. Did he like lamb, that's another question and we are about to find out in no time" retorted the grey-haired to his mum.

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